Exh Feninism

I support Woman's Power and women’s liberation 

I feel the right thing to do is for me to admit the significant gap in my feminist-gender analysis and to continue to read and grow as a feminist before I can learn whether it is useful for me to write on these subjects. In the meantime, I will eagerly include views and links to any articles readers may suggest which compliment this article from my unique feminist perspective

I am an Anarcha Feminist-Post left Feminism (see here for more), Marxist Feminist (see here for more) and supporter of Radical Feminism (I am critical of sexism, sex roles and sex stereotypes, see here for more) and Postfeminism-Post Colonial feminism (including Third Wave Individual feminism/Libertarian Feminism and Eco feminism -The liberation of women is the liberation of Mother Earth, see here for more and here for more). We need to destroy the sexist bourgeoisie (see here for more)

I am also more than generally a Feminist ally for many other forms of feminism (especially in helping all forms of feminism combat Toxic Masculinity) including JK Rowling feminism

I am Anti Sexist/Anti Misogany/Anti Transmisogny. 

Men and women are both treated unequal under patriarchy . I want us to abolish the patriarchy/male patriarchy to give all sexes and genders true equality

Feminism seeks to maximize everyone's potential unconstrained by gender.

Feminism is the movement to liberate women (including Transgender women) from patriarchy.

Feminism also seeks to liberates others who are affected by patriarchy including Transgender men, cisgender men,  and nonbinary people

All types of feminism at their core should be the view that women are people 

The Feminist movement in general was hijacked many decades ago by Liberal 2.0ers . So in light of that, I would like to see the 19th century alliance between libertarian feminism and radical liberalism be recovered to shift the Feminist movement in general away from Liberalism 2.0. This article reflects my thoughts on this and I echo that article, as does this post

Materialist feminists, (such as Shulamith Firestone and Christine Delphi) understand that patriarchy is binded to family structure, reproduction, and social institutions including marriage, and that these are concrete measures that a person can take toward changing these forms. 

Measures that don’t require policing of language, or generic denunciations, but that instead require a broad movement with a social totality vision , with liberation for all

“I don’t ascribe in any way to these ideas that identity politics (idpol) is bad for us. I think I can take someone who is deeply concerned about patriarchy and I can make them understand how patriarchy intersects with capitalism much more than I can take someone who’s mad because GM took their job away and make them understand socialism”

-- Sean McElwee, leftism's infant terrible.

I agree with this Teen Vogue article on minimum wage + feminism intersection

I discuss the intersection between Marxist Feminism, Post colonial feminism, Fourth Wave Feminism and Equity feminism here

I am a early seasons MWC Marcy (fellow feminist in Married with Children) like feminist. I am glad that Marcy put NO MA’AM in their place throughout the show’s run (especially in the early seasons)

I hope Marcy influenced NO MA'AM (from Married with Children) to become less and less bigoted and more and more feminist (to the point where I hope in the 2000s, her influence on NO MA’AM causes NO MA’AM to become a forth or fifth wave feminist group)

I echo Sheryl Sandberg “We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored”

Margaret Thatcher said it best “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman. Women are as good if not better than men at working because women bring sensitivity, compassion, their own unique brand of creativeness and similar qualities to jobs they do. Margaret Thatcher said it best “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.

At first glance it seems harmless that young GenZ women today want to pursue higher education to find a husband .And yes they should be allowed to do so if they want due to freedom of choice. But young GenZ women using higher education only to find a man is regressive, backwards and will make it harder to abolish patriarchy to usher in a world which is better than said regressive women can ever imagine

Women spent decades fighting for equal opportunity and yet a lot of young women are going to college only to find a man. ugh. GenZ women need to look forward not backward. Go to college to better yourselves and get a high paying good job 

While I am against regressiveness and I want everyone, especially women to get a higher education for genuine and non regressive reasons, I realize that it’s their choice to use higher education to get a husband if they choice to do so. 

Moreover that higher education will help empower them career wise even if they got that education for the wrong reasons.   Freedom of choice

Politics cannot be understood without its feminism. We should place a special emphasis on constructing feminist discourse and action to play a big role in our political parties.  We need to link with different leftist feminist movements 

I support autonomous feminist strikes to advance equality between women and men. I support overthrowing the male/female order of things in the US and an alternative future with a greater presence of a feminist agenda and inevitably with a greater presence of women in all areas of our society (once we overthrow the the male/female order of things)

I support fourth wave feminist things to ensure this including ending sexist/sexual violence, fixing the care system by committing to a feminist economy.  

Autonomism,is great way to reign in a feminist economy as it goes hand in hand with feminism. Autonomism applies a broader definition of the working class to also include besides wage-earning workers (both white collar and blue collar), also the unwaged (students, unemployed people, homemakers, etc.), that are traditionally deprived of any form of union representation.

This includes the idea that modern society's wealth is produced by unaccountable collective work, and only a little of that wealth is redistributed to the workers via wages. Autonomism puts an emphasis of the importance of feminism and the value of unpaid female labor to capitalist society.

Autonomism shows that Capitalism is a hardened irrational system while it assumes the workers' viewpoint, to privilege their activity as the lever of revolutionary passage which alone can construct a libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (left wing society)

Autonomism views economics as being entirely political, it makes economic relations be the direct political relations of force between class subjects. Furthermore it puts the initiative for political change to reside within the social worker’s economic category and not in an alienated political form 

I support the diversity of families, motherhood, the right to conciliation also from feminism or the need to point out how all of the essential care and social reproduction work fell invisibly on the shoulders of women. Feminism defending BIPOC and Transgender people is unavoidable and we need feminism to take an unequivocal path towards the power dispute

Feminism should be the main agenda in politics due to the majorities our political parties represent. We have to view our political future with purple glasses on

We need to promote the historical claim of all women of their full rights and at the same time, undertake the necessary construction of the society of the future. 

This is essential to incorporate men, since it also guarantees rights to them, with the belief that feminism and democracy, feminism and freedom, feminism and justice are always synonymous with each other. We need to end the disputes by the right of feminist democracy

We need to deepen the mainstreaming of feminism in the structure of our organizations, especially our political organizations. 

We need diplomatic and triangulation dialogue and practices to confront on the streets and in the institutions those who have made the rights of women, migrant ,BIPOC people and LGTBQ people in the community their enemy. 

We must also do this by paying special attention to the consequences that this above context has on the people within our political organizations who, as part of these above groups, fight on the front lines of politics

We need to recognize the task of feminism of our political organizations in constructing state leadership that defines challenges of the future

We need to put life at the center as to fight against all forms of sexist violence that women suffer. This is to articulate a response to the reactionary violence that is unleashed in the face of the struggle for justice, and it’s to defend the needed redistribution of wealth and to ensure along the way, that no one is left behind or denied their rights. Putting life at the center tells us about a feminism for the social majorities

We should support a feminism that has memory located from bodies , from the class, from desire, from borders etc We should support feminism that aspires to build itself up from margins but which also fundamentally that aspires to build the future of our country (the US) with clear constituent and constitutional vocation

I believe gender equality needs to improve in politics too. Unequal representation of women in politics is the cause of our democratic deficit. 

Gender equality must be a principal which guides political action which is why I endorse mechanisms which allow women and men to apply to internal political leadership positions and in popular election positions. 

Not only do I endorse more women in the representation of the political parties but also in forums, seminars, training schools, and similar instances which give concrete signals based on equality and non discrimination

Interdifferentialism is misguided and wrong. Interdifferentialism is part of the Male patriarchal system of sexism where men fully neutralize even the remotest of sexual differences which is just as prejudicial against women as traditional sexism

It is wrong because it means that women who are proud of and want to keep their femininity (or at least a little of that) are coerced or forced by men to shed their femininity so they can be more accepted into the arena of public life. Women should be fully accepted as they are in the arena of public life with and without their femininity and everywhere in between otherwise it is sexism. 

Universalist feminism falls into a trap by saying sex/gender is a social construct since that is playing into masculine values without allowing that there might be small differences between genders at least in some areas

I support feminism where even the remotest of sexual/gender difference plays a public domain role and upholds feminine rights. I support feminine rights (abortion, maternity etc) 

I don't care for unisex utopianism at all and I do not really endorse it that much if I do at all. I feel that postgenderism does what unisex utopianism tries to do but does it much better, hence why I am supportive of postgenderism

This is good because it recognizes both sexes by acknowledging the equal value of their distinct and unique traits no matter how small they are, regardless if they are a social construct or not. I touch on a similar and related point here

But in ways that are generally compatible with gender voluntaryism, postfeminism, Anarcha Feminism and the Queer Theory. 

There are a very few feminist views that I am against 

I am against that Lego complaint years ago by feminists (they used feminists in a focus group who approved of that ‘offensive’ ad so feminists okayed that Lego ad they later retracted)

I do not believe all men are rapists. That is a hurtful smear and stereotype and not true at all. Saying any identity is more likely to commit a crime than other identities is bigotry and needs toend

I do not think that video game designer from Puerto Rico was misogynist or should have been fired for his gamer gate comments

I am against feminists downplaying the extremism of Valerie Solanas 

I do not see the sexism in Jurassic World that some feminists see 

I do not believe that urinals are sexist and we should not get rid of urinals to appease feminists

This woke professor is wrong, there is differences between men and women

From Smithsonian: Within the same population, males tend to have larger, more robust bones and joint surfaces, and more bone development at muscle attachment sites than females. However, the pelvis is the best sex-related skeletal indicator, because of distinct features adapted for childbearing. Also see here, here

I do not believe there should be as much or nearly as much women players, coaches and refs in the NHL NASCAR, or NBA as there are men in those sports.  

I do not believe there should be as much or nearly as much women coaches and refs in the NFL and MLB as there are men coaches and players in those sports

I don't believe women are able to play in the NFL simply because their bodies won't hold up (see here). Men's bodies are more built up and more suited for the NFL than woman's bodies.  Don't get me wrong women should not be banned from the NFL but I would not encourage women to play in the NFL unless they we used transhumanism to fix those women's bodies to bring them up to par with men's bodies to be able play in the NFL (even then I would not want there to be as much or nearly as much women players in the NFL as men)


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