Exh femgrelpwr

I am an anti sexual abuse activist and anti sexual violence activist. I am against sexual abuse and sexual violence. I am also a lifelong fan of Law & Order SVU as it is a great guide to fighting against sexual abuse and sexual violence. I see the bigger picture in evil acts like rape where I recognize that sex itself is power

I am also against compulsory sex

I react to Oxfam and Ali Phipp's anti woman, internalized misgyonist, bigoted hateful woke extremist training guide here

I am an Ethical Prude

Self defense how to guide for women can be found here (credit BLOODLUST: A feminist journal against civilization)

There is nothing wrong with a husband or wife kissing their spouse or child on the head while they are sleeping.

MeToo should adopt the innocent til proven guilty guideline along with forgiving sexual abusers if they ask for it and are worthy of forgiveness. MeToo also is filled with hypocrisy which is an issue 

MeToo is hypocritical. They talked "Believe All Women"  but with Tara Reade it was "NOT THEM"

MeToo can't even do that right. There's a man Joe Biden with a sexual abuse allegation, and some super creepy footage of him with young girls yet they championed him for the white house.

The sheer amount of creepy videos of Joe, going back for decades... How can any person without TDS, see that behaviour by him as acceptable?

Just gander at their MeeToo reaction to the Brett Kavanaugh accusation compared to the Joe Biden one. Both accusations were decades old with zero physical evidence and neither of those could be convicted in court based upon the evidence. Yet in the court of public opinion, Kavanaugh was 100 percent guilty whereas Tara Reade to these deluded schills is a (fake) Russian agent that bounced a check in the 1990s and deserves in their twisted minded to be ridiculed and deserves to have death threats sent against her.

Yet was Brett Kavanaugh guilty in the court of public opinion? TheDemocrats lost big time in national polling after that fiasco for zero gain. And ironically Brett Kavanaugh is more liberal 2.0 than Neil Gorsuch or Amy C Barret. It was clear from the beginning that the media and Liberal 2.0ers forced the Democrats' hand on that. Diane Feinstein attempted to bury the original anonymous complaint because it was sent for her personal consideration.

They just single handedly destroyed Me too since the wrong person got accused and this was never intended to be about believing women, it was merely supposed to be a way to own the other team.

Actually it was only in the court of shitlib public opinion that Brett was found guilty.. Rightoids correctly perceived the sort of game that Democrats were playing and that the Democrats would gladly jettison this idea if the sides were reversed

What I sam saying above and below is what the r/politics redditors are saying in this reddit thread

Also see the hypocrisy between how Joe Biden got treated by Democrats and the MSM for his sexual assault accusations and how Andrew Cuomo got treated by Democrats and the MSM for his sexual abuse accusations 

Counterpoint to hypocrisy charge above: I am between other side political post position -open minded mixed and lean lukewarm support for what Matthew Dowd said when he said that liberal 2.0ers who did sexual assault should be viewed in a different light (but not necessarily less harshly than) as conservatives/right wingers who committed sexual assault (due to the fear of it being counterproductive). 

Dowd says "Every leader (and each of us) is human and flawed and makes mistakes, but there is a difference between those (liberals like Al Franken, George Takei) who are flawed who work for the common good (like womens' rights and reproductive health) and those who are flawed who could care less about the common good (conservatives like Roy Moore, Donald Trump). Huge difference"  

I do not agree with things in the Wikipedia article about Gender Bias on Wikipedia. No one is stopping women from becoming Wikipedia editors and writing articles about women or other subjects. Wikipediocracy proves this. 

It is just as easy for women to jump in and become regular Wikipedia editors as it is for men to do so and saying otherwise is an insult to women users

I was a Wikipedia user and part of Women in Red, Gender Gap Task Force for over a year where I helped improve coverage of women in articles and helped all users out when they asked me to help them

I am against the punchaterf hashtags and calls for violence against TERFs. Those hashtags are woman hating , evil and disgusting and should be deleted on site . Twitter is wrong to let them stay up and proves they are hypocrites

I support women’s suffrage

The difference between sex and gender can be found here

My views on woman erasure and mother erasure can be found here

I am against the erasure of females and female-only spaces, I am against sex-based oppression , and I am against critical thinking being silenced.

Women are oppressed due to biology, not identity

This post and link provides some unique insight into all of this

Here are some taboo points that relate to this


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