Exh abortion

My abortion views below apply equally to Cisgender women, Transgender women (in the future when they might be able to), Transgender men, Biological men (in the future if they can become pregnant and have children). Abortion laws do not only target women, but they also target the separate condition of pregnancy. Women's bodies are not required for gestation, so they are still being given equal protection under the law (Infertile women can’t get pregnant)

Transgender males can get pregnant and my views on abortion are the same for them as they are for biological cisgender women who get pregnant.

My mom had toxemia when she was pregnant with me and I still have negative memories about that. 

This causes my conscious to be involuntarily receptive to Pro life SJW propaganda (like Pro life SJWs saying that abortion is a ‘mixture of spiritual and physical feeling’) where I see the unborn fetus as an unborn child, in some cases as myself which means I even sympathize with calls to recognize unborn babies as persons (like the federal personhood law that recognizes that unborn babies are human beings that may not be killed).  No matter how hard I try to shake that I cannot shake this

So maybe somewhere inside of me, I really believe a child to be alive from the moment he or she is conceived 

I won’t condemn fellow Leftists who say that we should dismantle the abortion industrial complex (but they also want abortion to stay legal as do I). This will luckily happen when we abolish patriarchies, the state, classes, hierarchies, police, military etc

Why is it the government's responsibility, especially with regards to the federal government, to decide what is moral? As long abortion doesn’t infringe on the life, liberty, or property of other people, the federal government should not have a say. But at the same time, I feel that abortion is a serious moral issue that is too often regarded as being trivial

One negative aspect of abortion is that most aborted babies are minorities (Margaret Sanger was a Eugenicist) . I like diversity and inclusion, and abortion creates an unneeded hurdle to our country being more diverse and inclusive

I also support bodily autonomy .Women who are pregnant should not have the government control their bodies or tell them what to do with their bodies. Their body, their choice. I resist attempts to limit women's reproductive autonomy. 

I stand up for the rights of women to control their own bodies as individuals and to control their women-only spaces as a class. 

So my abortion views are shaped by the above six points. Note, that despite three of the four above points being pro life, that does not mean that I do not believe that women should have abortion made available to them. As can be seen below, I can certainly see many instances when abortion really is the best way.

Being pro life is NOT supporting ‘biological terrorism’. Any idiot person who WRONGLY thinks that not wanting preborn babies to be aborted is supporting ‘biological terrorism’, needs to be locked away in an insane asylum asap because people who think like that are me tally disabled nutjobs. 

Being pro life is further away from being ‘ biological terrorism’ than being pro choice is and being pro choice is almost as far as you can go from supporting ‘biological terrorism’

I support increased government funding (maybe through Supply side economics) for family planning (insurance coverage of and public funding for family planning services to increase and be more available to families) .

Pro Life people should stop focusing on petty things like abortion and focus on what matters

I support liberal abortion laws (including using this framework and this framework)

Personally, I am pro choice for first trimester abortion because I support bodily autonomy and because I know that the solid majority of women who have abortions end up either having the same amount of kids or more amount of kids a year to years after their abortion than if they would have had if they didn’t have their abortion in the first place. 

If I find out that that the solid majority of women who have abortions don’t end up having the same amount of kids or more amount of kids a year to years after their abortion than if they would have had if they didn’t have their abortion in the first place, here is what would happen

If I found that out to be true, I would still be personally, pro choice for first trimester abortion (because I support bodily autonomy), but I would after finding that out, personally call for policies that are aimed at increasing the birth rate (maybe even policies like the government giving tax breaks to families who have kids, and the more kids families they have, the more tax breaks they get)  

This would lead to more children being born so they can build the productive forces, under the assumption that more working forces will naturally lead to the type of left wing economic future that I want

Personally I oscillate between being pro life in all but a name/lean pro choice for second trimester abortion and being “pro choice” as well as “anti abortion” for second trimester abortions (“pro choice” as well as “anti abortion” means when I personally oscillate to this view, while I am personally pro choice for second trimester abortions, I personally want the government to reduce the number of second trimester abortions by increasing availability of other options [like child leave, universal childcare etc] instead of establishing regulations on second trimester abortion). 

Personally I am pro life for third trimester abortion

Legality wise I am pro choice for first trimester abortion because I feel that the most important equality is to be able to freely dispose of oneself and one's body 

Since I support bodily autonomy, legality wise I am Live and Let live (let live meaning live and let me and pro lifers live, not live and let the unborn baby live) Women’s Health Protection pro choice for second trimester abortions (for the health related reasons given in this PolitiFact article)

Women’s Health Protection regulates abortion after viability and allows abortion for the protection and health of the mother for second trimester abortions. The mother would play a key role in the decision, but with equal responsibility in the hands of the physician.

I would like the Women’s Health Protection for second trimester abortion to make the regulation of abortion after viability involve hospital like regulation in order to keep patients safe along with incentivizing only doctors performing second trimester abortions,

Though not a deal breaker, I still would strongly prefer if the Women’s Health Protection Act made the MENTAL health of the mother not be used as the only reason in aborting the baby in the second trimester (though I am ok with it being used as a secondary factor for extreme cases) and made non health, non rape and non incest not be used as a  reason in aborting the baby in the second trimester

I advocate for a period of reflection for second trimester abortions under the Women’s Health Protection Act to help women avoid hasty decisions in a moment of panic to record that second trimeseter abortion are not and should not never be a trivial act. So legality wise I want second trimester abortions to be rare safe and legal

Legality wise I am pro life for third trimester abortion. This is because third trimester abortion are Fascism and late term Capitalism

I believe that women in the US should have easy access to Misoprostol for up to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, especially to abort babies that they conceived via rape or incest so they don’t have to go through with the humiliation of going to an abortion doctor to get it done

Personally and legality wise, I am pro choice for abortion in the first two trimesters for cases of rape and incest because I support womens reproductive healthcare and when women are victims of rape or incest it is a serious health issue for the woman in every sense of the word

Personally I am radically indifferent on third trimester abortion for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother. 

However, I would personally be actively pro choice on mothers having abortions for third trimester for rape and incest only if the following happens. 

That those mothers seeking third trimester ,through mutual aide, private donations etc helped legal and illegal migrants with their healthcare in the same way that Gavin Newsom helped legal and illegal migrants with their healthcare in his healthcare reform in 2022, along with petitioning to get people taken off death row, and helped make anti vaxxers become pro vaxxers. 

If these conditions are not met, then I remain personally radically indifferent on third trimester for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother. 

Legality wise I am begrudgingly pro choice on third trimester for rape and incest 

Personally and legality wise, I am pro life for partial birth abortion and live birth abortion even if the baby was conceived by rape or incest. Babies who survive an abortion should get medical care even if they were conceived by rape or incest.

Ronald Reagan once said "the only people who are pro choice are people who are alive. I believe that it is a decent and definsible position. 

I always hear this from pro lifers “why do some pro choice people get upset about losing an unborn baby by miscarriage but also say that they are fine with abortion being legal?’ This reddit post provides some good comebacks to that question

I either want

The artificial womb created ASAP so women who want an abortion can instead have their unborn fetus transferred to an Artificial womb when that becomes viable in the future. That way, the unborn baby can still be born, but from a different (artificial) womb. 

This way the woman who doesn't want her child can transfer that unborn fetus to an artificial womb so the child still gets to be born (even if the child was conceived via rape or incest). If that happened, I would be personally and legality wise anti abortion for all 3 trimesters and terms.   This would basically be Departurism


I want a system where no rights exist for unborn babies, infants , toddlers or kids until they are created by contract. 

Under this system, unborn babies in particular are property of their parents until they sign a contract. So this system would make abortion on demand legal for all three trimesters and terms since the mother’s rights are all that matters . 

However, if the unborn baby can somehow magically sign a contract and shed their rights in the womb, even if the unborn baby signs that contract in the first trimester or term it would be illegal to abort that baby for any reason . This is similar to Benjamin Tucker’s view


I want abortion to be privatized. If abortion was privatized I would be even more pro choice than I am now

Instead of setting up abortion objectives, abortion quotas in health establishments, it is necessary to financially support structures that offer support to isolated and hesitant women. 

An Unfavorable socioeconomic background is a determining factor for most women who have had an abortion. So, I advocate for a policy that is more conducive to the nurturing and raising of children. 

We need better healthcare, like good public healthcare, better and more universal SSI, free education and similar things to help children who are already born. I also echo was George Carlin said here

I support thousands of adoption centers and abortion crisis centers being opened throughout the US and I don’t care if they do influence pregnant mothers to keep their babies . I am against H.R 8210 because I am a Libertarian

But I only support this as long as those centers provide resources to help pregnant women who are pregnant with a baby raise their baby when that baby is born.  

Cryptic Pregnancies are an interesting concept

I am forced to be pro life on whether women should be allowed to abort babies with Down Syndrome (for that reason) since my mom almost lost me when she was pregnant with me due to toxemia

Here are my reactions to a pro life ‘leftist’ group in a photo

I am against the repeal of the French 1975 Veil Law (Loi Veil). 

If someone asked me in the 2000s and 2010s whether I believed that abortion should have been codified into the US constitution, I would have said “Why not?” 

Then back then, I would have said that “such agitation does not seem needed since there are abortion on demand in the US is protected by Roe v Wade”. I had no idea back then that Roe v Wade would be overturned

Overturning Roe v Wade as tone deaf to the demands of women in the US as it was did allow states to decide on abortion (though what Kamala Harris suggested here should ideally be implemented by the government to prevent anti abortion abuse by the states)    

Of course there there are countless counterpoints to that ‘Dobbs allowed states to decide on abortion’ argument I don’t even know where to start in tearing that argument apart. The federal government claims they won’t arrest women who get or doctors who do abortions, but I don’t trust the feds to keep their word and not go after women who get abortions or doctors who do abortions as the feds have been more politicized and aggressive lately

I felt the pain that women pro choice protestors like Lori Lightfoot felt after Roe v Wade was overturned.

I hate how the Dobbs cased forced Mississippi values like pro life laws onto the whole US federally and in states that took advantage of Roe being overturned like Indiana. It is the United States of America not United States of Mississippi

Here are some different perspectives on Roe v Wade being overturned. 

I accept Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin using the filibuster on the Women's Health Protection Act and I second Sinema’s statement on it . Wendy Davis used the filibuster in 2013 to strike down an abortion restrictive bill in Texas. Also here is my other rationale (quote by Sinema):

“Protections in the Senate safeguarding against the erosion of women's access to health care have been used half-a-dozen times in the past ten years, and are more important now than ever," Sinema's statement explained in her defense of the legislative filibuster. Without it, a future slim Republican majority could advance pretty much anything they want, including federal restrictions on abortion”

Lets hope for my sake we have a Roe v Wade 2.0 in the future to federally legalize abortion again . Focus on that instead of complaining about Roe v Wade being overturned. Let’s get someone to bring Roe v Wade 2 to the supreme court instead of trying to undo Dobbs. Maybe with this outline

I am fine with Tulsi Gabbard protesting against Michigan prop 3 because I understand why she is against it (loophole abuse). Privately I didn’t care one way or another if Michigan prop 3 passed or not

I don’t care at all for employers in red states where abortion is restricted paying their employees money to travel to pro choice friendly states and to have abortions . “My body, my choice”, not “My body, my choice, your responsibility”

You can make the case that it is not the employers job to pay for their employees to travel to pro choice friendly states and to have abortions .

At the very least you can say that I don't put my stamp of approval on this, not that I am going to oppose it because I really am not. Can’t employers just give abortion seeking employers in red states paid leave for them traveling to get their abortion without those employers paying directly for employees to travel to pro choice friendly states and to have abortions? 

All employers should pay their employees much better and we need workers in all states to seize and own the means of production and abolish bosses so this becomes moot.

I am against employers in red states paying non employee friends and family of their employees money to travel to pro choice friendly states for abortions and to have abortions

I am against the government federally funding abortions as mentioned here because I am a Libertarian

I support the Hyde Amendment because I am a Libertarian . But I also support implementing Medicare for All to make abortion access easier"  

I can live with GONGOs using Libertarian paternalism methods to nudge/influence charities, NGOs, pro choice groups etc to pay for abortions for women who want an abortion but cannot afford an abortion as an alternative to the the Hyde Amendment without companies or the government getting involved. Poor women (the majority of those having abortions) often have trouble raising the funds for abortion, which Medicaid will not pay for in the majority of states so some funding for them not without repealing the Hyde Amendment would be a good compromise and basically like this strategy mentioned here

Maybe something like this

Instead of the Hyde Amendment and to go along with the alternative to it above this blurb, there should be more abortion clinics opened in areas across the country where there aren't a lot of or even any abortion clinics so women who cannot get abortions can get their abortions 

But at the same time, if that is to be the case, in those areas that don't have abortion clinics or don't have enough abortion clinics only, I would want those poor areas that get these needed abortion clinics (or additional abortion clinics) to get transformed into a It takes a village type area that is similar to this idea and Hillary Clinton's It takes a village type ideas .

Where people in those areas, basically collectively raise the children in those areas or use babysitting sharing co-ops to help raise them

These programs would help all children in those areas live a happy, healthy, normal childhood.

I support a full and unlimited reimbursement of abortion in the US for all three trimesters and terms because women are responsible beings and must be treated as such

I can put on a ‘I support face’ for public subsidies for abortion for the first two terms and the first trimester. I am against public subsidies for abortion in the third trimester and late term

I am don’t ask me my view on whether or not I support public subsidies for abortion in the second trimester and I won’t tell you my view on whether or not I support public subsidies for abortion in the second trimester public subsidies for abortion

I support parental notification laws for minors . 

As for parental consent, I believe at the very least, minors should have to have some adult in their life consent to their abortion. Since I am a youth rights activist I am bound by that to be against parental consent laws

If minors can’t vote, fight in the military, get legally married, have a full time job, consent to sex, why should we allow them to make an abortion decision?  

However, I also believe that if children don’t like how their parents are treating them that children should have an unconditional right to end their parents’ guardianship at any age where they are physically capable of running away. 

I feel that this right should also include the right for the child to strike out on their own with them being allowed to get an abortion without getting their parents or adult permission for abortion after striking out on their own (but not before)

Neither parents nor the State should have any right to force runaway children to return to the guardianship of any adult against the child’s will

I believe that it should be illegal for employers to require their workers to be pro choice 

I am against Justin Trudeau going after pro life charities and pro life groups. Trudeau is wrong for doing that and proves he is a hypocrite on abortion since he doesn't trust women to make their own decision

Restrictive abortion laws are due to patriarchy/male patriarchy not a white patriarchy/white male patriarchy. When we abolish patriarchy/male patriarchy it will abolish abortion restrictions too

My contention with pro lifers is not with all of the brave, selfless mothers who sacrifice their brain mass, skin elasticity, bladder capacity and goodness knows what else for their children, that is for sure

I wouldn't have a problem with pro lifer's positions if they were only sanctimoniously judging pro choicers from afar, not every person has to share my pro choiceish sensibilities, the problem is that pro lifers want to make abortion illegal for everyone else also

I am absolutely against Isabel Vaughan-Spruce being arrested and charged for praying outside of an abortion clinic in fascist UK. as seen here ,here , here , here (and I echo those articles takes on it)

Oswald Mosely (he is reincarnated now or in the 'afterlife') would be proud of such fascism like the Birmingham UK pigs did in wrongly arresting this poor women for literally no reason

She was doing nothing wrong ,all she was doing was silently praying to herself by peacefully praying for life. . She has every right to pray in public. There should not be anti free speech buffer zones in the UK. 

I agree with Nick Freitas that them arresting this praying woman is just like something you would see in George Orwell’s dystopia, to quote him, “1984 was a warning, not a guide.”

I agree with RedState deputy managing editor Brandon Morse who said “If abortion 'advocates' don’t believe in God and think prayer is actually silly then what are they so afraid of?”

I echo this Tweet by Conservative pundit Lauren Chen tweeted, “People are literally being arrested for thought crimes in the UK. Free speech is NOT a western value, it’s a uniquely American one.”  It would have been bad enough if she was arrested for silently praying but these pig cops arrested this poor woman for a freaking thought crime? This is literally Orwellian and I won't let them get away with arresting her

Them arresting her for silently praying is an attack on freedom of religion and freedom of speech. They are taking away the Brits rights by doing this. How the fuck do these losers have the right to arrest someone for praying?  This is an attack on religious freedom 

In the UK they bend over backwards rightfully to protect religious freedom for Jews and Muslims but they hate Christians. 

I do not endorse or have much tolerance for pro life activists protesting outside of abortion clinics. But if pro lifers protest the way Isabel Vaughn Spruce did (silently praying like she was) then I fully endorse that method of 'protest' . Freedom means freedom.

This is an assault on all religions and I will force the Birmingham police to drop all the charges against Spruce, apologize to her, compensate her and to abolish their fascist, authoritarian, evil anti free speech buffers which go against the core principles of democracy and freedom including freedom of speech, freedom of expression, right to assemble.

Arresting people for silently and peacefully praying outside of an abortion clinic is not only morally wrong, repugnant, evil, fascist, Orwellian   etc, but it is also punitive and petty. I thought the so called woke 'prison reform' freaks in the UK want to abolish prisons or to not charge people for petty crimes. It seems these soyboy/soygirl hypocrites only care about such reform if it helps get them brownie points with BIPOC people since they don't give a fuck about whites or christians 

I will not allow this orwellian thought crime ,anti free speech nonsense to happen in the US or Canada. I will risk my life to prevent such anti religious, anti free speech and anti human policies from spreading to the US or Canada. The only thing that would stop me would be death.. 

Imagine if she was a BLM protester protesting silently and peacefully outside a police department in the UK and the UK fascist police arrested that protester, there would rightfully be mass outrage across the UK ,US, Canada, Europe. But since she was a pro life Christian praying outside of an abortion clinic, it is a okay for these fascist scum to do what they did huh?

Someone needs to abolish the Birmingham UK police . Birmingham Police are corrupt evil cops just like Captain Mark McCluskey in the Godfather and they need to be taught a lesson

I agree with Nile Gardiner, a former aide to the base former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (who is in heaven now or reincarnated): “This is appalling. Disgraceful to see a woman arrested for simply praying on a British street. This should not be happening under a Conservative Govt, and action should be taken by the Home Secretary to ensure that scenes like this are not repeated.”

This virtue signaling lying statement by NARAL is bullsh*t. I want to rip up that ‘roadmap to equity’ and shove it down NARAL’s masks throats

NARAL was lame, wrong and stupid to ditch Krysten Sinema over her filibuster. NARAL were traitors for doing that to a feminist and reproductive rights advocate like Sinema

White supremacy and racism have NEVER stood in the way of achieving reproductive freedom and ensuring access to abortion care for every body.  NARAL has NOT contributed to and have NOT benefitted from this ‘injustice’. YES YOU REALLY CAN advance reproductive freedom without actively working to dismantle ‘white supremacy.’ you wokesters.

The majority of babies aborted are BIPOC, so how is it ‘white supremacy’ to stop BIPOC from being aborted? Last time I checked, stopping BIPOC from being aborted would be the opposite of ‘white supremacy’. White supremacy has nothing to do with abortion 

NARAL should be called out and ashamed for WRONGLY making abortion a race-ethnicity issue which it most certainly is not. If abortion is a race-ethnicity issue, it is because abortion hurts BIPOC people since the majority of aborted babies are BIPOC. Here are some criticisms of NARAL

I love Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List . Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List are light years better for women’s health than Liberal 2.0 NARAL. That NARAL b.s in that link is hateful, divisive , strawmanning .NARAL doesnt want to help women or get more people to be pro choice, they want to attack, trash and defame anyone who doesn’t give in to their demands. NARAL is toxic

If NARAL is trying to counter and stop the SJW type messaging by pro lifers, NARAL's whole 'roadmap to equity' campaign is literally the worst way to counter and stop it

NARAL needs to get back to doing direct action projects to further their pro choice cause

Some good articles I generally am agreeable with on abortion here, here, here and other Teen Vogue articles on abortion

"LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO jane fonda is real as fuck for this like… she’s literally right, if ur killing ppl who need abortions… u deserve the same treatment "·

LB1122 has a point, if both more women die getting an abortion because it is illegal and if as much or more unborn babies die because it is illegal then you can look at killing the pro life people who pushed roe to be overturned or who pushed abortion bans/restrictions as technically justifiable. But the way some of her followers  phrase it makes me want to beat the snot out of them:

Of course "I'm still trying to figure out who is trying to kill women who need abortions" is a more natural response to LB1122

So final thoughts on this: No, we should not kill pro life people or want pro life people to die unless it is literally in self defense where said pro lifers are literally trying to kill a woman trying to get an abortion (like breaking into her home to kill her or holding a deadly weapon to her throat or head or by physically attacking or rapeing her). 

Anyone who says pro lifers should be killed just for being pro life ,is absolutely wrong, evil, disgusting and sick and twisted. Such extremists that say such things are the ones who should be cleansed and aborted from society

I accept birth control being legal

I am fine with health care providers being required to offer free birth control. Peoples sex lives are their business. 

I apolitically provisionally support Stem cell research, especially if it can do what Stem cell research advocates say that it can do. Michael J Fox supports this

I support teaching kids and teens and young people abstinence. I am glad that casual sex is out in some lit scenes and relationships are in

I am against promoting anal sex to teens as this Teen Vogue article did years back. They are trying to sexualize our teens and that is sick, twisted and wrong. Let teens be teens

But as a safety net to abstinence , I also want children aged 11 and up who aren’t helped by abstinence to get sex education before they graduate grade school and then continue sex education into their teens so that children and teens know how not to get pregnant, if they use common sense, and have more access anticonceptives which should be made available to them with some common sense restrictions.

I am not saying that having sex before or without marrying someone is bad , just its better to wait til marriage for sex,  especially since the meaning of marriage will already be altered, in a future anarchist world.(future new right catholic reason)

I am pretty open hearted to supporting sexual continence being taught voluntarily to teens and young people in off school classes

I support the rights of women to breastfeed publicly

Systematically I support vitro fertilization and egg transplants if that can comply with my values, otherwise, I am Liberal Conservative on that issue. 

Personally, I take a Boll Weevil Democrat stance on straight couples and same sex couples using surrogacy to adopt children. 

If the adopted children has a happy and healthy home, normal childhood, at least some contact with their birth mother or blood family members, and are allowed to hang out at their friends homes more leniently personally, that Boll Weevil Democrat stance gets upgraded to Democrat party populous caucus support for straight couples and same sex couples using surrogacy to adopt children

Legality wise I feel that the US should use the adoption model that Australia had in 2008 but ONLY for straight couples and same sex couples adopting surrogate children. 

This would mean the straight couples and same sex couples apply to a family court as 'other people significant to the care, welfare and development' of the surrogate child they want to adopt instead of the methods they use now for that in the US

This stuff can cover parental and responsibility. It is simple and can also grant extensive rights to the straight couples and same sex couples as parents of the surrogate child (maybe more rights than they have now in the US).

This would also provide a status quo if the surrogate birth mother or legal parent were to die, preventing other family members from taking immediate custody of the surrogate child which the US’s current surrogate adoption model for straight couples and same sex couples does not cover.

I will say that literally buying reproductive labor does not seem very progressive and I have issues with surrogacy.

My issues with surrogacy are because with surrogacy they are paying surrogate mothers to gestate the babies. It is Capitalism commodifying female bodies as baby factories and that is bad on so many levels

I don't really care what the God botherers (i.e Christian Right) have against it, surrogacy is the same old exploitative Capitalism - you need money to live and the way to get it is to have an employer pay you to f*ck up your body, mind or time by laboring.

Assuming you are a man, just imagine an employer offering a bonus to grow a tumor. This tumor will drain your energy for nine months and it has a decent chance for causing incontinence, bloot clots, and doing other irreversible damage to your internal organs, and clearly a non zero percent chance of simply killing you. 

When the employer wants his baby sized tumor, you must squeeze it out of your urethra; if it is very much too painful (which only the doctor can know, you do not get a say as you're merely a tumor-haver) they stick a large needle into your spinal cord to apply an anesthetic, which also has high probability of doing permanent damage. 

Or let’s say they let you struggle for a bit before they cut your abdomen open and take it out that way, hope that they put all your insides back inside correctly. 

And then you are in for another couple of months of bleeding, incontinence, drowsiness, blood clots etc. (And for whatever reason, your body is very much communicating to you that you wanted to keep the tumor afterwards nonetheless)

Maybe this could be a very fair deal, if you get paid a few million dollars for it. But the majority of women who do surrogacy do not get paid a few million dollars for it (UK figures are £12-20k, a single year's wage, obviously it's far less in poorer countries), and let's not make believe that anyone would volunteer themselves for it in a socialist, all-needs-met society where sums of money aren’t life changing.

It would only be worth doing it out of love, and who can make money doing it out of love?

This provides good insight into surrogacy

We need to find cures for infertility 

There is nothing wrong with someone being happy they or their loved ones weren’t aborted

I am against population control. Population Control is an assault on reproductive rights and its a human rights violation (right to procreate, right to life) . 

Human life is sacred and our bodies are utilitarian. Population control is a threat to both things

Overpopulation (the other excuse for it) is a myth. Climate change is real but population control doesn't stop it and is extremely counterproductive and a destructive. 

The government has no right to have any say in a womans sex life. How many kids a woman has or whether she has kids is her decision to make not the Governments decision. China was and is wrong for using population control. See this for more

Texas should be forced to have the same type progressive abortion access as Norway does , then we can incrementally force Texas to be as progressive as Rhode Island with abortion access

Joe Biden was wrong for calling pro lifers ‘extremists’. That is divisive, mean, bad taste and demonizing.  You do not tell people who have a differing view on a disagreeable issue that they are ‘extremists’. Pro lifers are NOT extremists, being pro life is a legit viewpoint but just because it is legit does not make it a correct viewpoint . 

Judging from this article, using Joe Biden’s own words, he is also an ‘extremist’. Joe Biden is now a populist, he needs to learn diplomacy, compassion and decency.

I use the terms prostitution and sex work interchangeably 

Prostitution is not liberating but it is in fact cruel exploitation of women and it is a social ill which needs to be put on a path to be abolished. Abolishing sex work and not legalizing sex work is NOT denying sex workers the ‘right to exist’. Sex Work is NOT an identity. Sex work is not real work

Pro Sex Work Marxism is revisionist and Anti woman

Sex Work is as a cornerstone of patriarchal domination and sexual subjugation of women that impacts negatively not just the women and girls in sex work but on all women as a group, because sex work continually affirms and reinforces patriarchal definitions of women as having a primary function to serve men sexually. 

I am against sex work because it is regressive to woman’s rights

It is vital that society doesn’t replace one patriarchal viewpoint on female sexuality ; i.e that women shouldn’t have sex outside marriage or relationships and that casual sex is shameful for a woman etc, with another similarly oppressive and patriarchal viewpoint; acceptance of sex work, which is a sexual practice that is predicated on a highly patriarchal conception of sexuality. 

Sex work is a highly patriarchal conception of sexuality which views the sexual gratification of a woman as not relevant, that views a woman’s role during sex to be submissive to the demands of a man (and to do what he tells her), that sex should be controlled by the man, and that the woman's response and satisfaction are irrelevant.  

I am concerned for the well being of sex workers. I support sex workers while I am simultaneously critical of the industry they work in. I believe that they deserve dignity, safety, and freedom from misogyny.

I condemn the men who exploit and abuse women in sex work/prostitution

However, I don't really support the sex industry, as it is rife with abuse and exploitation. I don't support the message of voluntary sex workers with comparative privilege who decide to talk over and minimize the experience of survival sex workers. 

Also I don't buy into the argument that making the commodification of women's bodies more comfortable should be a goal of feminism or the idea that sexual attractiveness to men is the route to women’s empowerment.

I condemn the state actors engaging in violence against sex workers. I realize that state policies, including criminalization and regulation of Prostitution , create or intensify the risks associated with Prostitution.

I do not support Prostitution being legalized because of the commodification of Prostitution, because I am generally anti work, for Radical Feminist/Radical Lesbian Feminist reasons and slightly for traditional reasons .

Decriminalizing Prostitution avoids the state criminalizing or regulating Prostitution which is good. This is good because regulating Prostitution creates or intensifies sex work risks so by either keeping it illegal or decriminalizing it , we avoid this problem

However, decriminalization of anything is always the worst of both worlds . So I am other side political post position lean mixed on Prostitution being decriminalized

Prostitution is inherently exploitative and there is no way to fix that . Prostitution is also counter revolutionary. 

The 1991 Oregon study of prostitution show alarming statistics for why sex work has serious drawbacks for sex workers

But since I am Libertarian, I am flexible on Prostitution since I support bodily autonomy (I am in general against prohibitionist campaigns of all sorts and I respect people’s control over their bodies and justly acquired possessions . I feel that aggression-based limits on all disfavored but voluntary exchanges should be disallowed within reason). 

I don’t believe that people should engage in prostitution, yet if they make a choice to do so, that is their business, not our business and not the government’s business, unless of course someone is being harmed (based on a very liberal definition of ‘harmed’) .This all plays into my views on Prostitution.

Moreover I sympathize with the legalize Prostitution movement solely because I get annoyed/triggered hearing people virtue signaling about how evil Prostitution is yada yada

But, Prostitution cheapens love and it is LUST (one of the 7 deadly sins). It also creates a negative environment for children who have a mother who does that. 

We need to pursue a firm campaign to reduce prostitution of young women by helping them not become prostitutes. 

Sex workers should be treated like Christ treated the prostitute in the bible regardless of religion and treated in a non judgmental way as Marxism treats sex workers in a non judgmental way

The pimp should go to prison for prostitution 

The sex worker should not go to prison for prostitution. Maybe keep prostitution technically illegal, but don't prosecute the the sex worker . Maybe give the sex worker counseling to guide them away from prostitution 

If the sex worker acts as a go between between a pimp and another sex worker or buyer then the sex worker go between should only either have to pay a very small fine or do community service with vocation training/counseling 

I also want people to have more power to file civil lawsuits against sex workers for doing prostitution

(Intersectionality cringe pilled) We must protect all sex workers, including unique ones like Transgender sex workers from exploitative and high risk situations by putting economic and health resources into their hands so they don’t need to do such work but are protected if they continue to do so due clear up that nuclear mess. 

We need to share timeless values from our conscious with them that promote not doing prostitution along with telling them to ‘sin no more’and do no more prostitution. To find them find non prostitution jobs (normal jobs) to help them grow as a person

Prostitution should be semi decriminalized (between illegal and decriminalized) for the buyer .But I am open minded to Prostitution being decriminalized but for the buyer 

But I would have no problem if the buyer went to prison for prostitution like in the Nordic model but ideally send the buyer to a prison that CEOs go to (i.e country club type prison) or a prison where they can work during the day like in Massachusetts in the 1980s then transfer to technological incarceration and either parole or a sex version of a halfway house

However, if legalizing Prostitution would effectively end sex trafficking (or make it almost non existent) ,I'd be pragmatically passive to legalizing Prostitution or open to tolerating Prostitution being legal 

I will say that when Nevada legalized Prostitution, all states should have followed suit at the same time, but that ship has long sailed for me. 

Sex workers should move to Nevada or Amsterdam if they want to legally do Prostitution and if private charities/NGOs want to pool money together to set up moving funds for women to move to places where Prostitution is legal to do sex work, so be it . 

I won’t complain about that at all, since I have bigger issues to deal with than being upset over women moving to places where Prostitution is legal to do sex work


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