Marxism feminisms/matfems

 Marxist feminism

Marxism Feminism

I support using judicial reform to eliminate male patriarchy/patriarchy from the legal system.  

This allows for the true emancipation of women from traditional social inferiority and economic exploitation. This means society should collectively assume the roles that mothers and wives were traditionally assigned (via remove private property and a classless society). Basically a society with a Rule of Mothers

Whether or not families actually want to pass off their kids to strangers so women can keep working like men do, or whether or not this is the most ideal goal for human flourishing, I haven’t examined enough to form a definitive conclusion.

The Patriarchy allows Capitalists to both keep women workers underpaid by threatening to replace them with men, as well as also more exploit male workers by threatening to replace them with "less demanding" women. 

So, by intentionally putting man and woman workers at odds with each other , the bourgeoisie are preventing the proletariat from uniting against them.

The regular Capitalist exploitation women workers are also additionally exploited by domestic work (i.e "kitchen slavery"). So, in order to reach a true gender equality,  the burden of housework and caretaking should be taken away from women to collective social services, such as kindergartens, public kitchens, and public laundries.  

Women disproportionately working in jobs similar to domestic work instead of working better and more varied and dignified jobs is anti woman since the patriarchy takes away opportunities from women to do such types of jobs leaving limited choices for women in the job field

I am opposed to family unit as the norm and the institution of marriage in the ways I describe in this blog. 

The family was fundamentally created as a way to secure and reinforce private property rights, and marriage is a form of legalizing the woman's status as a property. 

Instead of me advocating for the family unit, I advocate for a sexual liberation and Free Love and the responsibility of raising children being left to the whole community as an equal if not better option to children being raised by individual parents.  Collective child raising would lessen the need for and maybe even cause the phase out of parental leave

I do not support the family unit being completely abolished by coercion or force nor do I support child rearing to be done collectively by coercion or force. But I would be ok if , after a long-term process the family unit was naturally completely abolished without coercion or force more than ideally if decentralized free association replaces it) . I hope that decentralized free association replaces the family unit as the norm . 

However, this is completely dependent on the material conditions that a left wing revolution will bring about.

One of the ways of achieving our goals is by the creation of the special state-backed "Women's Committees", that would be run by dedicated Marxist Feminists. 

Their role would be to directly promote and defend women's' rights on the local and national level; propose and prepare gender equality related laws; and also agitate, educate, organize, and generally help working class women all across the country.

This is good because it is a real organic change from within 

I also support this type of Marxism Leninism Feminism 

Mao: "Women hold up half the sky”

Vladimir Lenin: “We must create a powerful international women’s movement, on a clear theoretical basis”

I do not care for Bourgeois Feminism at all, because women Capitalists are oppressing the working women just as much as the males do. I take issue with Radical Feminists idea that the social status of women is somehow linked to their innate biological qualities, since I believe it is the direct product of the class society.

If feminism doesn't overcome Neoliberalism and Capitalism and break down the patriarchal system, it is incomplete and futile. We need to change the model of our system for people of all sexes/genders instead of having institutional parity for women. Socialism liberates women just as much as feminism

That is much better than parity and liberal feminism which gives women a false sense of equality and cause feminists to get complacent. 

If we do not change the model of accumulation, generation of wealth, how we distribute wealth, the value of work and abolish the patriarchal system, we will not have justice and true equality for women. The oppression of women is directly caused and reinforced by Capitalism in order to increase the exploitation of the working class.   

We must defeat Capitalism and abolish the patriarchy to end this. Women's liberation is about ending exploitation, not diversifying the oppressor class.

I support Degrowth and it really helps push this along by committing to a feminist economy while helping us break free of Capitalism while also stopping climate change at the same time, see here for more

No socialistic movement can be successful without significant participation of women. In the on going people's wars, women form the bulk of the most dedicated and heroic fighters while men are more likely to be troubled and desert in face of repression.

In Nepal, women squad leaders rightfully encouraged other women to publicly beat and humiliate rapists, abusive and drunk husbands, adulterers, etc

In Peru, the ruling class was so afraid of women’s power that stories circulated about the so called cruelty and abusiveness of women guerrillas who, supposedly, killed men who cried or were cowards. See "Shining Path Women: So Many and So Ferocious" from The NY Times.

Long live proletarian feminism. Left Wing socioeconomics (i.e like the ones I support) are Feminism and they are one in the same

For a feminist country. All political parties should have that as a motto for their political parties

The the thing that sticks out like a sore thumb with non Marxist feminism (and any other idpol branch) is that non Marxist feminism is focused on what is undoubtedly an authentic issue on an interpersonal level and expands it to be the sole basis of a person’s political framework, which we see is a dead-end. 

Class is, at the end of the day a better than you would think and refreshing category to organize around due to the progress that such organization requires is material, instead of "make individual people not be prejudiced". The fact of the matter is there is no automatic or magical way to stop misogyny ever, so we best add being laser focused on leveling the playing field on a material level to our diverse feminist repertoire for womens liberation


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