
I am absolutely against Oxfam wrongly blaming 'privileged' white women over root causes of sexual violence.

I am sick and tired of these woke extremist freaks racializing every fucking issue like these self hating, regressive, female incels at Oxfam did and femanazi Ali Phipps did by wrongly blaming white women over the root cause for sexual violence

That is a absolutely SEXIST, MISOGYNIST, and anti woman thing Oxfam did by that. Oxfam doesn't care about women.  

Oxfam and Ali Phipps views actually harm black women and other marginalized women big time. If black women and other marginalized women are sexually assaulted by other blacks/marginalized people, they wouldn't be able to get justice for this abuse if the world worked like Oxfam and Ali Phipps want with this stupid idiotic woke idea. So it would actually backfire

Ali Phipps is a regressive, internalized misgyonist fake feminist. She is a female incel and she must be stopped . She is trying to legitmatize sexual violence against women . She is a fem

Blaming women for sexual violence and rape is something that sexist, misogynist men have done for centuries to wrongly delegitimize women and to justify their sick, perverted, violence, hate toward women. The root causes of sexual violence HAVE NOTHING to do with 'white woman privelege' .It has nothing to do with women, whites or anything related to it. 

These woke freak ('intersectional' radical 'feminists') extremists are trying to destroy values they once held dear like freedom of speech, feminism and fighting against sexual violence, etc

Now these woke extremists like Oxfam and Ali Phipps are trying to slander white women and wrongly blame them for sexual violence instead of rightfully blaming men for sexual violence. Men are 100 percent to blame for sexual violence. White women along with non white women are not to blame in any way shape or form for sexual violence against them.

This wokeness has to end . These idiots throw around the term 'white priveledge' like its ketchup, attaching that ephiphet to every damn thing at will to spread their propaganda. Now these pieces of shit are using that word to wrongly justify sexual violence against women. How the fuck is Alison Phipps and Oxfam's woke type of hatred of women above any different or better than far right incel and Alt right misgoynist hatred of women? There is no difference its basically the same

Now they have crossed the line with this woke b.s.. Alison Phipps and Oxfam's brand of wokeness is Anti White and sexist/misgyonist.  This Wokeness is regressive, evil and disgusting 

Wokeness has no gotten so extreme that these idiots are using it to victim blame women . What Phipps and Oxfam are doing by wrongly blaming white women for the root cause over sexual violence is just as evil, misyogynist, sexist and anti woman as wrongly blaming women who dress a certain way for being sexually assaulted. It is the same repugnant ,evil, backward shitty thinking but repacked as ;social justice' . That is the type of social justice and wokeness (the type of blaming white women for sexual violence) is the type of social justice and wokeness I am going to destroy forever no matter what

 feminazis like Phipps a

I am going to end this blaming women for sexual violence and rape myth once and for all . I am going to prevent Ali Phipps ideology of wrongly blaming white women over the root cause for sexual violence from being used by any corporation, charity, NGO, in the UK, US etc

I will prevent her internalized misogynist, female incel hate book 'Me Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism', from being taught to any student in the US, UK etc and from being in any school library, even if I have to personally go to those schools to remove that book and disrupt any teachings of it to students myself.

I fully agree with all of the blowback  and criticism that Oxfam and Phipps has received  (like here )

I agree with Julie Bindel's criticism here of Oxfam, and Phipp wrongly blaming white women over the root cause for sexual violence along with the replies in that thread that also criticized Oxfam and Phipps for wrongly blaming white women over the root cause for sexual violence

Ali Phipps and Oxfam are the real FEMANAZIS because any so called 'feminist' who wrongly says that blames white women over the root cause for sexual violence is a FEMANAZI . 

Phipps and Oxfam's anti white, anti women woke drivel is morally evil, morally wrong and disgusting. Over 90 percent of Americans, Canadians and Europeans fully say that white women are NOT THE ROOT CAUSE for sexual violence. Anyone who says otherwise should be locked in a nut house

Woke idiots like Feminazi Ali Phipps should be thrown in a nut house.  Phipps should never teach again and she should be cancelled. In her case cancel culture is justified 

Oxfam and Phipps are wrong to tell women to keep quiet and to not report sexual violence if committed by 'marginalized' people.  They are basically wrongly placing marginalized people above women and wrongly saying arresting sexual abusers is worse than women be sexually assaulted. This Oxfam training guide and Ali Phipps woke nonsense about wrongly blaming women over the root cause for sexual violence i the dumbest 

Wokeness is a disease if Ali Phipps and Oxfam are any indiction and we have to find a cure for this disease

Oxfam is trying to justify sexual violence to deflect from their own sexual violence wrongly committed against women by their own members. Oxfam no longer cares about women, they allow their members to sexually assault women then instead of owning it and apologizing for it ,instead finds a extreme pseudo intelluectual woke hate ideology to justify it . Instead of blaming themselves they justify sexually violence by wrongly blaming white women over the root causes for sexual violence.

To all white women reading this if you are sexually assaulted by any person, regardless if they are White, Black, Asian, Hispanic etc call the police or at the very least call a sexual crisis councilor. 

To all white women reading this, you are NOT to blame in any way shape or form over the root cause for sexual violence. The only person to blame for sexual violence is men of all identities . 

People who sexually abuse women should be put in prison for it regardless if they are White, Black, Asian, Hispanic etc. 

Ali Phipps's woke feminism is pseudo science and anti science. Any true scientist would agree.

Oxfam and Ali Phipps are just as anti feminist and anti woman as TERFs are.

If I ever hear Ali Phipps or Oxfam wrongly go further and wrongly say that white women who are raped shouldn't even call a sexual assault crisis center after being raped, I will give Ali Phipps and the women who work at Oxfam a taste of their own medicine (after I renew my passport). 

Oxfam had their own sexual assault scandals and it was covered by reliable sources such as The Telegraph and New Statesman

Allowing sexual abusers roam the streets to sexually abuse other women is more harming to women than correctly reporting 'marginalized' sexual abusers to the police is allegedly 'harming' to 'marginalized' people

I agree with this stupidpol thread and comments on this disgusting, sexist, misogynist, bigoted Oxfam 'training' document

Here is proof that Oxfam is evil, disgusting , anti feminist, femanazi woke extremist garbage organization that should be destroyed. Also see this which along with this I also agree with

I agree with Naomi Cunningham, a discrimination and employment law barrister's view that Oxfam's document may breach the Equality Act, which bans harassment in the workplace on the basis of sex.

“The message seems to be that a woman who reports a rape or sexual assault to the police and presses charges is a contemptible ‘white feminist’,” said Ms Cunningham. “I think any woman could make an arguable case that this has created or contributed to ‘an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment’, which is how the Equality Act defines harassment.”"

I do acknowledge that Oxfam's work in Haiti may have clouded their judgement and caused them to use that evil extremist woke training thing from Ali Phipps but that is no excuse.  Yes it sucks when people who are poor or marginalized go to prison for crimes but if we don't do that more people will suffer and that would be really bad.


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