
Showing posts from March, 2023

Mutualism Left lib unity

I want a Left Libertarian / Mutualist / Anarchist egalitarian inclusive society as mentioned  here  and here, so like the users on  Mutualism  and  C4ss , so that provides my foundation on our political landscape My views are not 'both parties equally bad derp derp' . My views on going after Democrats as well as Republicans are rooted in stuff like  1) This thought by David Broader: "After the much-vaunted failure of state socialism (and the neoliberal turn of social democracy) at the beginning of the 1990s, the ideas of mutual aid and power "from below", outside of the state, had become the norm across large swathes of the Left. The period between the anti-globalization movement at the turn of the millennium and Occupy Wall Street saw the rise of "anarcho-liberalism": the rejection of state action in favor of ideas focused on community self-management, liberated spaces, and "changing the world without taking power." The late Mark Fisher n

Political standing expanded

Political ideology views See here Political party views See here Socioeconomic views See here

Ehx political ideology analyze good bad transcend apples bias

I critique anyone who holds an evaluative asymmetry whereby anything that happens in wild habitat is automatically less bad than anything that happens in an industrialized society. I am opposed to politics that is inspired by fury, bitterness and grievances . Such resentfulness has no place in politics The left , liberal 2.0 and the right both recognize that we have a sh*t system and cringe society, the left has the answers and explanations, liberal 2.0ers too, but the right is confused and still blaming Jews or immigration or whatever else the bourgeoise has planted as an enemy instead of themselves. from here : "Firstly, the language of Left and Right is foreign to classical Marxism, which interpreted social contradictions in terms of objective class antagonisms, not with regard to the subjective differences of the political compass.  Secondly, Left and Right only emerged historically as the relative poles of bourgeois democracy, whose parliamentary terms only came into being a

Anarcha Libertarian feminismss

 Anarcha feminisms I believe that patriarchy and traditional gender roles are evil manifestations of involuntary coercive hierarchy and that the struggle against patriarchy is an essential part of class conflict and the struggle against the state and capitalism I want patriarchy to be abolished and replaced by  decentralized free association I oppose patriarchy and the way the law, (to quote Mikhail Bukinin) "subjected women to the absolute domination of the man" ”Equal rights must belong to men and women so that women could become independent and be free to forge their own way of life". Mikhail Bakunin  “an end of "the authoritarian juridicial family" and "the sexual freedom of women". Mikhail Bakunin As mentioned above I am an Anarcha Feminist. The reason we use the term 'Anarcha' in Anarcha Feminist/Anarcha Feminism instead of 'Anarcho' is because using the term 'Anarcho' is patriarchal , thus we use the word 'Anarcha

Marxism feminisms/matfems

 Marxist feminism Marxism Feminism I support using judicial reform to eliminate male patriarchy/patriarchy from the legal system.   This allows for the true emancipation of women from traditional social inferiority and economic exploitation. This means society should collectively assume the roles that mothers and wives were traditionally assigned (via remove private property and a classless society). Basically a society with a Rule of Mothers Whether or not families actually want to pass off their kids to strangers so women can keep working like men do, or whether or not this is the most ideal goal for human flourishing, I haven’t examined enough to form a definitive conclusion. The Patriarchy allows Capitalists to both keep women workers underpaid by threatening to replace them with men, as well as also more exploit male workers by threatening to replace them with "less demanding" women.  So, by intentionally putting man and woman workers at odds with each other , the bourge

Exh femgrelpwr

I am an anti sexual abuse activist and anti sexual violence activist. I am against sexual abuse and sexual violence. I am also a lifelong fan of Law & Order SVU as it is a great guide to fighting against sexual abuse and sexual violence. I see the bigger picture in evil acts like rape where I recognize that sex itself is power I am also against compulsory sex I react to Oxfam and Ali Phipp's anti woman, internalized misgyonist, bigoted hateful woke extremist training guide here I am an  Ethical Prude Self defense how to guide for women can be found  here  (credit BLOODLUST: A feminist journal against civilization) There is nothing wrong with a husband or wife kissing their spouse or child on the head while they are sleeping. MeToo should adopt the innocent til proven guilty guideline along with forgiving sexual abusers if they ask for it and are worthy of forgiveness. MeToo also is filled with hypocrisy which is an issue  MeToo is hypocritical. They talked "Believe All Wom


CC My views on big tech censorship can be found  here I support  this letter, its message and I add my signature to this letter  .  I also echo  this article on it too I agree with this Linkedin article that is critical of corporate cancel culture I agree with Justin Bieber's anti cancel culture message in his song Afraid to Say. I also agree with the Fox News sgment of it from April 2023 I critique single-issue campaigns or orientations in the realm of idpol/ cancel culture When words like woman and white supremacist/racist being changed by Liberal 2.0ers like oxford dictionary it seems to be a page out of George Orwell's 1984. It is revisonism I will give the cancel culture warriors this minor acknowledgement; it is understandable that companies like big tech use canceling of users to avoid being associated with controversial views .  But the fact they virtue signal about how they canceled such people for ‘moral’ reasons or to ‘protect protected groups’ means I will never ev