Mutualism Left lib unity
I want a Left Libertarian / Mutualist / Anarchist egalitarian inclusive society as mentioned here and here, so like the users on Mutualism and C4ss , so that provides my foundation on our political landscape My views are not 'both parties equally bad derp derp' . My views on going after Democrats as well as Republicans are rooted in stuff like 1) This thought by David Broader: "After the much-vaunted failure of state socialism (and the neoliberal turn of social democracy) at the beginning of the 1990s, the ideas of mutual aid and power "from below", outside of the state, had become the norm across large swathes of the Left. The period between the anti-globalization movement at the turn of the millennium and Occupy Wall Street saw the rise of "anarcho-liberalism": the rejection of state action in favor of ideas focused on community self-management, liberated spaces, and "changing the world without taking power." The late Mark Fisher n...