

My views on big tech censorship can be found here

I support this letter, its message and I add my signature to this letter .  I also echo this article on it too

I agree with this Linkedin article that is critical of corporate cancel culture

I agree with Justin Bieber's anti cancel culture message in his song Afraid to Say. I also agree with the Fox News sgment of it from April 2023

I critique single-issue campaigns or orientations in the realm of idpol/ cancel culture

When words like woman and white supremacist/racist being changed by Liberal 2.0ers like oxford dictionary it seems to be a page out of George Orwell's 1984. It is revisonism

I will give the cancel culture warriors this minor acknowledgement; it is understandable that companies like big tech use canceling of users to avoid being associated with controversial views . 

But the fact they virtue signal about how they canceled such people for ‘moral’ reasons or to ‘protect protected groups’ means I will never even give those companies the benefit of the doubt. 

Cancel Culture is only a problem because of employment-at-will. Here is a similar point on Cancel culture 

I am against Cancel culture as much as the IDW are against it and I echo a lot of their views on cancel culture . Cancel culture persecutes people for their views, goes too far, is counterproductive etc. I don’t buy their accountable’ excuse either. 

Cancel culture is a new kind of postmodern totalitarianism. isi cc.

The New York Times were ignorant, irrational, ignorant and absolutely WRONG to try to cancel Aristotle. Applying modern standards to Aristotle who lived THOUSANDS of years ago is a STUPID, reactionary and senseless idea

With such cancel culture, we are dealing with the clear totalitarian face of the Liberal 2.0 ideology (yes cancel culture is to a lesser extent Right wing ideology but when the dominant ideology i.e Liberalism 2.0 wields it it is especially dangerous). 

It is a Liberal 2.0 dictatorship, since it demands to cancel history whether it is Aristotle, Plato, the Medieval era, modern authors and philosophies....anything that does not coincide with their more and more narrowing criteria of radical and totally intolerant Liberalism 2.0

These are obvious signs of totalitarianism. The NDSAP demanded to ‘cancel’ Jews. 

The Soviet totalitarianism (social fascist totalitarianism) demanded to ‘cancel’ many dissidents who didn’t deserve to be ‘cancelled’

Currently, the Liberal 2.0 ideology demands to cancel everything,  or almost everything, except, the Open Society foundation' LGBT+, wokeness and idpol and some chosen groups of minorities, at the expense of prohibiting everybody else. So, that is agony. If we don’t stop this cancel culture now those ideologies may be the next on the Liberalism 2.0 chopping block. Remember the “first they came for” quote? 

This post provides insight into this and how to challenge such retroactive canceling. Progressives focus on the negatives of the past while they and us Leftists need to instead focus more on the positives of the past (which can hopefully help lead to positive rights supplanting negative rights)

I am against cancel culture done by the Democrats, Progressives and Liberal 2.0s against Republicans and Right wingers and I am against Cancel Culture done by the Republicans and Right wing against Democrats , Progressives and Liberal 2.0ers. I believe that cancel culturers on both sides should get a taste of their own medicine

Liberal 2.0ers rightfully are against the state stifling free speech but they have no problems with deplatforming or getting people fired for freedom of speech

But I am glad that Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats embrace cancel culture because it shows they are human and not squeaky clean. I like Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats using cancel culture because it shows they are not above playing dirty and mean. 

This to me dispels the whole notion of Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats being soy boy snowflakes. Anyone who uses cancel culture is a bad a** to me.

Cancel culture is also good because its cool to see that type of edginess and trolling (ie cancel culture) not only be acceptable in this day and age, but actually embraced by the Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats (the last people you'd think adopt things like that), even though I am against cancel culture. 

So in that way, cancel culture is more of a silver lining I guess. I want to cancel cancel culture 

We need to use zealous calling in to deal with right wingers we find problematic. We need counsel culture not cancel culture

I am against Norway arresting this fellow feminist for her gender critical tweets. She shouldn’t be arrested or fined for her tweets. Norway is draconian, totalitarianism ,PUNITIVE, and fascist for penalizing her because of their political beliefs. Norway violated her human rights

Norway is now like Saudi Arabia, imprisioning people for their political beliefs. Shame shame SHAME, shame on Norway. Norway is an enemy of freedom of speech . See this

Both Norway and Canada bill 36 are WRONG and threats to democracy with their draconian, Orwellian, censorship where they punish people for their political views or offending someone. They stifle free speech, free inquiry and free exchange of ideas . I fully agree with every word in this article.

I want towns and cities across the US to permanently ban all public meetups and public events that are hosted by the more out there right wingers (i.e neofascists,  the Alt Right, National Justice Party etc), and MAGA people ONLY if them organizing would cause a pandemic of hate or would cause literal health issues for oppressed or marginalized persons

I am vastly against Censorship. I agree with this article "“Cancel Culture Is a Symptom of Captialism’s Rot” from Ben Burgis"

I am against Censorship especially social media censorship (except when its used against Liberal 2.0ers especially Alt righters)

Maybe if all controversial right wing or left wing views said on social media are required to have opposing views replied to them  (like a fairness doctrine), maybe that would solve out free speech problem

There are dumb people attacking Indivisible Cooper River and other  'progressive' groups like No8NJ for trying to shut down the Minds New Jersey event as seen here 

But people shouldn't attack organizations like No8NJ or Indivisible Cooper river over their counter protests , and protests nowhere near where they live, especially if those criticizing No8NJ and Indivisible Cooper river do not have a job. Such people who attack such organizations for things like counter protesting   and protesting controversial speakers, never have fought for anything in their lives, but it’s okay. Things will get better for everyone and these organizations will be a part of that

To deny No8NJ and Indivisible Cooper river to counter protest and protest is to  shut down free speech and the free flow of ideas (two wrongs don't make a right)

It is so sad we can’t even have a conversation about some 21st century hot button political issues without it being shut down, censored and people being demonized for having an ‘unacceptable’ view . Whatever happened to open debate? Spike Lee would agree with me here. It is fun to own such bigots in open debates

Adolph Reed should not have been cancelled by the DSA. The DSA are turning into Liberal 2.0ers with that cancellation. There is nothing offensive about what Reed was going to say or class reductionism

Maybe we should get all SJWs on the Right, Left and Liberal 2.0 side who signed petitions for people to get cancelled or protested for people to get cancelled, cancelled themselves, by digging up dirt on all of their unpc, offensive things they posted online and or did offline and any crimes they did offline.

It seems Liberal 2.0ers love throwing around their shiny newly found words 'disinformation' and 'misinformation' but what those words really mean are 'censoring information' or even 'censoring truth' since Liberal 2.0ers are cracking down on info that exposes them for the pieces of shit that they are. See here and here for more.. It's literally modern day McCarthyism 

We should always move forward while reasonably learning from the past as to not make the same mistakes in the future. This is one reason that I am against censorship

My takes and reaction to Milo and Nick’s stupid petition to cancel Dave Rubin can be found here


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