
Showing posts from December, 2022

Exh far out dude

To start with, we have to understand what we imply by the term far-right. Personally, I dislike this term as it is conceptually confusing. A quite moderate centre-right party can be considered far-right if there are no other parties further to its right.   When we refer to so-called far-right parties, we aren't really thinking of a spatial position so much as an ideological position. Thus the label far-right should be dispensed with in favour of an alternative. The more popular labels in the literature tend to focus on the extreme, radical, or populist right. What do these terms mean? Well, drawing on the literature, we can suggest that extreme right parties are those that explicitly oppose democracy and favour some authoritarian political structure instead. When thinking of the extreme right, we are really thinking of fascists and Nazis. The radical right by contrast, expresses support for the institutions of democracy but tends to be rather cooler on many of the substantive eleme

Exh drggss

 Drugs I am against substance abuse I am proudly drug free.  States should provide legal protection from arrest and prosecution for people calling for medical assistance for someone with opiate related problems. I also support relaxed restrictions on prescribing Naloxone (laws like NH HB 270 and NH HB 271) These views  generally echo my views legality wise on drug decriminalization/legalization for rec use. I tend to also be inspired by these drugs views by the LP too   I conditionally believe steroids should be legal and that MLB players, etc should be allowed to use steroids without getting suspended.   If everyone has access to them, there is no unfair advantages (plus this regulates steroids) .  Otherwise you'd have to say that Jerry Rice 'cheated' during his NFL career because he used a unique training regiment to get better.  The condition being MLB suspends players for hard drugs, otherwise NO STEROIDS  I want all professional sports leagues (NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, MLS

Exh Crimmee

I practically and generally support the Non-aggression principle in ways that Mark Twain would support it “What presents itself to us as bourgeois legality is nothing but the violence of the ruling class, a violence raised to an obligatory norm from the outset”  Rosa L "Move toward a  system  based in redemption, not punishment. We must reallocate resources and invest in education, housing, healthcare, jobs, and other programs that address the root of crime. " Justice Democrats "We must also end *qualified immunity, create stronger civilian review boards, demilitarize the police, and support violence interruption programs that have a track record of helping our communities." Justice Democrats *Or at worst pragmatically  Radically Centrist  idea on ending qualified immunity that meshes with moralism (see below) I feel that everyone deserves a fair trial (even fascists) I agree with this article and its critique of Australia's over the top, authoritarian lockdown