Exh Crimmee

I practically and generally support the Non-aggression principle in ways that Mark Twain would support it

“What presents itself to us as bourgeois legality is nothing but the violence of the ruling class, a violence raised to an obligatory norm from the outset”  Rosa L

"Move toward a system based in redemption, not punishment. We must reallocate resources and invest in education, housing, healthcare, jobs, and other programs that address the root of crime. " Justice Democrats

"We must also end *qualified immunity, create stronger civilian review boards, demilitarize the police, and support violence interruption programs that have a track record of helping our communities." Justice Democrats

*Or at worst pragmatically Radically Centrist idea on ending qualified immunity that meshes with moralism (see below)

I feel that everyone deserves a fair trial (even fascists)

I agree with this article and its critique of Australia's over the top, authoritarian lockdowns

I support reformative justice 

ei incumbit probatio qui dicit ... The burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies

I support due process . Due process is a cornerstone of a free, functioning society and democracy. 

I am against Joe Biden undoing Betsy Devos's 2020 implementation of due process laws.

Joe Biden is a tyrant and a fool for undoing Betsy Devos's due process protections

Joe Biden after his 'alleged' sexual abuse of Tara Reade , sure took advantage of due process

Students have a right to a fair hearing and to have protections since potential false accusations can destroy their lives

I agree with these articles here, here, here, here

I conditionally and generally support the legalization of at least many victimless crimes as can be seen throughout this blog. I want same sex married couples to be able to protect their weed plants with guns!

I am against neighborhoods , rv parks and housing developments having security cameras.  That is 1984 like invasion of privacy and is unconstitutional. 

I’m unalterably against any and all threats to our relatively good system of government

I oppose any attempt to usurp power as a grave threat to the exact essence of the basic system of the US government

I support Defend the Guard Act

I have absolutely NO PROBLEMS whatsoever with Cenk Uyghur and Ana Kasparian's 'tough on crime' stances they've shown recently. To be honest they are on to something and it is disturbing seeing criminals getting off so easy. 

I mean I see this video by Ana and it seems reasonable. I do think regardless, in an Anarchist society that as a last resort I would embrace that type of tough on crime outlook that Ana displayed in that video (as a last resort).  Though Ben Burgis provides good insight into Ana's take

"Whole thread is worth reading if you want to know what Ana’s actual views are on subjects where some of the silliest scolds on the online Left have been mad at her about (though she agrees with them on the bulk of the underlying policy issues) but this part is worth highlighting:"

Ana Kasparian


But I also think that online left's obsession with alienating anyone who dares to think a little differently so they can engage in holier than thou rhetoric online is toxic and puts the left at a serious disadvantage if we're serious about persuading people to join us."

Though at the very least "The best route would be to get advocates in the field on, ones who have well known and thought out positions on abolition and reform, so that y’all can hash this out and snuff all the toxicity and division. There’s still a path forward to get around all this back and forth BS." Twitter reply

I do feel Adam's criticism seems to have some merit as being pretty substantive though or balances this a bit. I think TYT has offered some stuff here and there on criminal punishment that can be interpreted by some Liberal 2.0ers as uncharitable and misleading. Different strokes for different folks

Crime narratives is what led to mass incarceration. Crime narratives leads to brutality like the Scorpion Unit, no-knock search warrants and unarmed people being killed by the cops (see below for more)

Is there a responsible way to talk about crime? Maybe, but it doesn’t happen. We can all be the next victim of a crime and it’s worth meditating on a plan to recover, if we are. There is no mainstream solution for crime that doesn’t involve anti blackness foundations and the bigotry that oozes out of them, excessive brutality, killing innocent people and mass incarceration that gets out of hand. Where else, but the left will this critique be found? The left isn’t ignoring crime, the left has been fed up with a failed system and we are looking for solutions as can be seen in this post

I also echo this Tweet about Ana complaining about homeless encampments "While TYT-investor Jeffrey Katzenberg was lobbying the LA City Council to pass an anti-camping ordinance targeting LA's homeless, Ana Kasparian was ranting against homeless camps for creating "crime" and "open air drug markets." It felt like she was an opponent of free range poor which doesn't feel right to me. 

Nando Vila, a Jacobin contributor and onetime host of The Jacobin Show, said that fighting false perceptions about crime is “definitely a losing battle, because all you have to do is see that it is real” in the form of homelessness  (Lived experience type of thing)

But Ana was NOT wanting to “criminalize homelessness” just for her having her nuanced perspective on homelessness

It should be legal for people to use violence in self defense if they are being sexually assaulted . Women especially should be allowed and encouraged to use violence against their rapers to fight back and not get in trouble for using such violence. This is one tangible way to help tear down male patriarchy . See here for more

I am against the Quartering and Tim Pool being swatted. Swatting them was petty, rude, sadistic and evil. The trolls who swatted them should go to prison for many years 

I am against cities and towns being locked down (like Boston in 2013, see this) because of terrorist attacks or to catch terrorists. Boston was wrong to lockdown the city in 2013 due to the marathon bombing, they made innocent people suffer . They took away the liberty and freedom of movement of their citizens. They played right into the  marathon bombers’ hands by spreading their ‘terrorism’

We should never allow terrorism lockdowns or catch a suspect lockdowns ever. Freedom means FREEDOM.

I can endure and respect the FBI and US government censoring and restricting right wing views and Republican views on social media to help Democrats and even Liberal 2.0ers only if the FBI and US government literally makes our social media state controlled. If they want to censor and restrict right wingers and Republicans make it official and I will endure and respect that.

I support State Defunding of the NSA, including the 4th Amendment Protection Act, the , Electronic Data Privacy Act and the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act

The Democrats going after Brett Kavanugh (which is honorable since we should obsessively vet judges applying for the role of highest judiciary body in the country and prevent sexual abusers from having any power in this world) as overboard as they did years ago played right into the Right wing’s hands. 

Anyone of us to the left of Ronald Reagan were tied to that Democrat overboard vetting (or even attacks) on Brett Kavanuagh and that whole charade of Democrats going overboard like that meant that eventually any of us non Right wingers who criticized Kavanuagh’s alleged sexual abuse even without going overboard like the Democrats did, was drowned out by Right wingers due to us being tied with that overboard vetting of Kavanuagh by Democrats which delegitimized most non overboard criticism of Kavanuagh’s alleged sexual abuse

I say alleged sexual abuse because I don’t want Brett Kavanuagh to sue me for defamation.  

When you have freaking actress Piper Perabo in person going after a then Supreme Court nominee , there needs to be a better attack plan to vet Kavanuagh without making him a sympathetic figure on the Right

This meant we couldn’t speak out against Kavanuagh’s alleged sexual abuse as much as we could have due to the Democrats unintentionally gifting right wingers with making Kavanuagh a sympathetic person due to their overboard vetting and attacks on him which falsely tied non overboard criticism of Brett Kavanuagh‘s alleged sexual abuse with their overboard criticism of him

That did a real disservice to sexual abuse victims (including Christine Blakely Ford) everywhere due to the fact that we anti sexual abuse activists were eventually drowned out this way by Right wingers due to the Democrats going overboard with their Anti Kavanuagh activism and us being tied to it by Right wingers. 

It is wrong for Rick Wilson and others calling for Donald Trump to be executed. They are violent, Neocon extremists for calling for that. Trump does not deserve to be executed over the Mara lago thing even if he did commit treason. The death penalty is wrong , barbaric and archaic

I support habeas corpus for political detainees

I am against the three letter agencies like the FBI violating the civil liberties of Americans . From going after parents who protest the CRT, to their UNJUSTIFIED and EVIL raid on James Gordon Meek and similar unjustified targeted to the illegal spying it is clear our civil liberties are being threatened by these bullies

Maybe we should defund the FBI (not because of Donny Trump, they deserve each other). See this for more. When we abolish the state including the police state we will also abolish the FBI by extension . here

At the very least we should reject the Democrats call to increase funding for the FBI, After all of the abuse the FBI has done (like here, here , here, also herehere, here including going after parents, pro lifers, Matt Taibbi etc). The FBI is corrupt ,they even helped the Republicans at times during Trump's juntaship.

See this for related points and here, here, here, here/here, here, here, here, here, here, here for more

I am against mammoth Federal police force

I can see myself falling victim to rightfully or maybe not so rightfully that Joe Biden has politicized the DOJ, FBI, CIA and weaponized them (Trump did too in his own way but most of Trump’s cabinet and federal government hated him and for good reason)

I know better than to believe that, but whatever . They are raiding too many people and I have to dumb myself down to not believe this. After their UNJUSTIFIED and EVIL raid on James Gordon Meek he disappears. We can’t allow the FBI to get away with this

I am against federal use of torture

I am against Trump supporters committing violence against the FBI and echo what Christopher Wray said on this matter

I am against Donald Trump using federal force on protestors in Portland in 2020 , especially for libertarian reasons. This article (Biden and the Demonization of Anarchism by C4ss.org) sort of reflects my views on Trump's trolling and anti anarchism

I support Cornel West's protests against the shooting of Michael Brown and I would have participated in Ferguson October if I was into politics back then

I am glad that Darrel Brooks was found guilty and sentenced for the his senseless, evil murders he committed during the 2021 Waukesha Christmas parade. (though he should have been sentenced to only 18 years in prison but whatever)

While his motives might have been to rightfully abolish the police state and the US’s anti blackness foundations, Brooks was absolutely wrong to use violence and murder to achieve such measures. We will not have a socialistic , anarchist revolution by resorting violence and murder. I fully condemn his violence and murder. He murdered innocent children and elderly people for petes sake

Stuff like this should never happen. The FBI is being wreckless and careless. They have to stop these abuses

My initial reaction on the FBI and DOJ’s raid of Donald Trump’s mara lago home matched Nikki Fried’s “waiting for an explanation from the FBI and DOJ”early reactions to it. Since then, I have faith (I see future evidence of) Trump being found guilty due to those documents were classified. Here are takes and views I collectively agree with on said raid

But right now, I feel that Trump is innocent until proven guilty .I was shocked by the raid

While it is cool in a sinister way to see Joe Biden’s FBI raiding former Trump supporters, as mentioned here, I am not sure if such raids are justified or even legal. We would all love to have the FBI go after our enemies but of course having the power to do so would not automatically give us the right to do so. The right wing trolls can and will exploit this by staging false flag FBI raids on their side to make Democrats and Liberal 2.0ers look bad so keep that in mind.Oh never mind, raid away FBI

Joe Biden should be held to the same standards on him having classified documents as Donald Trump was held to. I agree with the View that Biden's classified document screw up is a gift to Trump and his base. Joe Biden was careless with these classified documents at best. No one should be above the law, not Donald , not Joe etc.  Notice how all of the people who criticized 45 for his document mishap aren't going after Biden now?  Crickets?

Alvin Bragg and Liberal 2.0ers come off as hungry hungry hippocrites (I love NYC food!). They want to legalize 'sex work' or decriminalize it at minimum, they yammer about 'not filling up prisons' and 'criminal justice reform' but they literally employ overreach and arrest Donald Trump for freaking hush money payments over an affair? Really?

I agree with what Tom Dupree on CNN said on March 20th 2023 (4pm ET show) about the Donald Trump indictment by NYC DA Alvin Bragg. 

Of course I override that with the fact that I echo everything that John Yoo said on Fox News today on the Donald Trump possible indictment (from that 3pm ET show on Fox News). I think Alvin Dershowitz has some reasonable takes on this indictment.  I also echo a lot of what Steve Toller said on this

Though at the end of the day I am closer to Asa Hutchinson and Adam Kinzinger on this Trump indictment than to Fox News on it  

Van Jones was right about this. Of all things criminal we heard Donald Trump did in the last 7 years, they go after supposedly paying off a pornstar

Donald Trump's indictment by Alvin Bragg was obviously politically motivated . The vast majority of Americans agree with me on this. Bragg is a George Soros funded DA too.

Meanwhile the right wing will be able to capitalize further on the degeneration of what we call democratic institutions, given that the NY AG ran on prosecuting Trump instead of running on making NYC and its residents safer.  This indictment of Trump was clearly politically motivated (6 in 10 Americans say so and 70+ percent strongly say so). 

Trump has succeeded in making both parties look utterly stupid

In my politician and fam arrest bingo in January 2023, I actually had Hunter Biden and not DJT being indicted with a crime . Feels weird Trump was indicted but not Hilary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden did some sketchy things too (erasing important emails). Why aren't they indicted? John Edwards got away with doing something worse than Trump. 

Alvin Bragg should put more focus on being tougher on crime in NYC (maybe like this, this if nothing else) and less time employing defensive democracy on Republicans (my views on democracy can be found throughout my blogs)  

It seems with Trump's indictment the NY grand jury indicted themselves

If convicted Donald Trump should not get 133 years in prison. At most if he is convicted he should get a year or two at most. This so called crime DJT is charged with is extremely overblown and if anyone not named Donald Trump was charged with it, people would laugh at someone being charged with it

My kneejerk reaction was to condemn Lettia James for what I thought was her baseless political hit job on Donald Trump and especially on his children. But now I am think Trump is guilty, see here for why I changed my mind on this

I am against pro choice protestors making death threats against and harassing Supreme court justices over their Roe v Wade ruling and harassing them at their homes. Those protestors should be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law. If it was pro life protestors doing that to pro choice judges, the MSM and neoliberals would be in a uproar and anyone who isn't a vegetable knows I am correct here

I am against those fringe pro choice protestors harassing churches and pro life centers over Roe v Wade. Those fringe pro choice protestors should be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law

I feel that Donald Trump’s Criminal Justice Reform was wrong and could be abused by criminals and to undermine our law system and police and that doesn’t seem practical or ideal to me. Trump’s criminal justice reform needs work

Though if I was black and I saw some unevenness of the criminal justice system, I probably would picket outside of police stations across the US with picket signs like 'the fuzz is unfair to poc' or even a toned up picket sign that is even more anti police than that in order to fix those injustices so that poc are not vulnerable to exploitation and abuse by the police

Some of my other views on the criminal system match Ciudadanos’s views on the criminal system

I am against the police state Some people feel the police are as much of an enemy now as others and I feel those views are pretty spot on. I am against the creation of another police state

The police state is a working class issue first and foremost. Reframing the police state as only being a racial issue only helps the police state in the end.(This is not just a race issue. I'd repeat that after every point, but I'm not Anti woke) 

However according to Afro Pessimism the whole concept of police is an anti blackness concept (as I show way below). as mentioned here. Afro Pessimism militantly believes that blacks wouldn't be arrested as much if they were white (which they say is due to discrimination)

For example, according to Afro Pessimism “ Afro-pessimism can also be used to critique prevalent liberal discourses around community, accountability, innocence, and justice. Such notions sit upon anti-Black foundations and only go so far as to reconfigure, rather than abolish, the institutions that produce, control, and murder Black subjects.

Take for example the appeal to innocence and demand for accountability, too frequently launched when someone Black is killed by police. The discourse of innocence operates within a binary of innocent/ guilty, which is founded on the belief that there is an ultimate fairness to the system and presumes the state to be the protector of all. 

This fails to understand the state’s fundamental investment in self-preservation, which is indivisible from white supremacy and the interests of capital. 

The discourse goes that if someone innocent is killed, an individual (the villainous cop) must be held accountable as a solution to this so-called injustice. The structural reality of anti-Black violence is completely obfuscated and justice is mistook as a concept independent from anti-Blackness. 

Discrimination is indeed tragic, but systematic dispossession and murder is designedly more—it is the justice system—and no amount of imprisoned cops, body cameras or citizen review boards will eliminate this.”

Given the ongoing accumulation of Black death at the hands of the police—even despite increased visibility in recent years—it becomes apparent that a Black person on the street today faces open vulnerability to violence just as the slave did on the plantation. 

That there has recently been such an increase in media coverage and yet little decrease in murder reveals the ease with which anti-Black violence can be ignored by white society; at the same time this reveals that when one is Black one needn’t do anything to be targeted, as Blackness itself is criminalized (this balances my views that the police issue is a class and mentally disabled person issue)

Afro Pessimism points out how the state kills and contains Black bodies but it also turns the spotlight on other culprits who contribute to anti blackness; the left “the left kills and contains Black desire, erases Black cognitive maps that explain the singularity of Black suffering, and, most of all, fatally constricts the horizon of Black liberation.” 

So maybe the police state being an anti blackness issue transcends the working class and mentally disabled component of the police state

Up to 50% of people that are murdered by police are disabled  https://archive.is/gE01l

Police shoot people twice as often as was previously thought. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/xwvv3a/shot-by-cops 

Keep in mind that number was self reported, so we have no real way of knowing if said numbers are the actual number of shootings by police in the US. 

Many of these victims are completely unarmed. 

Police kill way way more people in the US than terrorists kill. The police have killed over a hundred more people than mass shooters killed in 2019 (that we are aware of). Mass shooters are easily tracked while police killings are not. 1 https://archive.is/rwRJ5 https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-incidents-in-the-us-2019-042820.pdf/view

Cops killed more people in 2019 than school shooters did in all of US history. https://archive.is/fZp9V

If police don't shoot you, they might just airstrike your block and burn your children alive. https://archive.is/mNjqB

Police shoot one dog every hour, each day. At the absolute least. https://archive.is/UtPiG

Once you are jailed, be prepared to sit in jail for weeks , months or even years. It's so bad that people constantly plead guilty just so they can get out of that messhttps://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/innocent-man-pleaded-guilty-drug-charge-get-out-jail-it-n1067321

This is so bad and common, that over a third of all exonerations come after an individual has pleaded guilty. So much for the right to a speedy trial. https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Documents/Exonerations%20in%202018.pdf

Getting arrested is easy , tens of thousands of people yearly, get arrested, due to the lowest bidder system that police departments use in order to test for illicit substances. 

Field drug tests are about as reliable as lie detector tests and horoscopes. They don't really work.


Think you are safe if you just follow the police’s directions? Nope http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/12/graphic-video-shows-police-killing-of-unarmed-man-in-arizona.html  

If police don't just outright kill you, they could make their instructions so arcane and hard to follow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OflGwyWcft8  that the police will kill you for not following their orders, and usually get away with it. He got away with it, by the way.

For anyone who thought that justice might be done in the future, here's an update to that case - years later, the insane officer with "You're Fucked" emblazoned on the dust cover of his rifle is now WRONGLY getting a monthly check of $2,500 for life from the city because murdering a man in cold blood made him sad. We have to stop him and other cops who kill like he and Derek Chauvin did from getting these economic benefits like SSI, welfare and retirement checks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmTv1Tb9UBY

They'll prosecute you for even knowing about crimes cops have committed. https://boingboing.net/2019/02/26/list-of-thousands-of-criminal.html

Think you're safe in your home? lmao nah. Not even your 7 year old is safe from getting her brains blown out. check out this horrifying megapost on no-knock raids https://archive.is/quFI4

Being a taxi driver is literally more dangerous than being a cop (even though in theory you would think that cops would be exposed to more danger). https://thinkprogress.org/how-dangerous-is-it-to-be-a-cop-heres-what-the-data-says-c07f6a58d8fc/

Cops are more of a danger to themselves than anyone else is to them https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/04/11/officers-firefighters-suicides-study/503735002/

they've admitted to stealing as much -or recently more- than burglars through "asset forfeiture," and the rate of their thefts has been climbing yearly https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/cops-took-more-stuff-from-people-than-burglars-did-last-year/. Keep in mind, these numbers only articulate what's been reported. It's probable that they've stolen far more than just this.

Police are literally allowed to rape people on the job in 35 states, as they have the power to determine whether or not you consented to sex with them while in their custody. And they have used this "right." https://archive.is/ue0oB.  If we want to e,iminate rape forever stopping police from raping would set an example for would be rapists to stop being rapists

The police are being trained to kill as if they're an occupying army and we are an insurgency. This is an inevitability, as the military-industrial complex needs to keep expanding into new markets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETf7NJOMS6Y. See this for more

Eugenics was still alive and well in the prison-industrial complex up until very recently, and could very well be continuing for all we know, as it was forcibly sterilizing inmates as late as 2010. I honestly don't see a reason to believe it's stopped. https://archive.is/yr01P

Feel like putting in a complaint yet? Lol good luck. You might get jailed, beaten, or worse. Watch 2 minutes and you'll want to see the whole damn thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=16&v=vnJ5f1JMKns&feature=emb_logo

The US surveillance state is massive https://qz.com/1670686/the-us-has-a-lot-in-common-with-chinas-surveillance-state/ (and while this post primarily focuses on the US, other countries are just as bad https://www.theverge.com/2016/11/23/13718768/uk-surveillance-laws-explained-investigatory-powers-bill), though much of our surveillance is privatized. This doesn't stop the police from partnering with private companies, however https://archive.is/bL5fT. This will only get worse as time goes on. Also, we can't forget about the Patriot Act and Snowden's PRISM leaks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(surveillance_program.

the police, as an institution, are so completely steeped in violence, that up to 40% of them commit acts of domestic violence and other forms of domestic abuse http://womenandpolicing.com/violencefs.asp. Most citizens are not even allowed to own firearms if found guilty of domestic violence, and these guys are expected to handle military-grade equipment.

Police exist to control and terrorize us, not serve and protect us. That's only their function if you happen to be rich and powerful. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-day-ferguson-cops-were-caught-in-a-bloody-lie


If it were an individual thing, you'd give them the benefit of the doubt, but it isn't; it's an institutional thing. the job itself is a bastard, therefore by carrying out the job, they are bastards. To take it to an extreme: there were no good members of the gestapo because there was no way to carry out the directives of the gestapo and to be a good person. it is the same with the american police state. Police do not exist to protect and serve, according to the US supreme court itself, but to dominate, control, and terrorize in order to maintain the interests of state and capital. https://archive.is/gHlb4

Who are the good cops then? The cops who either quit or are fired for refusing to do the job. https://archive.is/lZrC5

While the above list focuses on the US as a ‘model’ police state, ALL cops in ALL countries around the world, are derivative from the very similar and violent traditions of modern policing, which are rooted in old totalitarian regimes, genocides, and bondage, if not the mere maintenance of authoritarian power structures through terrorism. https://archive.is/xhZOu


So we must abolish Capitalism the state and the police at once thus the police state will fall and down will come freedom cradle and all

Until that day….and under our current unjust police state until we abolish it, here are some reimagining ideas to help us get to that point in one piece:

I condemn people disrespecting the police (like throwing things at them, spitting on them, harassing them, calling for violence against them).

We should challenge all violence including violence by police . 

But their violence and corruption are not simply a reflection of poor oversight or the presence in police agencies of “a few bad apples” 

It is instead a reflection of the structural positions of such agencies as guarantors of state power and of the lack of accountability created both by the existence of substantial de facto differences in standards for the use of force by police officers and others and by the monopolistic status of police agencies.

I believe we need to prevent white supremacist/racist infiltration in the law enforcement agencies but do so in a way that does not label our law enforcement agencies as white supremist or racist. Most lawyers and judges are whites so it is easy to make a logic jump to assume that is why our prisons have mostly BIPOC inmates. 

I am against the police being defunded  (except if I am playing Sim City SNES and doing the money trick). Defunding the police is bad because it is a bourgeois liberal (2.0) solution. I also echo what Al Sharpton said about how defunding the police is something that only a latte liberal would want.

We need to abolish the police along with the state and capitalism as part of a package to free us from tyranny, much better than defunding. 

African Americans call the police more than non African Americans do, so its counterproductive for them to get the police defunded (since the latter hampers police). Abolish the police and everyone wins 

If AOC wants to defund the police, maybe she should first learn the basics of police procedure like getting arrested  and cuffed, see here for more. Hollywood is also hypocritical on defunding the police, see here for how

I believe police departments should hire BLM activists, anti police brutality activists and buddhist monks as police officers since they are the last people to use police brutality on suspects. With police departments defunded, violence and injury to civilians increase leading to taxation by citation which is very counterproductive.

We need to build more positive relations with therapists, social workers, Religious leaders/Chaplains and similar agencies in our communities to help tag along with police and maybe be guest police at times for specific non violent crimes freeing police officers to focus on areas of our communities where they are needed.

We also need to get police to deescalate instead of escalate dangerous encounters with perps.

I am very open to the idea of having police departments run by the county (like in Camden County NJ) and for those county run police departments to implement deescalation training, using Krav Maga control and restraint techniques instead of chokeholds, ask police officers to step in for other police officers if they used too much force, have police officers patrol on foot more, have police officers introduce themselves to the residents and even host BBQs for their community which may lead to violent crime drops. 

Also have the police be trained/retrained every year or few years by some of the best police in the US and comply with UN international law

I am also open to these changes to policing :Change Police Culture to Protect Civilians and Police, Restructure Regulations for Fraternal Order of Police Contracts (ie police union busting), Distributed sensing and virtual patrols, Artificial data and predictive policing, Address Officer Wellness, Evidence based policing 

Another idea is for more changes like extremely more neighborhood watch groups, having Celebration Florida like citizen security patrol units (who do what those Celebration Florida like citizen security patrol units do when they encounter crime) ,more citizens arrests  (but all those citizens would be heavily encouraged to and possibly incentivized to have training for those roles that fused the same training that MSP PD has now with Peace Core training and Martial Arts training, the latter of which preaches not resorting to violence and only using karate in self defense and things like that). 

Moreover, having IAB being more common and having more influence, oversight and control of Police Departments also would something that would be done here.

I do wish all police in the US were like Andy from the Andy Griffin Show (ie that all police in the US were friendly, compassionate lawmen who want people to respect them for their integrity and commitment to justice, rather than fear them for their gun (which they should rarely carry) 

I believe we need to reduce the police by not giving them a reason to be so bloated through better healthcare, education system and better housing instead of directly (since those things would mean low crime and low crime would lead to a reduction in police).  I support lower crime

I also feel outsourcing select issues away from the police to non police specialists should be something to consider at some point in the future when its viable and also something I would be very open to supporting (ie drug councilors stepping in for the police on drug related crimes, rape councilors stepping in for the police on rape reports where the perp isn't on scene, and domestic violence councilors stepping in for police on domestic violence cases etc)

I am very ok with the police in the US being like the Japanese's National Police Agency in all ways since they are one of the best police in the world. 

I am open to supporting the US having a private police force (like Benjamin Tucker called for) once we are in a Left Libertarian-Mutualist society if we go that route, which could also be used to break up violent strikes to protect the employee’s freedom or for related crimes OR a Marxist Leninist type of secret police once we become a Left Minarchist, Marxist Leninist society if we go that route

But I'd only support this IF this private police force (like Benjamin Tucker called for) or Marxist Leninist type of secret police included having the private police people (like Benjamin Tucker called for) or Marxist Leninist type of secret police let the friends of the victims of anti human crimes to go along with the private police people (like Benjamin Tucker called for) or Marxist Leninist type of secret police to the crime scene to help the victims. 

This would allow for example the friends of the victims to kick the snot out of the domestic abusers or rapists with immunity from arrest to offset private police (like Benjamin Tucker called for) or Marxist Leninist type of secret police being on site

I think that until we abolish the police and police state, maybe privitazing the police (not like above) as outlined here and here might be an interesting idea to consider

I support more diligence

I also support millions of Americans becoming real life superheroes like Superman, Spiderman, Batman etc in order to fight crime and catch criminals (just like they do in the comic books). Allow them to use tech that gives them realistic versions of those superheroes' super powers. 

Maybe if athletes and celebrities didn't abuse their wives and girlfriends via domestic violence they wouldn't have so many confrontations with police and thus hate police because of those confrontations. 

Having things like CTE and concussions or being an A list celebrity is no excuse, Maybe creating the changes above will lead to less hostility between police and athletes/celebrities when those situations arise


This Twitter thread provides good discussion and debate on Minnesota police arresting victims instead of suspects/perps in the wake of the Derek Chauvin situation

A lot of criminals are poor or have low paying jobs because they didn’t want to go to college to get an education

People shouldn’t be apathetic to criminals or counterproductive aspirations, they should try to concern themselves or help said criminals . This is the spirit of helping

I am against the criminal populism of the Anti crime Short agenda. I support the measures proposed in the Crime is not a game thing and I also support the commission investigating Critical neighborhoods along with the investigation of the abandonment of the State in the most vulnerable areas of the country 

I am anti mafia for various reasons  

I wonder how viable this would be if the CRT anti racist board and the ACLU’s most pro police members reformed this idea and it was legalized

I support Breonna’s Law (we should not live in a world where we should worry about the police killing us or our family while we are in our homes or where police can bust into our homes in the middle of the night while we are sleeping)

I support the Stingray Law Enforcement Prohibition . Which means I support prohibiting the use of a cell site simulator device without a warrant ; I support amending RCW 9.73.260 and adding a new section to chapter 9.73 RCW

I am pragmatically Radically Centrist lean moral strong support (as in moral victory) on the Qualified immunity act

I support the the Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013

This is a good article on a crime and I agree with this article

I agree with this outkick article and this reddit post.  It is ridiculous you can get away with anything in NYC but don't you dare wipe your butt with a pride flag.  Anyone remember when it was a leftist issue to have legalised flag burning during George Bush Jr?   So according to these woke hypocrite freaks, it is ok to burn the American flag but not ok to burn the Pride flag? HOW STUPID!!! Arresting this homeless man is discrimination because he is homeless and abuse of homeless people. 

This is man was reaching out for help and instead he has these anti homeless bigot New Yorker police and armchair detectives wrongly going after him   At worst charge him with stealing and property damage. NYC only goes after right wingers or people who do what they deem as right wing.  I have to stop this

I am ok with Alvin Bragg not prosecuting low level offenses. But he should be consistent with not prosecuting low level offenses and the media should make it clear to everyone that he isn’t going to prosecute low level offenses. 

Moreover it is understandable for Alvin Bragg to go easy on criminals since Bragg is a poc and him going easy on poc suspects is just him protecting other poc people from the anti black, anti poor prison system. So from that angle, I can make peace with Bragg going easy on poc suspects

This guy was already on lifetime parole and would have been under stricter supervision awaiting his trial, so putting him prison while awaiting his trial is overkill and unneeded

The crime in NY and the rest of the US is bad and is as bad or almost as bad as advertised. The fact that Democrats downplay or deny it is concerning , especially as it appears to be for partisan reasons and an insult to our intelligence. I echo the points made in these links herehereherehere , here and here. Mayor Eric Adams (former cop) agrees.  I reply to a Daily Beast article that acknowledges US crime increases in this post

"I'm telling ya, the crime rate in New York will kill ya. There's so many problems, you never feel like your accomplishing anything. Violence, rip-offs, muggings, kids can't leave the house, you gotta walk `em to school.

But in (some small towns like) Amity, one man/woman can make a difference. In twenty five years, there's never been a shooting or murder in this town."

Believing NYC is an active war zone is unfortunately not an uncommon belief in this country, but nothing that close to notable has happened recently that has made NYC less safe.

The crime being high in NYC has NOTHING to do with DA Alvin Bragg not prosecuting low level offenses. It is high due to them scrapping bail, not fixing the underlying causes of crime etc

NYC has some growing big issues with lesser crimes like theft /robbery (see herehere , here, herehere here, here, here too), and more so than violent crimes. In fact NYC is suffering through a huge surge of theft in 2022 and 2023 and it is a major problem that needs to be fixed. Anyone denying this is a troll

NYC isn't as bad as the 1970s and comparing it to other cities in terms of being safe is whataboutism . NYC has enough crime that it needs to be fixed. People are fleeing these crime ridden cities like NYC ,and places like California , California itself is unlike NYC is dirty, and deteriorating

"It's crazy that a few hundred people are fucking up the city for everyone else . It's crazy that it's allowed to happen . But here we are . People in this sub can't even agree that someone shoplifting and getting arrested 60 to 100 is unacceptable.

Theres a store in the West Village on Christopher Street run by a small business owner. She put up pictures outside of her store of a dude basically walking away with hundreds of dollars in merchandise. She's not some big corporation. The dude who stole her stuff will never be held accountable, she will suffer as will the neighborhood when she shutters her business and it's a vacant store for the next four years .

It's crazy that a few hundred people are fucking up the city for everyone else . It's crazy that it's allowed to happen . But here we are . People in this sub can't even agree that someone shoplifting and getting arrested 60 to 100 is unacceptable.

Theres a store in the West Village on Christopher Street run by a small business owner. She put up pictures outside of her store of a dude basically walking away with hundreds of dollars in merchandise. She's not some big corporation. The dude who stole her stuff will never be held accountable, she will suffer as will the neighborhood when she shutters her business and it's a vacant store for the next four years ."

Admitting there is a crime issue and trying to fix it is better than denying or downplaying it and feeding the critics pointing out NY’s crime surge. This is what happens when Democrats implement half assed crime reform

I similarily have the above views about the increased uptick in theft/robbery crime in San Francisco I also Fox News's criticism of the crime in San Francisco from April 2023 by the Five, Jesse Waters, Adam Carolla

At least that is how the narrative is by the media about San Francisco. HOWEVER, San Francisco is suffering an pretty big uptick in theft and robbery crime  (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here etc)

Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi need to lower that increase in property crime in San Francisco. No more b.s. San Francisco used to be a beautiful city but not it is a hot mess and that needs to be fixed ASAP.  San Francisco is a very dirty city now and is a disgrace compared to how it once was. 

But we have to make sure we don't get too tough on crime as this Jacobin article points out. While finding ways to get 'tougher' on crime at the same time we also have to avoid doing so in a way where sad things happen like what happened to Tyree Nichols by the police.

I can get behind no cash bail only if we distinguish between violent offenders and nonviolent offenders. As it is 15% of criminals charged in shootings are out on pretrial release. We need to make our cities safer and and what this means is to do so we need to get repeat offenders off of the streets.

Pre-trial accused suspects should be released on crime severity only. Rich or not, if a suspect is a menace to society or is a violent offender they shouldn’t be out pre-trial… period.

Women (including transgender women), should not go to prison unless they commit a violent crime

I am neutral lean support for a bill that would enhance hate crime data collection but only if combined with what I write below or only if it uses more accurate criteria than the ADL’s hate crime data collection

I go along with the 'White Supremacy Act of 2023' (though I want that name changed) which makes it a federal crime to also post something on social media that promotes White supremacist views if someone else then sees it and commits a crime. 

If nothing else this law is better than hate crime laws in Europe which arrest people for posting wrongthink online. Plus since Joe Biden is a segregationist it is base that he inspired this law to be passed to atone for his decades of white supremacy and racism himself

I am against the Crown Act . We already have enough anti discrimination laws, we don’t need anymore. I feel that Cori Bush, AOC, Ilhan Omar were forced to support it.  I know deep down they don't support that act

Instead of policing companies for being hairphobes, maybe lowering our 33 trillion in debt, lowering inflation, stopping the blind and never-ending support for Ukraine, stopping the FBI and CIA from abusing their power etc might be a slightly better option for Democrats to take. Priorities!

I do not support hate crime laws for LGBTQ victims since too many hate crime laws are overkill, slippery slope and big government. A better alternative would be to have prison guards get athletic LGBTQ inmates who are boxers, MMA fighters , Martial artists, weight lifters etc to kick the sh*t out of homophobes and transphobes in prison who committed bias crimes against LGBTQ people

It should not be a hate crime to shave the beard of an Amish person. I am a Libertarian and I believe in small government. 

I go along with all other hate crime laws and I recognize that hate crime laws are really the government using their high position for good (instead of ruling over people) to protect marginalized groups like a parent protecting a child. Thus I don’t make a fuss out of non LGBTQ hate crime laws or even LGBTQ hate crime laws

In a ideal world, instead of hate crime laws , the government should use Libertarian paternalism methods to nudge/influence DAs to give hate crime like sentences for criminals who commit hate crime against protected groups (except LGBTQ victims) . I also want the government to use Libertarian paternalism methods to nudge/influence people not go commit hate crimes (including hate crimes against LGBTQ people) in the first place 

If people's interests are linked to their genders (as in Xenogenderism and noun self pronouns) and they become protected classes too, this would mean that it would be a hate crime to hate anyone for any reason, since hating a Xenogender person/noun self pronoun person for being Xenogender/using noun self pronouns is hating them for their interests and likes and not their identity since they have to link the two together.  This would thus water down and downplay existing hate crime laws by literally protecting everyone.  As a Libertarian, I think that maybe this would be a silver lining in that if there is gonna be hate crime laws then why not protect everyone from hate for any reason?

I like how in France all identity groups are protected classes 

It is sad there is a huge crime problem in Chicago . The solid majority of Chicago residents say crime is a problem.  Yes we do not want to demonize the youth who are a part of this crime surge but we also want everyone to be safe and being a youth doesn't and shouldn't shield them from their actions. I agree with Lori Lightfoot's pivot to become tougher on crime and I echo what she said in her tougher on crime stance, in particular about how bad it is to release criminals without bond only for them to go out and commit more crimes afterward

I do agree with Bill Maher on crime as mentioned here but I agree with Ben Burgis in that article even more

African Americans do address the issue of black on black violence but privately as opposed to making a spectacle out of it. The MSM however, doesn't report that enough which is why some conservatives falsely believe that African Americans don't take black on black crime (like in Chicago) seriously. 

Black on black crimes is a very huge issue that needs to be addressed by all sides. It is not wrong to say so

Whites do commit the majority of hate crimes in America (53% of hate crimes); far more than African Americans do (23 percent). Whites also created Nuclear and Atomic weapons so whites have created the most destructive weapons on Earth. If our planet gets nuked, it is the fault of whites

The official gov site is a good tool to see stats about how to protect Asians from abuse by trolls. Context ,nuance and common sense is needed however in filtering such info surrounding this issue

African Americans and whites commit the same amount of violence against Asians.

When African Americans commit hate crimes against Asians it has ABSOLUTELY HAS NOTHING to do with white supremacy. White people should not be blamed for African Americans committing crimes against Asians. Anyone who says otherwise is misguided.  African Americans and whites who commit hate crimes against Asians should blame themselves and no one else or society for their actions. People of all race and ethnicities should learn to take responsibility for their actions and to stop blaming others.  

Blaming whites for black hate crimes against Asians is dividing our country and causing hatred. I won't allow that to happen any more. 

Violence in the US as a whole is an issue that needs to be solved. 

The vast majority of any group whether its an ethnic/racial group (like Irish people, or bipoc people or white people as a whole), political ideology group (like right wing extremists, tankies, ANTIFA) etc are not murderers and for the rare criminals of all stripes and backgrounds within all groups who do commit murders there are economic reasons for murders. 

So a lot of murder is due to stuff beyond peoples control. Meaning culturaleconomic reasons leave some criminals no other choice . And no it has nothing to do with genetics; to echo Haz "IT IS NOT DUE TO GENETICS!"

Crimes committed by African Americans should be reported the just as much and in the same exact way as crimes committed by whites are reported. 

As for when African Americans crimes are overcovered in comparison to white crimes, less reporting of all crimes by people of all races and ethnicities the better

I am more than tolerant on the view that people who are arrested for stealing are not political victims but common criminals

I am open minded to the view that people being raised in single parent homes instead of two parent homes is an issue that needs to be discussed until we tear down the patriarchy and abolish the family unit as the norm (which very well lead may lead to the family unit eventually naturally being completely abolished and I would be ok with that, but more than ideally if decentralized free association replaces it)

I believe if Americans had the same type of parenting they had around the mid 20th century our country would be better than it is now (but not ideal since it is only ideal once we tear down the patriarchy and abolish the family unit as the norm [which very well may lead to the family unit eventually naturally being completely abolished and I would be ok with that but more than ideally if decentralized free association replaces it])

Parents should always know where their children are and what they are doing. It should be harder for young people to hooky from school nowadays. Until we tear down the patriarchy and destroy the family unit as the norm (which very well lead may lead to the family unit eventually naturally being completely abolished and I would be ok with that but more than ideally if decentralized free association replaces it), we have adhere to traditional family structure in ways that I want

Religious people, Progressives etc should do a better job helping their communities. We can’t rely on police to do it

Down and out people shouldn't blame society for their ills but blame themselves for their problems

A lot of criminals are poor or have low paying jobs because they didn’t want to go to college to get an education so we have make education more accessible to people (see the fiscal section of this blog for more)

People shouldn’t be apathetic to criminals or counterproductive aspirations, they should try to concern themselves or help said criminals . This is the spirit of helping

Prisons and DP

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was an egalitarian mandate, and that sounds base from a social engineering perspective. It is a big part of what a just society should be , where all persons treats all other persons equally. There is no greater way currently to achieve said utopia then to literally force people to behave accordingly with penalties if they do not

The government was correct to implement the 1964 Civil Rights Act to strike down the local and state laws that mandated segregation. The government mandating segregation in the South in the first place was a violation of the Constitution , freedom of association, and a plethora of other personal rights and liberties 

The government was further correct to go further with the 1964 Civil Rights Act to desegregate the South since the local and state laws that mandated segregation being like the rest of the US, built upon anti black structures (per Afro Pessimism) made segregation especially cruel and in dire need of government intervention to desegregate

That was a needed federal intervention as a necessary check on state abuses of bigotry especially due to the local and state laws that mandated segregation going as far as they did which included harassing and harming other businesses which didn’t comply with the local and state mandated segregation laws. This article says this better than I can

Yet, the political angle of the Civil Rights Act and its corollary welfare acts over the span of the Lyndon Johnson administration did have negative effects on the minority communities .

In the book 'Losing Ground' it talks of the economic incentives that emerged from these acts which was to gain the ever more valued minority vote. This was a good and effective strategy by the Democrats but it has not aged well as some minorities feel they have been used by the Democrats 

Thomas Sowell says of this welfare and economic incentives stuff left behind by this act that it destroyed the African American family and created a dependency culture.

I like how JFK help abolish segregation in the way that he did.

From a Libertarian  (i.e small government) and Afro Pessimist perspective:

I feel that the 1964 Civil Rights Act should not be used to prevent Muslim, Christian, LDS etc private businesses from refusing to bake custom wedding cakes for same sex couples. This is for Libertarian, small government reasons. 

Private means private. Private businesses should not be compelled at all to promote a belief it fundamentally disagrees with (within reason) even if they are bigot LGBTQ phobes for doing so

It should be absolutely illegal for say private religious bakeries to say ‘no gay people allowed’ since sexual orientation is protected though it should be legal for the private religious baker bakery to stubbornly refuse to sell a custom cake which promotes a viewpoint they disagreed with, like same sex marriage no matter how terrible such an act is.

The whole ‘protected class’ thing no matter how much I like the concept in some aspects really is an insult to LGBTQ people and too much big government if you think about it

But if those private religious bakeries refuse to bake a cake for the same sex couple, I would call for a major boycott of said private religious bakery until they gave in (using my freedoms)

Because if do not, how would a Lesbian feel if their Queer owned private bakery was required by law to bake a cake for a Transgender patron which promoted Lesbian erasure in the cake’s message? It cuts both ways

However all public businesses including Muslim, Christian, LDS private businesses should be forced by the government to serve LGBTQ people and all people of all identities protected or not.

Moreover using the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect LGBTQ in such rarer situations could be viewed in a way as anti black and racist.

According to Afro Pessimism “As a result, it is Blackness, and more specifically anti-Blackness, that gives coherence to categories of non-Black—white, worker, gay, i.e., “human.” Categories of non-Black must establish their boundaries for inclusion in a group (humanity) by having a recognizable self within. According Frank Wilderson III “Blacks do not function as political subjects; instead, our flesh and energies are instrumentalized for postcolonial, immigrant, LGBT, and workers' agendas." 

So if we follow that line of thought, the 1964 Civil Rights Act is way more fitting on African Americans than it is on LGBTQ people because unlike with the LGBTQ community, our whole society ,culture and every institution has been built on anti blackness from the 1619 onwards. To appropriate the 1964 Civil Rights Act so a same sex couple can get a wedding cake from a private Christian or Muslim or LDS baker is too put it nicely misplaced and not in good taste

However from a moral perspective private religious bakeries should have to make custom wedding cakes for same sex couples and NO the Mises counter rhetoric of “forcing an individual to serve another is no better than the sanctioning of slavery.” to protest such mandated service for private businesses is false equivalency/false analogy . It is wage slavery that is the problem and what needs to be abolished not the pseudo ‘slavery’ that the Mises caucus whines about which isn’t a problem and certainly shouldn’t be abolished

I want us to eventually abolish  state/government, classes, hierarchies etc and to abolish or reimagine private property in a Left libertarian/Left Rothbard way which will render debating over whether the government should force private religious bakeries to make custom wedding cakes for same sex couples moot

I am against private bakers being requited to bake cakes celebrating Transgenderism if it goes against their beliefs. 

Even though from a moral perspective I support private bakers being required to bake cakes celebrating Transgender marriages, and allowing Trans people to use their preferred restroom , the celebrating Transgenderism cake thing is going too far and that is where I draw the line. I support this baker in this lawsuit and I hope he wins.  Enough is enough.s
According to Afro-Pessimists , violence toward the black person happens gratuitously, hence without former transgression, and even if the means of repression change (plantation was replaced by prison, etc.), that doesn’t change the structure of the repression itself. So we must abolish prisons

While I want us to eventually abolish prisons, I do not support Rashida Tlaib's illogical, naive, impulsive and Liberal 2.0 proposal to empty prisons. I would rather bite the shiv and keep prisons (all prisons) around than use Liberalism 2.0 methods like Rashida Tlaib’s methods to faux ‘abolish’ prisons This thread reflects my views on this more

I don’t criticize John Fetterman’s similar Liberal 2.0 faux abolitionist ideas (even though they are the worst of both worlds) because Fetterman was on the board of pardons, so it is natural he wants to abolish prisons but he he impulsively chose the Liberal 2.0 faux method to do so over true prison abolishment 

This is because Fetterman still has a financial connection in the prison system or he has a connection to it and thus he cannot bring himself to call for full abolishment of prisons as that would hurt John financially and socially with his white collar prison system employee friends . So in light of this context, I give John a pass on his stupid Liberal 2.0 half a*s prison idea even though I want him to truly abolish the prisons and I hate Liberal 2.0 faux prison abolishment

We are nowhere ready to abolish prisons which should be done alongside abolishing Capitalism ,the state, police etc in one fell swoop and not using the Liberal 2.0 ‘empty the prison’ faux ‘abolitionist’ methods which are as bad as the prison state complex itself and should never be implemented

These prison abolitionist ideas here are better than Tlaib’s ideas

The idea is when we are ready (like when we can abolish Capitalism ,the state, police etc along with it) replacing prisons or the prison system with rehabilitative functions rather than penal functions. I recommend reading Angela Davis' Freedom Is A Constant Struggle as well as Are Prisons Obselete?

Seeing how Liberal 2.0ers hijacked the prison abolishment movement with their woke, Liberal 2.0 nonsense ideas I almost want to keep prisons around for decades including private prisons just out of spite

Prison is bad because it's the ultimate violation of a person's consent, depriving people of all agency and freedom. We want the opposite of that for everyone. 

Prison requires some sort of authoritarian power structure to enact. It doesn't really work either as it is based on a naive and flawed understanding of human agency. It is good to separate someone who has shown violent tendencies, but not as we do now by throwing that person in prison

They are still people no matter their behavior, and our priority should be to rehabilitate and return them to society asap, whereas prison demonizes, dehumanizes, and legally enslaves people for corporate gain; there is no rehab in prison.

Prison reform or Liberal 2.0 worst of both worlds faux prison ‘abolitionism’ still uses a justice system, laws, a gulag, police, prison guards, etc. it is NOT freaking libertarian-egalitarian anarchism ,Left Libertarian and even Marxist Leninist prison reform is more ideal than Liberal 2.0 radical reform . It doesn’t go far enough, because if you go that far you go all the way

Recidivism rates are low for murder, especially if you take away economic factors which a libertarian-egalitarian anarchism/Left Libertarian world would provide. 

If murderers , sexual abusers and pedos are a problem in a post prison society, then we would them from society by informing about what they did, then offer them help in case their deeds are motivated psychopathologically. If that doesn't work, it is unlikely they will have a lot of success with further killing, sex abuse etc in an tight-knit and well-armed society.

The Clintons alone put more BIPOC in captivity (prison) than were put in slavery in the Old South.

This is not a shock given even in the 1990s the Democratic Party was not good or even decent on civil rights. So abolishing prisons is the real Civil Rights fight of our era

I support Justice Action (Australia). They help prisoners who are often victims of punitive and harsh punishments and I applaud the work they do in helping them

I am against the Death Penalty (in 95% of death penalty cases) basically like Mark Hatfield was against it 

I am glad that fringe Conservative Party UK members want the Death Penalty brought back since that makes the Conservative Party UK look further bad and out of touch than they already look and helps my Labour Party look even better in comparison 

People celebrating inmates being executed via the death penalty deaths at execution sites are wrong for doing that. The only way that would be justified would be to bring those executed inmates back from the dead to celebrate their cheering onlookers as those cheering onlookers died from whatever cause they die from

In another world,I would say that a better alternative to the Death Penalty would be to offer a choice to murderers  

choice 1) in that other world only, transfer murderers to fight on the front lines in the military in wars or conflicts and if they survive, sentence them just like murderers in Nordic countries are sentenced for murders

choice 2) in that other world only (and maybe in this world too) have murderers be waterboarded a few times a year for at least five years 

I am against Ron Deathsentence lowering the requirements of a death sentence (no pun intended) from a unanimous decision to a supermajority decision.  There shouldn't even be a death penalty in Florida but as long as there is he should make it harder not easier to execute people. As can be seen throughout my blog the death penalty is misguided , archaic and harsh. 

I am all over the place (but mostly closer to Liberal Conservative Populist) politically on Ban the Box. There are many positives with it being legalized 

It's very much easier to get a couple of million dollars for an amount of safe injection sites, needle exchange programs, prescription maintenance dosing of opiates, etc than it is to obtain the billions (or maybe trillions) of dollars it is going to take to abolish the root causes of addiction. We also have in the past spent billions of dollars in trying to restrict the opiate supply and imprison drug users, and it hasn't made much progress in reducing the addiction rates.

The surest way to lower crime is to decriminalize victimless "crimes" and to empower people to do more meaningful things with their lives instead of committing crimes. Give them income sources that are more safe and that work better than property crimes and petty level fraud. Reduce inequality, the sources of stress and anxiety, and underlying causes of desperation/nihilism to cause violent crime to be reduced. Create egalitarian social structures so that aspiring sociopaths can never ever gain too much power.

In reply to this:https://t.co/rsugN6yKiF   .Per https://reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/wrij39/florida_republicans_targeted_black_voters_justice/ . I feel that reddit has a point and makes some good arguments on this topic 

I am against Ron Deathsantis's harsh law and order agenda and him firing prosecutors who won't go through with his harsh law and order agenda scares me as a Floridian and it should scare every other citizen of Florida. Power has gone to Deathsantis's head

Ron Desantis wants to increase the death penalty , add more punitive harsh laws, and go hard after pedophiles with zero tolerance . That doesn't fly with me. As we see above, Desantis needs pushback for this and hopefully more judges will push back on him for this


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