Exh drggss


I am against substance abuse

I am proudly drug free. 

States should provide legal protection from arrest and prosecution for people calling for medical assistance for someone with opiate related problems. I also support relaxed restrictions on prescribing Naloxone (laws like NH HB 270 and NH HB 271)

These views generally echo my views legality wise on drug decriminalization/legalization for rec use. I tend to also be inspired by these drugs views by the LP too  

I conditionally believe steroids should be legal and that MLB players, etc should be allowed to use steroids without getting suspended.   If everyone has access to them, there is no unfair advantages (plus this regulates steroids) . 

Otherwise you'd have to say that Jerry Rice 'cheated' during his NFL career because he used a unique training regiment to get better.  The condition being MLB suspends players for hard drugs, otherwise NO STEROIDS 

I want all professional sports leagues (NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, MLS, WWE, MMA etc) test for hard drugs and to suspend players who test positive for hard drugs.  

I also want sports leagues to ban athletes from being on Marijuana during games. Athletes should not be high during games and if they are they are high during games and there is proof they were they should be suspended for that

Pussyfing athletes by not suspending them for being caught with hard drugs only causes further harm and destroys the credibility of the leagues. To let athletes get away with doing hard drugs is not only morally wrong and a slap in the face to me and every other sports fan but it also shows sports leagues let the inmates run the asylum

When I was a toddler-young child in the mid to mid late 1980s I was around powder Cocaine (in a brown package) that I found in my parents room every now and again. 

If I accidentally did Cocaine back then as a toddler/young child, I am glad I did because Cocaine helped me mentally and socially. But that does not mean I am pro Cocaine. I am against people doing all drugs, including Cocaine for rec use. Just Say NO. What was right for me back then (if I did it then) is not right for others

My advice to all people on hard drugs for rec use : Just Say No. I am against people doing all hard drugs for rec use unless it is for pain management and even then conditionally. 

I am non hostile to halfway tolerant of people doing non synthetic Marijuana for rec use as long as they are not addicted to it and if it is closer for medical reasons than for rec reasons

I believe we need to tell pro drug people to focus more on lots of drug prevention ie preventing unemployment, fighting poverty, and preventing family dissolution and less on trying to end their perceived 'war on drugs' .

My personal and systematic views on Marijuana legalization can be found here

Personally and systematically, I am against hard drugs being legalized or decriminalized for rec use except as noted below 

Systematically, I can live with and maybe even pretty much tolerate Cocaine (non Crack) being as free ,legal and commonly available as it was in the US from the 1880s through the 1920s (like cocaine being sold legally in neighborhood drugstores/drug stores, saloons, mail-order vendors, and even in grocery stores). 

Systematically ,I can also live with and maybe even tolerate Cocaine being in cigs, cheroots, inhalants, crystals, Coca Cola and other soda pops just like back then

Personally and systematically, I am between somewhat support and symbolic support for legalizing hemp

Personally and systematically, I sign off on semi legalizing Greenies, St John's Wart, and possibly Xanax/Valium for rec use only if it could be done practically and in a bipartisan way 

Personally and systematically I am ok with legalizing Mushrooms for rec use as long as this legalization is not abused and the Mushrooms are not around children, schools or people with drug addictions

Personally I support decriminalizing (with a very light fine penalty) Codeine for rec use

Systematically I support legalizing Codeine for rec use

Personally I look the other way with Cocaine (non Crack) in the US remaining technically illegal but arrests being for it being vastly unenforced for extremely small amounts of it. But on the forth time and up they are caught with such small amounts it is automatic prison for those Cocaine (non Crack) users.

Personally I am sympathetic to these ideas below on hard drugs in this post

Personally and systematically, I expand on how I believe we should penalize hard drug users (until we abolish prisons) here

Legality wise, I am against *all prohibitionist campaigns of all sorts and I respect people’s control over their bodies and justly acquired possessions (justly acquired possessions including Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, LSD, Purple Haze, Special K, Ecstasy, Meth)

Legality wise, I feel that aggression-based limits on *all disfavored but voluntary exchanges (Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, LSD, Purple Haze, Special K, Ecstasy, Meth) should be disallowed (thus Legality wise, I support allowing Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, LSD, Purple Haze, Special K, Ecstasy, Meth to be legalized)

*Though Fentanyl and other hard drugs that are stronger than Heroin should always be illegal.  See this post I made on Fentanyl

*Liberal 2.0ers have hijacked the legalize Marijuana movement and made it mainstream. However despite what FAKE LIBERAL POLLS say, the majority to vast majority of Americans and Canadians are still against Marijuana being legalized. 

*Legality wise I feel that while Marijuana being legalized helps stop the cascading consequences of a huge inmate population, I also feel that Marijuana is essentially soma (i.e Brave New World), in that Marijuana is the quintessential substance to make the drudgery of Capitalism palatable to people who would otherwise oppose Capitalism (some people feel that Marijuana causes class oppression and even white supremacy)

Putting people in prison over Mariujuana, giving them a criminal record, and then turning them into lumpenproletariat over it is a unique albeit risky way to accelerate the downfall of Capitalism.

*Legality wise, I want us to be put on a fast track to abolish the state, prisons, police, in part so we can have our anarchist, egalitarian society where Marijuana users are defacto legally allowed to do it for rec use. 

Until then Marijuana can be used to ‘self medicate’  and for official medical use. Furthermore until then, the possession, sale and manufacturing of Marijuana for any use would not be a crime . 

When someone commits a non drug crime (especially violent crime) is caught with Marijuana, unless the Marijuana we caught them with is self prescribed or medically prescribed (in which case them being caught with it will have zero impact on sentencing etc) .We would lock the door and throw away the key so to speak. 

Like if someone engages in a personal crime or a property crime like burglary for example while on non self prescribed and non medical Marijuana ,they would get more prison time than if they were clean or on self prescribed or medically prescribed Marijuana.

So after those abolishments a few paragraphs above happen, how people who are caught doing non self prescribed and non medical Marijuana Marijuana will be dealt with will be approached in a way that the community sees fit with non hierarchical community involvement

For example, maybe the community would use restorative rehabilitation, counseling, therapy on the non self prescribed and non medical Marijuana Marijuana user or the community might even decide to put the non self prescribed and non medical Marijuana Marijuana user in a psychiatric hospital

Non self prescribed and non medical Marijuana Marijuana is not good or healthy; it is a vice just like any other vice and it should not be celebrated or encouraged.

Legality wise, I don’t want people smelling like Marijuana or having Marijuana on their clothes . I don’t want any child under 18 anywhere near Marijuana and I strongly prefer that IDEALLY that Marijuana is as restricted in public ad cigarettes are currently restricted in public . Legality wise, I am not a radical cheerleader for Marijuana legalized

Legality wise I disfavor people using Fentanyl, Cocaine, Crack, LSD, Synth Marijuana, Heroin, Special K, Meth and Purple Haze for rec use 

Legality wise, I feel the best way to stop people from using those destructive and evil drugs is not through prohibition but through creating voluntary drug conversion therapy (which is 100 percent voluntary) to make people not want to use hard drugs for rec use. These drug conversion therapy groups should be very common.  We would not subsidize people's bad habits. 

While these hard drugs above (minus fentanyl which should always be illegal) would all be legal , anyone caught with them , while suffering absolutely zero negative penalty (no prison, no fines, no probation, no suspended sentences, no community service etc), they would lose their welfare. 

This would not apply to people caught with Marijuana (for any reason) after we abolish the state, prisons, police, and reign in our anarchist, egalitarian society . This would only apply to Cocaine, Crack, LSD, Synth Marijuana, Heroin, Special K, Meth and Purple Haze rec use users both before and after we abolish the state, prisons, police, and reign in our anarchist, egalitarian society

Or we can use these suggestions on how to deal with people using hard drugs

My sort of views on legal drug stations can be found here

Personally, systematically and legality wise, I feel that drug traffickers should get at least 10 years in prison for drug trafficking

Personally and systematically I feel that all jobs should drug test employees for hard drugs. I also personally believe there should be a don’t ask don’t tell policy on employees who use Marijuana

Legality wise I feel that employees should be fired for doing drugs (including Marijuana) while working since drugs have no place on the job . There should be a 3 strikes and fired rule for such degenerate offenses

Repeat hard drug offenders who refuse treatment should get slightly longer prison sentences than they do now.

I believe that the US should employ special forces to stop drug cartels from coming across the border into the US and contaminating our country with their drugs. These drug cartel people should be labeled as militants not terrorists though. 

We should at minimum try to strengthen the fight against drug trafficking to make it a priority of our Government. For that, it would be necessary to have all possible resources and to reach agreements in Congress to advance in judicial expulsions. Achieving a better US is everyone's job.

I support the way that 45 fixed the opoid addiction problems in the US

I am against the US raising the age of smoking cigarettes from 18 to 21. It should be 18 or 19. If kids can choose their gender to become Transgender, and decide to get abortions or if 18 , 19 and 20 year olds can fight and die in wars, if kids can be exposed to freaking drag queens and learn about polysexual college level sex theory stuff then 18 ,19 and 20 year olds SHOULD BE ALLOWED to smoke cigarettes. 

Raising the age for buying cigarettes from 18 to 21 is authoritarianism and goes against libertarian values and youth's rights.Who the Fuck is the government to decide what age people can do that.

The government decides how old people are to do things . This is statists junk. I call for reversing the age of cigarettes from 21 back to 18. The government are HYPOCRITES. MY BODY MY CHOICE. There is evidence raising the age isn't that effective at curbing smoking either. Most countries on Earth allow cigarette purchases for 18 or 19

I will help any 18 19 or 20 year old who wants to smoke cigarettes and won't be dissuaded from my advice to telling them not to smoke cigarettes to get cigarettes. I will buy the cigarettes for them and then give them those cigarettes. Because our society is f'd up and I am taking a stand. Kids already grow up too fast so no use making them wait to smoke til 21

And raising the cigarette purchase age does not make up for legalizing weed (i don't like weed being legalized but legality wise i support all other drugs except fentanyl being legalized).

Raising the age to buy cigarettes from 18/19 to 21 violates youth rights, bodily autonomy and justly acquired possessions

Personally, systematically and legality wise my views on Juul match Elizabeth Warren’s views on Juul

Personally, systematically and legality wise I am ok with blue laws coming back , but ONLY if it could be done in a way that the vast majority of my fellow Left Libertarians would agree with

Personally, systematically and legality wise I generally and with a right to change my mind later, don't want Alcohol and Liquor to be sold at theme parks, or at outdoor restaurants
I want most types of alcohol to be semi illegal in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Malaysia and  ,Indonesia 

Stealing is wrong and personally, systematically and legality wise I feel that people should go to prison for stealing as much as they have always went to prison for stealing. I support shoplifters going to prison for shoplifting. 

If I ever end up putting more focus on the Libertarian over the LEFT in Left Libertarian or the BLEEDING HEART in Bleeding Heart Libertarian, I would then hypothetically do MDMA so I could better get in touch with other peoples’ feelings (like mentioned here

There is a major fentanyl crisis/epidemic happening (see here, here, here, here for more). Also see here and here, here also here

I think this idea is a doable ,pragmatic solution for this fentanyl crisis


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