Exh JudeoChrsitianity

I tend to use the terms Christian and JudeoChristian interchangeably  

I support the Christian revival happening in Kentucky. It is refreshing to see that and a step in the right direction for our society    Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I am against Anti JudeoChristian sentiment. Atheists who say hateful, ignorant and bigoted drivel like  ‘imagine believing a sky wizard exists’ are evil, rude and a threat to religious freedom. I will ‘pray’ for them, ‘bless’ their hearts (they have no hearts) Yet those bigots would be the first to scream ‘ISLAMAPHOBIA!’ or ‘ANTI SEMETISM!’ if someone dear criticized Islam or Judaism. Damn Hypocrites  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Sort of like Stanhope I see comedy in people that put religion before their identity. I have known many JudeoChristian people who never stepped foot inside a church, revival tent, mosque, temple, etc etc

I mention my association with the JudeoChristian people of my history to shield me from that fact that I’m biased in favor of them. 

Ok I understand all the anti-JudeoChristian memes from the right wing anti JudeoChristian people like in their minds how right wing anti JudeoChristian people people created our Liberal mixed economy or social fascism   (ok...um but Ayn Rand who was of JudeoChristian descent supported right wing Capitalism and Leo Tolstoy was a JudeoChristian socialist so neither Rand or Toltsoy were Liberal Mixed economy supporters or Social Fascists)

Religious morality (especially Abrahamiac) and secular Liberal 2.0 political woke puritanism (using religious dogma for political woke purposes) sort of has some grip on our media by censoring swearing, sex offensive stuff and drugs on Tv and in film (if you don’t like that then don’t watch it) etc

With the right wing anti JudeoChristian people, they seems to truly drive the point home that they’re anti JudeoChristian while also taking a nonchalant stance on satanic temple and satanic religions .

Right wing anti JudeoChristian people are as annoying as far Liberal 2.0ers. In the larger picture it is extremist Donald Trump supporters that are a larger enemy than religious people . But nope,  

Right wing anti JudeoChristian people have to worry about JudeoChristians. They like to b**ch like they are rapping. When you got the same answer to all your problems (JudeoChristians), it’s time to begin looking within your own group. I don’t get the whole anti JudeoChristian thing. It seems insane.

Imagine if I went on an on about a Libra supremacy. Yep, if you were born between September 23 – October 22 you are part of a master sign. 

Ponder about that, we have these Libra celebs. (I could go on, but I’m sure most of you non-Libras can figure out search engines and libraries).

Libras got a charming, beautiful, and well-balanced traits that is cooler and more base than all others born in the remaining 48 weeks of the year; Libra’s are truly the universe’s chosen people. And in a super idealized world we would ensure you get the perfect child in September/October.

Doesn’t the above sound freaking RIDICULOUS?

When I hear the right wing anti JudeoChristian people go on and on about JudeoChristians they come off sounding just like a JudeoChristian person.

I also have not heard a convincing argument from the right wing anti JudeoChristian people about JudeoChristians, it’s always framed as a given that JudeoChristian people are sinister

If the right wing anti JudeoChristian people wants to discuss JudeoChristian people obsessively and be cautious about them, whatever – 

I am not going to persuade them otherwise. I do think the whole “JudeoChristianity is Liberal 2.0 or left wing adjacent” is such a time sink and very irrelevant.

I can call it now the potential hot takes from the right wing anti JudeoChristian people, if they read this, saying I am a “beta Judeo Christian Zionist fanatic” that isn’t awake to the issue. 

What issue? the US? Paint me as indifferent. My only contention with JudeoChristian people are that the JudeoChristian girl I was friends with years back in my church 20 somethings group was a Red Sox fan and bad cook , still not indicative of any pattern

Christians are becoming like as sinful Jews in the desert when Moses was leading them to Israel Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

God says in the bible porn is wrong. It is adultery and it cheapens love  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I support sexual abstinence and I am against infidelity but not for religious reasons but Christians supporting sex before or outside of marriage is a sin since the bible says so (even though the bible is right on abstinence and infidelity they are so for the wrong reasons)

Though since I am an Anarchist I don't think the state should enforce absistence laws and I really have better things to do than to lecture youngsters on saving themselves for marriage. 

When we hopefully usher in a left wing, Marxist-Left Anarchist/Mutalist society with free love and decentralized free association/collectivism then I will somewhat tolerate sex before marriage even if I have to self medicate with Mushrooms and percets to force myself too. 

But I will never extend that courtesy to infedelity even in such a society, in such a society my views on infedelity would be too complex for humans to grasp) 

Of course I will probably die before we usher in such a utopia so its all moot

Prostitution is a sin as Jesus clearly told Mary. It is adultery and cheapens love. No true Christian would support or engage in Prostitution Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Christians today are turning Christianity in Baal. Any Christian that watches porn or supports or engages in prostitution , sex outside of marriage and doesn’t apologize and repent is a phony Christian. I call on churches to wed out these phony Christians lest they spoil the whole loaf. Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

If we can’t even turn to our churches for solace from these ills like porn, prostitution and casual,sex, we might as well abolish Christianity. God says ‘be IN the world but not OF the world’Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Any Christian pastor that watches porn but refuses to give it up should be kicked out of the church. I don’t want such anti christs pastoring the church Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Ghandi type Christian values (that are pro LGBTQ) are what makes the west great Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I support Protestant values and work ethic Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Vladimir Lenin was fond of the Protestant values and work ethic aphorism by John Smith: "He who does not work, neither shall he eat?"

The Protestant work ethic could contribute to the success of a socialist society every bit as well as well as a capitalist society. Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

But there is quite a bit of economic and sociological studies on the impact of religiosity and economic outcomes, evidence is mixed but it is not nonexistent. See here for example

I also support Marxist work ethic. Once we abolish Capitalism, alter reimagine private property, and people own the means of production, people will work because they enjoy working, not because they are forced to work (like the Kibbutz in Israel)

1 Corinthians 9:22  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Today the biggest threats to Judeo Christianity are Liberal 2.0ers including Satanists Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Imagine how great Judeo Christianity would be if it never was Anti Lgbtq? Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

God create all realities, including our reality (Many Worlds Interpretation) . God also created the multiverse

I love the Big Bang Theory (tv show) intro because it showed how we went from the crazy start of our universe to advance to the point where we are now.

I believe that Deistic Evolution is true for our universe and other universes and I believe something between Theistic evolution and Intelligent Design is true for other dimensions (including type 1 universes in our reality)  “Gerald Schroeder points out that the existence of conditions favorable to life still does not explain how life itself originated. Life was able to survive only because of favorable conditions on our planet. But there is no law of nature that instructs matter to produce end-directed, self-replicating entities.”   Antony Flew  

I believe something between Evolutionary Creationism and the Gap theory is true for how alternate reality Earth and the alternate reality version of our universes and dimensions were created  “Virtually no major scientist today claims that the fine tuning was purely a result of chance factors at work in a single universe.” Antony Flew,

Creationism is just too much and Conservatives look cringe for believing in it. I do believe that in alternate realities, in other dimensions something between Creationism and Progressive Creationism is real   

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”  C.S. Lewis    Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

If men or women from from Earth reincarnate on another planet in another solar system,galaxy or universe after they die and then marry some extraterrestrial on that planet in another solar system,galaxy or universe who is of a sex or gender not found on Earth , I would tell the extraterrestrial spouses of those reincarnated people from Earth in their next life on that other planet in another solar system,galaxy or universe    “to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to your reincarnated Earth spouses, that the word of God be not blasphemed"  and for their reincarnated spouses from Earth to treat their extraterrestrial spouses like Karl Marx treated his wife, his housekeeper etc but also to be “likewise exhort to be sober minded” 

Paschal’s wager says that just go be safe, all non Judeo Christians should convert to Judeo Christianity at some point in their lives (maybe right before they die). If they don’t convert and Paschal wager is correct, then let's hope and pray they do so after they die by God so they get to heaven. It's for their own good  “ Die before you die, there is no chance after.”. C.S. Lewis    “ Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth ‘thrown in’: aim at Earth and you will get neither.” C.S Lewis   “If you had an equation detailing the probability of something emerging from a vacuum, you would still have to ask why that equation applies. Hawking had, in fact, noted the need for a creative factor to breathe fire into the equations.”  Antony Flew, There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind     Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Per the bible and Judeo Christian teachings if sinners hearts are hardened and only if it is in God’s will people will convert. Otherwise they must blindly trust God on this and his plans for them.  “ Nothing has saddened me so much in life as the hardness of heart of educated people.” Ghandi    “concluded from its surveys that in essence what you believe by the time you are thirteen is what you will die believing.”Antony Flew    Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”C.S. Lewis     Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I always follow these two commandments 

My former Christian church's ministry compassionately walks side by side with any person whose life has been effected by sexual sin.   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

My former church's group has its members share their stories of their victories over sexual sin (sexual sin as in unhealthy practices such as an excessive, selfish lust that is motivated by desire to “consume” including sex addiction, sexual violence, prostitution ,pedophilia, pornography, polygamy, polyarmy, pedastry, zoophilia only)  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs   

This group uses biblical based wisdom and truth to show God's marriage and sexuality plan. They promote freedom and health that happens when people surrender their lives to Christ.  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

They bridge the sexual sinner (sexual sin as in unhealthy practices such as an excessive, selfish lust that is motivated by desire to “consume” including sex addiction, sexual violence, prostitution, pedophilia, pornography, polygamy, polyarmy, pedastry, zoophilia only) community and church, while offering hope rather than condemnation. Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs   

To disengage from the morality wars over sexual sin (sexual sin as in unhealthy practices such as an excessive, selfish lust that is motivated by desire to “consume” including sex addiction, sexual violence, prostitution ,pedophilia, pornography, polygamy, polyarmy,pedastry, zoophilia only) to instead focus on reaching people in the sexual sinner community (sexual sin as in unhealthy practices such as an excessive, selfish lust that is motivated by desire to “consume” including sex addiction, sexual violence, prostitution ,pedophilia, pornography, polygamy, polyarmy, pedastry, zoophilia only) one person at a time.   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Unlike Liberals, I at least have respect for the Christian right since they level with and try to in their minds help people with unhealthy practices such as people with an excessive, selfish lust that is motivated by desire to “consume” including sex addicted people, sexually violent people, pedos, porn consumers, polygamists, polyarmists, pedastrists, zoophiliates in what they perceive to be the ‘correct’ way and treat them as humans not in negative ways   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

The bible , non revisionist Marxism and Ghandi’s teachings, are light years better guides than the CRT to promote equality, love, tolerance , morality and solidarity for whites toward BIPOC .  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

If those guides were taught alongside the CRT in schools, I would abstain from mildly critiquing about the CRT being taught in schools  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Saying people are irredeemable when every sinner (whose hearts aren’t hardened)  is redeemable in God’s eyes is wrong.  “ To me, a very imperfect mortal, ever in need of God's grace, no one is beyond redemption. I do not seek redemption from the consequences of my sin. I seek to be redeemed from sin itself.” Ghandi    “ It is safe to tell the pure in heart that they shall see God, for only the pure in heart want to.”. C.S. Lewis  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs    

Demonizing political enemies when God or the laws of perfection say that all sins are equally bad (except the sin of rejecting the spirit which is unforgivable), or that we are all equally as far from perfection as everyone else is far from perfection (since perfection is infinitely beyond our reach due to perfection being boundless) “ Perfection is only an ideal for man; it cannot be attained, for man is made imperfect.”    Ghandi     “No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good.” C.S. Lewis  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Judeo Christianity and being Queer are compatible according to HRC: https://www.hrc.org/resources/what-does-the-bible-say-about-homosexuality.  

If it wasn’t compatible, I would still be pro Queer as I am now but in that world I would tell other pro Queer people to 'try' to get God to be pro Queer. Good luck with that  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I am big tent and I support measures that promote fairness and balance protections for LGBTQ people and those with deeply held religious beliefs where all are equally happy as can be seen throughout this blog. Well maybe this is easier than we think /s      Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I like the LDS supporting same sex marriage and I like this quote by them: “As we work together to preserve the principles and practices of religious freedom together with the rights of LGBTQ individuals, much can be accomplished to heal relationships and foster greater understanding.” That seems like a good compromise. Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, give to God what is God’s  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I guess I am down with religious organizations and nonprofits not being required to provide services or goods for marriage ceremonies (for Libertarian reasons and because I an against religious discrimination). When we destroy the hetereosexual patriarchy and get the government out of the marriage business religious organizations and non profits will naturally (and in a non woke way) being able to accept same sex marriages and people being Queer   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I acknowledge that some Right Wing Christians see marriage as a religious institution and not a government responsibility. However, tax implications are another story and if two people are “married” , then the federal government should not be regulating what Right Wing Christians see as ‘morality’  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

“For you will certainly carry out God’s purpose, however you act, but it makes a difference to you whether you serve like Judas or like John.” C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs If Christian Nationalists want to live apart from non Christians they should pool their money together and form a commune off the grid or out in the boonies and build their own parallel Christian society (including parallel economy and new infrastructures based on Christianity) . This is better than them trying to force their will on our existing society and system

Once we get into our pan Secessionist society, as outlined here, if Christians feel they are persecuted and they haven’t haven’t implemented my Christian Nationalist society idea above, then they should either:

Move off the grid and build a parallel Christian society (but this time based on the type of Christianity that Ghandi would support i.e bases on either based on Christ and not Christianity or based on Ghandism with Christian paint. 

This is because in the future when we abolish hierarchies, classes and have true equality, Christianity itself will have moved leftward) complete with their media, tech, schools, banks, commerce, industries etc.  The majority of European countries have government established Christian churches, are they all Christian nationalist countries?

Unlike in our current society, within a pan Secessionist society, Christians can use Heathen Anarchism (i.e Free Market Libertarianism based on a model of proprietary communitarianism) to do this

Which would basically or essentially mean Christians would live in a Communal system that the wandering Jews in the (Old Testament/Torah) lived in during their 40 years in the desert with G-d but off the grid like seen here

Once Christians get this going, there would be voluntary rent in this system that would be made payable to single private Christian corporations that would provide for all public services out of that revenue. 

Thus, this single private Christian landlord would own all the land and housing in a single given geographical area, similar to a city-state from medieval Greece fused with Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow

There would be mutualist obligations between Christian landlords and Christian tenants on the land

These emerging Christian communities would be competing with central Christian councils (similar to the city council in Celebration Florida) etc. In addition, they would be responsible for protecting their Christian tenants from both criminality and statist ‘taxation’ 

There would be such voluntarist possibilities in this system in the development of multi tenant Christian properties like Christian hotels, Christian holiday camps, Christian business parks, Christian apartments , Christian malls etc (assuming they could be made to function like templates for entrepreneurial opportunity, individual autonomy , quality of community life, eventual spiritual realization etc). 

There would be voluntary Collectivized personal property system for these Christians (housing , ride shares) Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs


Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs Build a Christian Communism (CS Lewis type of Christianity or Anthony Flew Christian Deist type of Christianity. This is because in the future when we abolish hierarchies, classes and have true equality, Christianity itself will have moved leftward) society in the US etc similar to the Christian Communist community that the apostles created and lived in in the book of Acts):

“ 42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43A sense of awek came over everyone, and the apostles performed many wonders and signs.

44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they shared with anyone who was in need.

46With one accord they continued to meet daily in the temple courtsl and to break bread from house to house, sharing their meals with gladness and sincerity of heart, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

I side with and support Coach Kennedy and the supreme court decision that ruled in his favor https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/24/supreme-court-hears-coach-who-lost-job-praying-field-joseph-kennedy-bremerton-high-football/7352464001/?gnt-cfr=1. This will strengthen rekigious freedom not just for Christians but people of all religions. The ADL being against this ruling makes no sense. #LetCoachKennedyPray

This will strengthen religious freedom not just for Christians but people of all religions who with the religious freedom that our founding fathers founded this country on who are proud of their religious identity and thus want to be more open about their religion in public without having to be in the closet about it Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

See here for my candid and savage take on anti Christian bigots who used this story as an excuse to senselessly and violently attack , defame and dehumanize Christians and Christianity as a whole  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I try to reform to pragmatically tolerate the Christian Center right and Right lean Center right and their views. I believe that social conservatism needs to focus less on the biblical value and more on practical ,common sense solutions to modern issues , otherwise cancel social conservatism  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I am against anti Christian degeneracy  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I am very very fine with Christians sharing the gospel with non Christians of all religions and irreligions to win them to Christ (like Kirk Cameron does). The bible clearly teaches Christians to do so and there is nothing wrong with doing that. I never do so but I respect religious freedom including the freedom to share the gospel    Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Jesus of the bible , in Christian tradition said he is the only way to eternal salvation. Pastor John Hagee said that Jews who don’t accept Jesus as their Lord and savior will still go to heaven after they die if they stay true to the Torah .because when they die, God will open their eyes like he opened Paul’s eyes on the Road to Damascus and Nicodemus and Joseph of Arithmea’s eyes during Jesus’s time on Earth   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Lauren Boebert’s (whose dad was a NWA/WCW wrestler), idea of having our country be guided by Christian teachings is not a ‘Chistian Taliban’ . At worst her remark was naive, non pragmatic and misguided Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Why can US politics take inspiration and ideas from non religious sources like Roman Empire, Karl Marx/Marxism, CRT, the Classics/Aristotle/Plato/Socrates.Murray Bookchin, Ludwig von Mises, Edmund Burke, Ayn Rand, Noam Chomsky, Antonio Gramsci,  George Orwell, former President Abraham Lincoln, John Locke,  Betrand Russell, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Sigmund Freud, Third Way, republicanism, Libertarianism, Green movement , science, Sociology, Psychology,  Alexander Hamilton, War and Peace/dead military Generals,  TED talks  etc but not from religious ideas and sources?  Is religion some disease?  I sort of touch on this in the Common good Constitutionalism part of this section of my blog  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Telling people to ‘keep their religion to themselves’ is good but telling that to a LGBTQ to keep their lifestyle private is not good ?  Hint  Telling people to keep either of those things private is equally wrong  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

There is hypocrisy with forcing religion into hiding but allowing non religion philosophy to be out in the open

Are kids who aren’t religious really better off being inspired by drag queens, recycled superhero movies, comic books that have jumped the shark billions of times, Star Wars , and terrible role models like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Eminem, Justin Bieber (due to his arrests, womanizing and sexism toward female fans), Katy Perry,  MMA (somewhat or partly), street gangs, drugs  etc  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I was and still am ok with the Year of the bible in 1983 stunt by former President Ronald Reagan (when I was a little kid). This is because Reagan balanced that out here  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I am against the Republican party becoming a Christian organization. As Barry Goldwater said “ If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye.”

A significant part of the Christian right lobby are agents of intolerance

Our founding fathers were not Christian evangelicals. They were diverse in their religious views like how our country should be now

The Republicans merging with Christianity is a horrible move. Whatever happened to “giving to Caesar’s what is Caesar’s and giving to God what is God’s?”. This article echos my views maybe a smidge. 

The Republican party are counterfeit Christians and frauds. 

The Republican Party who claim they are ‘Christian’ support or are passive on issues that go against Christian values like wokeness ,porn, children being exposed to drag queens, gender fluidity teachings in schools ,kids under 15 being Transgender, pronouns (ymmv) , allowing polygamy in our current heteronormative, male patriarchal, government in the marriage business society, family unit society, adultery ,on demand second trimester and late term abortion (the type the vast majority of Germans and France residents are against), Marijuana , imperialism and warmongering, Israel First,etc.   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Furthermore, the Republican Party betrayed migrants and illegal migrants by no longer being pro migrant and pro illegal migrant as they once were (source Andrea Nagle book). This goes against the bible (the bible supports cities of refugee for migrants)  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

It is like Republicans in the last few years are being brainwashed to mix Christianity with politics and that is annoying, provocative and makes Republicans and Christians equally look bad for mixing  

I echo what Ayn Rand said and especially apply it to our modern Republican party

From.Open Culture    Asked what she thought of then President Ronald Reagan, Ayn Rand replied, “I don’t think of him. And the more I see, the less I think of him.” For Rand, “the appalling part of his administration was his connection with the so-called ‘Moral Majority’ and sundry other TV religionists, who are struggling, apparently with his approval, to take us back to the Middle Ages via the unconstitutional union of religion and politics.” Rand’s primary concern, it seems, is that this “unconstitutional union” represented a “threat to capitalism (for me, that “unconstitutional union“ is a threat to the US implementing Super [Left Wing] Collective Capitalism, Third Way Social Democracy, the Nordic Model, Libertarian Socialism including free market Democratic Socialism, Mutualism/Left Wing Free market Anarchism, the economic systems that China is currently using) .” While she admired Reagan’s appeal to an “inspirational element” in American politics, “he will not find it,” remarked Rand, “in the God, family, tradition swamp.” 

Instead, she proclaims, we should be inspired by “the most typical American group… the businessmen (for me it is the entrepreneur that should be the Uniparty inspiration, which is why I support Left Wing free market Anarchism and Super [Left Wing] Collective Capitalism)

“God will not be used as a convenience. Men or nations who think they can revive the Faith in order to make a good society might just as well think they can use the stairs of heaven as a shortcut to the nearest chemist’s shop.”  C.S Lewis

“Christian” Republicans spew pure hatred at times or more than they are willing to admit

What the Gospel teaches is vastly different from how many if not most "Christian" right of Center right  Republicans talk and act. It is hard to be surrounded by such hypocrites. Those hypocritical “Christian” Republicans should instead be as kind, compassionate and Christ like as Stacy Abrams who herself is a Christian, but a gooder one

It is also wrong for Liberal 2.0ers to use Christianity like dogma to demonize their political opponents worshipers

Dr Thomas Sowell says that Liberal 2.0ers do not find their opponents in error, but in sin. 

To them, the Left Wingers, Blue Dog Democrats, Independents and Republicans/Right are not merely wrong or mistaken in their political ideology, but somehow evil for having one at variance with theirs. 

Moreover, being “woke” is like being in a religion with no path for redemption. No matter how right your thinking, you will always be wrong due to past failings.

To me, seems like the idea of policing thought and culture used to be almost exclusively the Christian right. Now it's also the progressive left. "Actually you CANT say that joke, you CANT do this, you CANT do that, it's problematic." Hard to be cool when you have to mommy scold wrongdoers

Though if Republicans used Liberal 2.0 Christian like political dogma/wokeness as mentioned above and embraced this type of moral puritanism (can't beat the Liberal 2.0 'moral puritans' join them) instead and downplayed Christianity like the Republicans did pre 1970s , I would be ok with that makeover since that would be a natural progression for Republicans from Christianity to Socialism which should be there end goal.   

Thus it would be a step in the right direction for the Republicans

Many forms of Socialism are a later form of Christianity. There might be genealogical" afilliation between Christianism and many forms of Socialism

“ As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on thing and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you.”  C.S. Lewis, “ The stamp of the Saint is that he can waive his own rights and obey the Lord Jesus.”  C.S. Lewis     “Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man… It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition is gone, pride is gone.”. C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Jesus was white, Mary was white , God doesn’t have a physical form and we should not get rid of any images, statues, paintings, art etc of a white Jesus, a white Mary or white biblical people purely for woke , PC reasons . 

We should get rid of such images, statues, paintings, art etc of Jesus, Mary and other biblical greats because God says  “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord .”

Many Christians say the bible teaches Christians who are saved should live a spiritual warrior life and have victory over demons “ The main purpose of life is to live rightly, think rightly, act rightly. The soul must languish when we give all our thought to the body.”  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Christians (especially Catholics) Jews who support Christian Zionism and and Orthodox Jews have been the most persecuted religions for centuries, ecpsecially in Europe.  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I am glad that more people are converting to Catholicism.  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I am retroactively a fan of the Holy Roman Empire. I wish they could have ruled for centuries more. Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I used to go the Knights of Columbus as a child and teenager a few times a year.  The Knights of Columbus is a great organization.

Priests whether they are hetereosexual or gay should not get married or have sexual relationships with anyone ever. Priests should stay celebate and free of romantic relationships

I want the Tridentine Mass (1962 Roman Missal) to continue to be celebrated just like it has been celebrated for the last 15 years. I support Pope Benedict's Summorum Pontificum

Even though I have no issues with the current Catholic mass set ups, I'd be open to the idea of the Tridentine Mass (1962 Roman Missal) being the ordinary form and the Tridentine Mass (1955-1961 form of the liturgy or 1940s-1950 form of the liturgy ) being the Extraordinary form.  I support Pope Benedict's Summorum Pontificum

I could care less if the Catholic Church and other churches were to be Nationalized but it would be a unique solution to the Catholic Church and other churches being treaded on by the government since if they become Nationalized by the government, the government will be justified in treading on those churches since the government officially controls them

I sometimes do blame the Church for sometimes being an immoral inversion. For example, some sects of Christianity and Catholicism are an unhealed wound for the West due to their heretical anti liberal views. Some of these sects of Christianity and Catholicism forbid a liberal state which is a problem.

Minorities have been oppressed by the oppressive hiearchies of mother nature more so than by whites. 

Some Christians say that when Christ comes back and establishes heaven on Earth , he will abolish hierarchies of state, capital and reaction.    Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

These Christians state that he will create a new type of existence with possibly different laws of nature for all people of all identities so nothing could separate people anymore and the lion will lay with the lamb. They go on to say that longer will personal property exist, everyone will share what they have like the Christians in the Book of Acts . It will be true retirement for all Christians  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

The holy spirit will be the only drug we’ll use and need in that new kingdom  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

A lot of Christians (ie Russian orthodox Christians) , Jewish people, Muslims etc are in their minds being perscutted by their faith due to freedom from religion acts by our government which takes their right to practice our religion in public away.  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Our country was founded on religious freedom, and we need to fight against anti Christian Atheists and agonists and their allies  

High ranking Jewish authorities (ie Sadducees and Pharisees)  conspired with non Jewish leaders to put Jesus to death. They were jealous of Jesus, and saw him as a threat (Jesus constantly called out the Sadducees and Pharisees for their hypocrisy and evil ways during his ministry). 

An unruly mob of people (the vast vast majority of whom were Jewish), in Jerusalem called out for the Romans to crucify and kill Jesus. In Matthew 27:25, Pontius Pilate washed his hands of Jesus's blood and those mob of people (the vast vast majority of whom were Jewish) who had called for Jesus to be crucified, told Pilate "His blood be on us and our children! In the Gospel of John (John 5:18, John 7:1, John 8:37) 

John shows that Jews wanting to kill Jesus throughout his ministry . Paul, who was himself a Jew, wrote similar things about Jews relationship with Jesus. Paul persuected Christians when he was still Jewish (1 Thess 2:14-15, Phil 3:5-6)

It doesn't matter because Jesus's death was predestined by God as a plan to save humanity. If Jesus wasn't crucified and killed, no Christians would be saved so the Jewish peoples' role in Jesus death saved humanity, because if he didn't get crucifed and killed, none of us would be able to have eternal life. Jesus gave his life willingly as a sacrifice for sin (Mark 10:45, John 18:11).  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

It was Christians' sins that was the most directly responsible for the death of Jesus (Romans 5:8-9, 1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later anyway and rose to heaven on his own free will.  

Anti Christian violence (including against Catholics) and persecution along with Anti Orthodox Jewish bigotry (by Liberal 2.0ers and misplaced leftists) is given a free pass and is not taken as seriously as Anti (non orthodox) Jewish or Anti Muslim violence and persecution and that is wrong. Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

For example, if non Orthodox Jews or Muslims were being persecuted in Nigeria like Christians are or like Joe Biden would not have removed Nigeria from his watchlist and there would have been a huge outrage in the US etc   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Though sometimes anti religion bigots attack JudeoChristianity (which includes all forms of Judaism) together so never mind

Jewish people don't run everything. Out of the 500 most relevant multinational corporations (including world wide government),  Jews are just a very tiny fraction of those relevant multinational corporations

The Jews are not blame for any negative thing that happened in our world past and present. It’s the bourgeoisie who have no home land who are to blame for all of our world’s trouble past and present. We must defeat the bourgeoisie  This will fix the real issues in a way without being racist or bigoted.

Paula Hyman’s Jews in Modern France is a good book and I echo this summary below of the book

From https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520209251/the-jews-of-modern-france  “The Jews of Modern France explores the endlessly complex encounter of France and its Jews from just before the Revolution to the eve of the twenty-first century. In the late eighteenth century, some forty thousand Jews lived in scattered communities on the peripheries of the French state, not considered French by others or by themselves. Two hundred years later, in 1989, France celebrated the anniversary of the Revolution with the largest, most vital Jewish population in western and central Europe.

Paula Hyman looks closely at the period that began when France's Jews were offered citizenship during the Revolution. She shows how they and succeeding generations embraced the opportunities of integration and acculturation, redefined their identities, adapted their Judaism to the pragmatic and ideological demands of the time, and participated fully in French culture and politics. 

Within this same period, Jews in France fell victim to a secular political antisemitism that mocked the gains of emancipation, culminating first in the Dreyfus Affair and later in the murder of one-fourth of them in the Holo caust. 

Yet up to the present day, through successive waves of immigration, Jews have asserted the compatibility of their French identity with various versions of Jewish particularity, including Zionism. This remarkable view in microcosm of the modern Jewish experience will interest general readers and scholars alike”

Even in Neofascist early mid 20th century Romania of all places, the neofascist Crusade of Romanismas and their leader Pinati Istrati, as antisemetic and brutish toward Jews as they were, even turned pro Jewish for a time (at least briefly but nowhere as dramatic or sustaining as mentioned above in France). See here for more

Israti wrote articles in Cruciada Românismului which were pretty adamantly philosemitic. One of them, "A Letter to Love", would lead to a series of articles on the subject, from Stelescu and other Crusade people. 

I have no issues with Wikipedia user Volunteer Marek's views on Poland and WWII and I feel it wouldn't hurt for my fellow non Liberal 2.0ers to have their views on Poland and WWII align with Volunteer Marek's views on those topics 

It is wrong to be Anti Capitalist for antisemetic reasons just like its wrong to be antisemetic

"Whoever cries out against Jewish capital…is already a fighter for his class, even though he may not know it. You are against the stock market jobbers. Fine. Trample the Jewish capitalists down, hang them from the lampposts…But…how do you feel about the big capitalists, the Stinnes, Klockner?…Only in alliance with Russia, Gentlemen of the “folkish” side, can the German people expel French capitalism from the Ruhr region." Ruth Fischer (1920)

Someone once said to you – I think it was Kronawetter –: “Anti-Semitism is the socialism of the dumb guy.” That might be a neat thought but it is not accurate at all. The true supporters of anti-Semitism, the small business- and landowners are not wrong, from theirpoint of view. To them, capital mostly appears in the shape of the Jew. 

From August Bebel (one of the founders of the German Social Democracy)  “In Hesse and other parts of south-west Germany, for example, where I am familiar with the situation, all mortgages are owned by Jews and whoever wants to buy agrarian supplies finds Jews at every market. 

That is how, to common people, the ills of capitalism always appear in the guise of the Jew and it is only natural that these classes, unaccustomed to brooding over the capitalist system, draw from their actual, real life experiences and fall victim to anti-Semitism. “

At the same time, small businesses face strong competition from Jewish corporations: clothing-, shoe- and textile-shops are almost exclusively in the hands of Jews and having to compete with them is crushing for a lot of members of this particular class. by Anti-Semitism must necessarily and contrary to its own will transform itself into a revolutionary movement

To young Left Wingers (including BDSers), and lurking Right wingers, don't join antisemetic hate groups or racist hate groups. Nothing can be gained by linking yourselves to any organizations who agitate racial animosities or propagate racial hatreds. Such organizations are immoral and are only negative. Do not be a hateful racist and don’t be hurtful toward others. We should love everyone

We should not be hateful, prejudice, angry, but instead be free, independent, strong, civil, slow to anger, understanding, nice while putting people first and having a healthy dose of humility 

I want to clear up negative stereotypes about Jewish people: https://www.adl.org/media/2133/download, https://antisemitism.adl.org/power/https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/how-conspiracy-theories-can-killhttps://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/hoax-hate-protocols-learned-elders-zion

Jewish people don't run everything. Out of the 400 most vital multinational corporations (including world wide government),  Jews are just a tiny fraction of those vital multinational corporations

Jewish people have done no more or less bad than any of other groups of people who lived in each country that they resided in. 

Jewish people were persecuted in Europe in the Medieval age and Industrial age because their religious traditions made them isolate from society. 

The only reason there are Jews might be a little more represented in the financial sector than non Jews is because those are the only jobs they were allowed to take due to anti semetic bigotry. 

For example, usury, underwent a transformation in Medieval Europe, society needed moneylending but Christianity forbade it, so this was left to the Jews to do as dirty work since it was one of the few ways they could be allowed to be apart of a society that was wrongly anti semetic toward them due to their religious practices. 

Thus usury was a way for them to fit in and contribute, but they are far from the only group of who did usury and maybe due to their religion, they were more compassionate with usury than most groups would have been.

The real culprits of the Great Depression were not the Jews but the corrupt finance Capitalists (including the corrupt business people in the banking industry) of all identities equally who ran Wall Street and the Federal Reserve into the ground in 1920s through unethical and immoral monetary loans along with Big Capitalists and Capitalism in decay (which also lead to the fascist uprisings and atrocities in the 1920s and 1930s)

Their corruption lead directly to the Great Depression. The other culprits of the Great Depression were the Post modern Post structural, proto post Marxists (who were related to the Western Lifestyle Marxists and some elements from certain sects of the Frankfurt school) and the Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communist sects (like International Communists)

The rise of Post modern Post structural, proto post Marxism and the Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism/International Communism in the early 20th century also played a part in causing the Great Depression.    

I believe in the 1930s in Europe and the US, those corrupt bourgeois finance Capitalists who caused the Great Depression should have been subject to the same anti corruption punishments that China has employed in the 1980s 1990s 2000s against corrupt people.  

There should have been anti corruption political parties in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s to clean up that corrupt mess and prevent such corruption from happening again.

The Communist and Socialist parties in the 1920s and 1930s Europe (like Germany) also should have been narrowly focuses on being Anti Big Capitalism . Germany, Austria and other countries in the region should have stamped out and expelled Big Capitalism via an alliance with the USSR in the 1920s 1930s as Ruth Fischer suggested in 1920

Further more, there should have been political parties in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s that were solely Anti Post modern Post structural Marxism and Left Wing Anti Communism similar to the White Movement of Russia in the 1910s and 1920s but a Left wing version of it

However if there were violent uprisings against these Anti Post modern Post structural Marxists and Left Wing Anti Communists then I would be look the other way or even be tolerant of them using Defensive Democracy (white terror type) against those militant counter revolutionaries 

If you still are ignorant about the Jews then stop them from being persecuted and discriminated against and do a Blexit type thing but with the Jewish Liberal 2.0ers , Jewish Democrats or Jewish Zionists so they become Non Liberal 2.0, Right Wing or pro Palestine, or Post Zionist (since if they are so influential in politics, wouldn't it make sense to have them help us instead of fighting against them?)  But of course they have no influence so that is purely conjecture

Jewish voters (non orthodox) in the US are slightly more Democrat and Liberal 2.0 than non Jewish voters as a whole because most jewish Americans ancestors fled Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communist/International Communist and Liberal Socialism mixed economy countries in Europe to come to the US and that led to them joining unions in the US (which at least at the time like the time had values and goals similar to Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism/International Communism and Liberal Socialist Mixed economy but much less extreme and thus easy for them to embrace) thus that is the context.

Orthodox Jews tend to be Republican and Conservative

This article by Forward has a good take on Anne Frank , as does this ADL article and this article. See this section (Europe sub section) for more

Donald Trump did not make any threat against American Jews, Trump's tweet was in reality a plea for greater support for Israel! Trump was claiming that Israel was endangered, from neighboring anti-jewish countries like Iran. Though the fringe of Trump’s supporters may wrongly see it as a dogwhistle

Trump’s comment was obviously a politically-driven statement (against a group which largely didn't vote for him), but I don't see it being antisemetic etc

Trump did not say anything antisemetic about Jews in late 2022. He called Christians disloyal in 2023 too so that is proof. The white house and segregationist, racist, Joe Biden are wrong for for responding to  Trump everytime he says something. They are giving his post presidency views legitimacy by commenting on every one he says.  It sickens me more on how the white house under Jim Crow Joe Biden virtue signals and insults people for wrongthink than I am sickened by anything Trump has said post Presidency. 

Joe Biden is an unbased and not a very good person who might go sentile. Biden can virtue signal for a million years and it won't erase his decades and decades of racism . He is a bojo on his worst days which are happening more commonly nowadays 

If Ron DeSantis signs HB269, Florida will have the most restrictive “hate speech” & “hate crime” laws in the US. That is against the first amendment . HB 269 means someone who makes fun of another person’s clothes if they are considered “ethnic or religious” could be arrested and charged with a THIRD DEGREE FELONY AND HATE CRIME!  

What if it is merely here say? What is the burden of proof? There are already hate crime laws and anti harassment/anti stalking laws in Florida, this is overkill and petty/punitive at best and authoritarian, tyrannical and dumb at worst

I think that the newest addition to Canada's criminal code, article 319 is unneeded and might go too far. I thought we are trying to clear the prisons to stop non violent offenders from going to prison. This law some say feels punitive and authoritarian and I can definitely see why

I mean, Canada already has a good system and laws to police and penalize especially exgresious hate speech and verbal attacks, as they did in rightfully policing and penalizing James Keegstra’s hate speech and verbal attacks on Jews. 

That is the best way to police and penalized those anti Semites as opposed to the way the newest addition to Canada's criminal code, article 319 is going to do police and penalize them

This law can wrongfully or rightfully leave Canada open to questions from critics who go further than me in criticizing this law such as: “Why doesn’t Canada add to their new criminal code, article 319,  policing and penalizing Canadians who publicly condone or deny what The Center for Constitutional Rightsthis article, and the Chilean government paints as *Israel's ongoing genocide of Palestinians too?  Why not be consistent?”

“Canada themselves are denying their own nazi lite atrocities against vulnerable people via their loose euthanasia policies”

Canada is wrong to create a false equivalency between Communism and the political oppression that happened in the USSR and China, and the holo caust which they are doing by creating a Victims of Communism memorial in Canada. So Canada is thus wrongly downplaying and trivializing  the holo caust (see hereherehereherehere) and are in violation of the new addition to their criminal code, article 319. 

Why doesn’t the USSR and current and former Communist countries add memorials to honor the millions of victims of Canada’s genocides against First Nations/indigenous people too? What Canada did and still does to their French , First Nation/indigenous population eclipses what happened in the USSR and Communist countries by a country mile

So every Canadian who is responsible for that stupid tone deaf Victims of Communism memorial should be arrested and thrown in a gulag for two years for breaking that new law

*Though there are critics of labeling the situation by the Israelis toward the Palestinians a ‘genocide’, see here and here

Genocide are evil and wrong. Anti Semetism and neo nazism in speech and in action is barbaric hooliganism

There is no need for Western countries to have memorials for victims of the USSR and Communism . That is the US and the west being antagonistic toward the USSR and writing history since the the West won. The US and west are being divisive having those USSR and Communism memorials 

Who the fuck does the US think they are with their tone deaf stupid Communism victim memorial. The US think they are so much better than the USSR and Communist countries by erecting their eye sore ‘memorials’. Those memorials to USSR and Communism victims are only for the high horse US to agitate and rub salt in the wounds of the USSR and former Communist countries that the US and its corrupt west butt buddies beat those countries in the Cold War

The victims of Communism memorials exist to trivialize and downplay the holo caust and NDSAP by making false equivalency between them. The USSR and China were trying to great a free equal society unlike the NDSAP . 

If the US and Canada wants to put the names of naughtzies on those Anti communism memorials, then I won't stop the US and Canada from doing so since by the US and Canada having those evil naughtzie names on those Anti Communism memorials it will in turn will make the US and Canada look like nazi supporters and thus it will cause an outcry of people to want those Anti communism memorials tore down quickly   (though I woulnd't mind seeing some graffiti on those anti communism memorials in the mean time to deface them)

I want every Anti communism memorial in the US and Canada to be removed and if there is no outcry against those memorials as mentioned above within a few years I will do every 'legal' thing in by power to get those memorials removed.  The US was is and always will be worse than the USSR, China and nearly every Communist country on Earth and it isn't even close.

I think that Russia, China , Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela ,Poland, UK, and other countries to a lesser extent etc should build memorials honoring the millions upon millions of victims of the centuries of American colonialism, imperialism and warmongering like the Vietnamese victims of the Vietnam War, Nicaragua victims of Ronald Reagan’s anti Sandistas war, Soviet victims of Cold War proxy battles, Korean victims of the Korean War, Iraqi victims of the Iraq War, Afghan victims of the Afghanistan war, Syrian victims of the Syrian war, Yemeni victims of Dronebama’s drone strikes, 

I think that Russia, China , Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela ,Poland, etc should build memorials honoring the millions or billions of victims of American genocides including Native American victims of the US’s genocide on Native Americans, unborn baby genocide since the early 1970s or Victims of Capitalism-Neoliberalism-Liberalism etc

The anti-communist narratives exaggerate the extent of political repression and censorship in states under communist rule .There is as much or more atrocities that were perpetrated by capitalist and neoliberal countries, particularly during the Cold War than in communist states and countries

If there are victims to Communism memorials, the only victims of the USSR that should be on those memorials are the Polish victims who were killed by the Soviets during the joint USSR-NDSAP invasion of Poland in 1939 

Zionism is the same as being uncritical of Israel. You don’t have to be a fab of Benjamin Netanyahu or not like the two state solution: Zionist parties that are within Israel take a strongdr stance on those topics than Bernie (meretz). 

Zionism just means belief in the necessity of a Jewish state, usually in Israel*. Bernie Sanders has on various occasions affirmed the right for Israel to exist, and in his younger days, he spent a period living on a kibbutz . A lot of his ideology is influenced by the democratic socialist founders of Israel.

*Some pioneer zionists supported other regions but those groups no longer exist

Interview where Bernie lays out his views/idea solution quite nicely: https://youtu.be/LoEji_HlDmY

Quotation by Bernie that sums it up: “I have a connection to Israel going back many years. In 1963, I lived on a kibbutz near Haifa. It was there that I saw and experienced for myself many of the progressive values upon which Israel was founded. I think it is very important for everyone, but particularly for progressives, to acknowledge the enormous achievement of establishing a democratic homeland for the Jewish people after centuries of displacement and persecution.”

Some people would reply to me saying that “Israel has a right to exist is way different than being a zionist. Becaz the opposite of such a thing, saying that Israel does not have a right to exist, means that you desire to destroy Israel and what, then kill the people living there? Force them to flee to other countries throughout the world? The truth is, Israel is existing whether people like it or not.”

My reply is I think Israel is running a white ethnocracy, and its treatment of Palestine is horrible, and we should stop aiding them while they abuse human rights, and many other things critical of Israel. I also feel "wipe Israel off the map, it shouldn't exist" is an impractical and violent idea. Am I a Zionist?

It was wrong for Germany to punish Horst Mahler in late 2007 for giving the naughtzie salute when he reported to prison for his nine-month term the previous year. Germany was petty, draconian and punitive for penalizing Mahler over that, especially in the context that he did the salute. Shame on Germany for that. I hope and pray that Germany apologizes for jailing Mahler over doing that salute in 2006. 

I agree with this quote by ADL director Jonathan Greenblatt: “Antisemitism isn't just a Jewish problem. It's the sign of social decay & endangers all Americans."  

I agree with this article. If we want to eliminate anti-Semitism, we should involve ourselves in the struggle for a classless and nationless world. In situations like in the late 2010s media circus about Parliamentary factions, such things are totally removed from the necessary struggle to root out anti-Semitism through the struggle to destroy capitalism. We accomplish this is in loving and understanding way

Or we can always use the ADL method to do this"make antisemites and neo nazis take a journey to make amend for their vile #antisemitism by healing the pain he/she inflict, but through a long road process"

All of the non-Jewish, right-wing extremists are to some degree anti-semitic, that shouldn't be debatable. 

Though what is debatable is identifying who is a right-wing extremist and who is merely a staunch conservative or civic nationalist. 

Staunch conservatives and civic nationalists rarely are in particular antisemitic. In a lot of cases, even non moderate Conservatives aren't antisemitic at all, particularly among Conservatives on the coasts in locations like NYC, Los Angeles and Miami who are surrounded by Jewish people and thus understand first hand that there is no Jewish conspiracy to cause devastation onto all non-Jews. 

On a personal level Donald Trump might actually fall into that coastal Conservative category actually, I admit that he did not create any anti-semitic laws or make any anti-semitic executive orders. Trump even supported giving way more financial aid to Israel than Israel really needs.

However, since it's not socially acceptable to be a naughtzie sympathizer publicly in a multiracial society like the US where whites are not big of a majority, naughtzie sympathizers cloak themselves as staunch conservatives, they rarely cloak themselves as progressives or even centrists

And this covert infiltration of legit conservative communities by covert anti-semitic white ’nationalists’ is evident, and I feel that conservatives, who in numerous cases aren't antisemitic, do not ostracize these anti-semitic people the way they should, and they passively condone it, and also amplify it in a few cases when they dogwhistle since it's politically expedient and at times even financially expedient for them, it helps them to win elections and it helps them to maximize the markets for anything they are selling or assisting others in selling as the go-between. I’ve seen these patterns in the last 10 years. It started with the Alt Right infiltrating MAGA around 2016.

I touch on the whole is Jewishness an ethnicity or religion debate here

Joe Biden is wrong, divisive, rude, and immoral for claiming in his misguided view that being against children becoming Transgender and being against Transgender rights as a whole is related to anti semetism. Biden is demonizing anyone who has concerns over seeing children become Transgender and that is wrong. 

If we care about about human rights and social justice for all people, we should care about Zionism and support Unabashedly Progressive and Unapologetically Zionism or at worst Post Zionism).

Joe Biden lacks the type of compassion, nuance needed to try to understand why people have their concerns, so he can work with them. Instead Biden smears, ostracizes and demonizes people for having hyper conservative views and that must end yesterday. Despite him privately being pro life, he still wrongly smeared pro lifers as extreme, concerned parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists and now this wrong smear.

Joe Biden cannot prove that he is correct on Transgenderism . He decides what is and isn’t acceptable and anyone who doesn’t agree with BRANDON is smeared, defamed and demonized. LET’S GO BRANDON. 

Joe Biden was using hyperbole, strawman and other fallacies to bully people into conformity on the trans issues. It was another Biden gaffe which he has made for decades

It is absolutely not anti semetic to not want children to become Transgender and there is absolutely no connection between anti semetism and being against children becoming Transgender. 

It is absolutely not even anti semetic to have a Terf or right wing view Transgender rights and there is even absolutely no connection between have a Terf or right wing view on Transgender rights

Over 90 percent of Greatest Generationers, Silent Generationers dead and alive would be/are against children becoming Transgender or Transgender rights as a whole.  The vast majority of baby boomers dead and alive would be/are against children becoming Transgender. 

So I guess all three of those generations are ‘anti semetic’ for being against children becoming Transgender and or against Transgender rights as a whole

I myself have some non Liberal 2.0 approved views on children becoming Transgender. And while I am left of the mainstream on Transgenderism, I am not that Liberal 2.0 on Transgenderism as a whole either due to me having a bunch off unique and syncretic views on that issue. 

So according to Joe Biden, does my above views on children becoming Transgender and Transgenderism as a whole make me anti semetic?

I would think the solid majority of Americans who claim they support children becoming Transgender between the ages of 4 and 15 only do so for Libertarian , small government reasons and not as an endorsement of children becoming Transgender 

The vast vast Americans above who support children becoming Transgender for Libertarian , small government reasons would probably instead support children being emancipated from their parents and the state when they are physically old enough to run away and living on their own and then becoming Transgender since they are free to do so(Neither parents nor the State should have any right to force runaway children to return to the guardianship of any adult against the child’s will)

I believe the silent clear solid majority of Americans aren’t too thrilled about children becoming Transgender or even support that at all and despite what bias misleading polls claim but either force themselves to make believe they support children becoming Transgender or are either too polite or too afraid to vocally oppose that due to fear of being ostracized by the mob and on the same side as Tuckkker Carlson and MAGA nuts 

This reddit post here (which is an ok post) on people who are against Transgenderism is not far off from being neat and based.
While that reddit post is certainly high on hyperbole , strawmans and other Liberal 2.0 fallacies it is still a much better and more fair take on people who are against Transgenderism and the threats of that than Joe Biden did here by a country mile

The WJC is base because it believes that the three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) can cooperate "to respond to the challenges posed by developments in modern society, especially to discuss and promote shared values.

I support the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, which a philanthropic organization that helps to rebuild Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe.

John Mccain was wrong to disavow Pastor Hagee’s endorsement. 

Pastor Hagee was quoting Jeremiah 16 and his words were taken out of context. See here and below for more  Filter this through my complex and personal spiritual beliefs

"The intentional mischaracterization of my statements by an Internet journalist seeking to use me as a political football in the upcoming presidential race is a gross example of bias at its worst. I will not stand idly by while my character is assassinated and my views on the Holocaust are grossly distorted. Filter this through my complex and personal spiritual beliefs

"To assert that I in any way condone the Holocaust or that monster Adolf Hitler is the biggest and ugliest of lies. I have always condemned the horrors of the Holocaust in the strongest of terms." He also pointed to millions of dollars worth of donations his ministry had made to humanitarian efforts in Israel. Filter this through my complex and personal spiritual beliefs

John Hagee has been a strong supporter of Israel for years. One prominent Jewish group does not believe that the pastor is anti-Semitic but is deeply concerned with the comments. Filter this through my complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I oppose forced or coerced Jewish assimilation since that is anti semetic , xenophobic and forces conformity under the guise of falsely aspirations . Jewish people should not be forced, coerced or pressured o celebrate or even acknowledge Christmas, Easter etc. I love how they do their own holidays instead of Christmas, Easter etc


In 2005 (or in the 1980s/early 1990s) I accepted Jesus as mlas and I keep accepting Jesus as mlas and will forever keep doing so 


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