Exh socio econubnn


“We are fast approaching the stage of ultimate inversion: the stage where government is free to do as it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission”  Ayn Rand  (There’s always an Ayn Rand quote)

Economics exists to serve humans. Humans don't exist to serve economics.

We need to cut taxes and preserve equality

I think I agree with Matt's YIMBYism and his reasoning (as outlined here). Of course I also echo these comments in this subreddit in reply to said article too. Keep in mind, Kate Wagner's article on YIMBYism in the Nation here provides my reasoning why I am not totally on board with YIMBYism. We have to abolish Capitalism.

We need to emphasize equality by implementing the socioeconomic policies on schooling, education and medical housing and salaries (i.e with little disparities) that I write in this blog 

I like economic systems where no matter how much you contribute to that work, you work is valued by the government and country. This work helps you become valued in society

We should give thanks and glory to our workers (May Day/Labor Day), Glory to the workers of our nation and glory to their humanity and conscious values 

I am against economic exploitation

As can be seen in this blog, I believe in at least some level of worker ownership of the means of production, which may include co-ops (workers collectively or by the individual(s) using them) trade unions (like the Labour Party UK) , direct democracy or worker councils. I believe the fruit of the worker's labor belongs to the community in some way (which includes their bosses, family, friends, and people who gave them a push along the way which includes people of all fiscal backgrounds including Capitalist). 

The detrimental effects of globalization and outsourcing along with the underground labor pool from illegal immigration, extravagant executive compensation, iniquitous tax cuts, rising health care costs and income stagnation are the reasons for this increasing disparity between the elites and American workers

I support and encourage personal savings and thrift. I always used personal savings as a kid (including using a piggy bank) and found that be effective. This also is a good counter to consumer debt culture. This can lead to better budgets. I continue to advocate for a comprehensive compulsory savings plan 

I believe activists and politicians should relate to the common people. Countries should prioritize the needs of the people over the state, investing in agriculture and consumer goods (in a way I deem fair) over heavy industry and the military

Rich people of all races and ethnicities always unfortunately have advantages over non rich and poor people of all races-ethnicities. Everyone should have a level playing field

When all of the revolutions in this blog come, all people destined to be on the losing side of it will be the counter revolutionaries.  

I am cool with self enforced labor discipline since no one is or would be above the law. Workers would be protected from being triggered

I am against occupational licensing requirements for homeowners’ association

I support the rural working class (i.e farmers)

I support rural populations getting their fair share which is why I feel Agrarian Socialism is good for them. I support Farm Aid

I support poor farmers which is why I feel that collectivization of agriculture is good for them

I support the provision of equal opportunities and for the protection of those unable to enter the free market labor force due of old age, disability, and/or unemployment.

F*ck Right to Work. 

This post meme by me shows why the Labor Theory of Value is good and practical 

I support solidarity vis-à-vis bosses. 

Even though a few bosses are more terrible than other bosses, the system itself aggressively coerces bosses to be horrible. If you want a different example let's look at slavery; in slavery, it is crystal clear that there were slaveowners that were crueler than other slaveowners, now, there were no 'good' slaveowners with the exception of those slaveowners who freed their slaves (an act extremely restricted by the majority of states in the mid 19th century). 

There is a fine example of this in 12 Years a Slave; Solomon Northrup has a nicer slaveowner and a more cruel slaveowner, but ultimately he remains in slavery. This is what is implied by a structural critique; that the structure overrides any virtue that a person has and forces at a baseline level, exploitation and cruelty.

Capital heaps limits upon how virtuous bosses can truly be, and of the upmost importance, discourages virtue. Those bosses who are more good are more good in spite of their position, and not because of it, and are more often than not , working in against the profit demand that capital creates. 

When you see cases with virtuous bosses l you are typically seeing cases where people are willing to personally sacrifice themselves for the sake of their employees, however that is not an industry norm nor is it something that is replicable on a bigger scale. You cannot use shame on bosses to make them become nice people, and even if that worked in those bosses,  you cannot alter the fundamental behavior that capital encourages if you do not use reforms (reforms as in unions and regulation).

I want work life to be humanized

I support permanent voluntary work from home/voluntary remote work for workers in the US etc. My reason is, it allows workers to work during maternity leave/paternity leave, it allows workers who don't like socializing to not have to socialize and it is more pro worker which is something needed in this sometimes rough society we live in. 

But workers should not be allowed to do voluntary work from home or remote work because those work days fall on a holiday or for taking vacations. NOPE. Holidays are meaningless senseless days that make peoples lives worse not better.  They should get floating holidays for vacations only.

We need to emancipate men and women from the dehumanization that is caused by mechanistic work which is psychologically draining.  

Without work–life balance that’s performed in exchange for wages giving limited financial access to the material necessities of life, such as food and shelter.
We must gradually dissociate work from income due to increased buying power and allure of goods.

While I value social welfare over economic growth , I feel that economic growth and social cohesion need not be mutually exclusive

If we are stuck in our current static capitalistic society then I want a new support a new socioeconomic bandaid that is based on different homo economicus but without our constitutional handcuffs. This would create uncertainties for the 1 percenters (i.e the elites) who are stake-holding our assets and resources 

The 1 percenters (i.e the elites) are the living uncertainty that the 99 percenters (i.e non elites) have to face every day since the elite the 1 percenters wrongly hoard their vast fortunes . If rich people didn’t exist there would be no uncertainties for the rest of us

I support reducing prescription drug prices

I support social safety nets when those social safety nets are for the good of the community

I support some social patriotic pensions 

Having all sociofiscal classes harmonize and not battle in order to together make society grow is also a good thing.  Taxing the rich is good to encourage this system but eventually redistribution of wealth would rightfully be abolished in a Marxist Leninist society

Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey are social fascists because they can’t create a world where everyone who needs insulin can comfortably afford insulin. We need real Left Wing politicans who can create such a world

Rich people should be encouraged to marry common people and taxed more than AOC wants them taxed if they don’t. It’s time for a comprehensive tax system that benefits working people and ensures the top 1%, Wall Street, and large corporations pay their fair share. (Justice Democrats)

It is lamentable to see the plight of the inner city where there is stagnation, poverty, crime, and the lack of real opportunity which still affects so many BIPOC etc. But at the same time , We need to help all poor people of all backgrounds and leave noone behind to truly defeat poverty

I support more ‘home like’ homeless shelters including via residential neighborhood tracks of such shelters where homeless can live more autonomously and privately (and ‘home like’) since housing being determined by one’s ability to pay seems to some as a flawed system 

Rich people should side with the non rich over the rich. That is more important than what political party they are. For example, rags to riches poc should share their riches/wealth with poor and working class poc due to black unity. At the very least poc landlords should not put their poc tenants in the street

We need to emphasize equality by implementing the socioeconomic policies on schooling, education and medical housing and salaries (i.e with little disparities) that I write in this blog . 

I support education, employment, and housing policies (like more affordable section 8 housing) along with a socio politically motivated balancing of income growth distribution. Thus I support a more poor friendly and compassionate Section 8 housing system

Education is important to create a productive society

This student leader’s views on education are eerily similar to my views on education

I support a voluntary personal and social development program for teens would be set up called the National Citizen Service to help our youth.

In our current static capitalistic society, if we won’t embrace the Nordic Model or SupCollCap (Super Collective Capitalism),  personally I support free schooling very ideally if it can be done with government nudging (Libertarian Paternalism type of nudging) or through indirect government action (like an Academies Act that makes it possible for parents, teachers, charities and businesses to set up and run their own schools or public trust fund by Americans free of government influence)

Under this system, students would have to have a job like selling lemonade at a lemonade stand , selling cookies door to door or similar light ‘kids jobs’ a few hours a week to make up for their free education or they would have to have an expanded work based learning systems (middle school and high school students) so they are prepared for life after high school/college/grad school and since it adds more work for them in school sort of making up for them being deprived of working more hours in school. 

Legality wise, I support free education in current static capitalistic society, to all who qualify along with giving working students one paid week before every major examination. The students themselves in this system would need to use toy money to in a light hearted way ‘pay’ for their schooling. I support schooling co-ops to go along with these free schooling policies

Joe Biden only used the executive order to relieve student loan debt in order to buy the youth vote. Now that the midterms are over, he doesn’t the youth vote for two years so thus the white house has stopped relieving student loan debt. I echo this article on the matter

Joe Biden should have taken Nancy Pelosi’s advice and used congress to pass a student loan debt forgiveness bill instead of using an executive order to do so

Most people who support student loan forgiveness only do so because they have student loans. It is an anti progressive idea

I strongly tolerate all student loans should be forgiven since 92% of student loan debt is owned by the federal government,  the federal government thus should have the right to reduce it -- 

But I prefer either of these methods in terms of student loan debt forgiveness if student loan forgiveness is to be done:

The obligation to repay those student loans being laid upon the colleges that gave those students all those degrees or if the student loans were taxable and taxed by the IRS. 

The banking institutions would also need to be authorized to foreclose on those institutions of higher learning that can't repay and liquidate them. It would have a salutary effect upon American higher education. Then the whole federal loan program should be repealed and liquidated once and for all


The Responsible Education Assistant through Reforms Act

Young people already have their parents pay for their education. 

So I can’t say I support student loan forgiveness. Most of those students are well offf and should pay their education back themselves. I hope the Supreme court rules against Biden’s student loan forgiveness and ends it. Student loan forgiveness is theft

They have to learn how to live in the real world and student debt forgiveness is further pacification of them.  They are too entitled and need to learn how to live like adults. Paying their student loans back themselves is the best thing for them

I expand on this student loan issue here and here

Many jobs require a degree, which requires taking on tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loan debt, but the promise of higher pay has failed recent graduates. We are doing a huge disservice to college graduates who can’t pursue their chosen career out of fear of not making enough money to cover monthly student loan debt payments. It’s time to close the racial and class disparities that exist in higher education by canceling student loan debt (Justice Democrats)

One way to do so would be to do the ideas expressed in this post, in this post (and screenshot in it)this postthis post, this postthis post (from Quora)

The fastest way is to allow student debt to be discharged with the worst case scenario a chapter 13 over 5 years. Then, put limits on how much universities can charge, along with rules about refunding tuition to those who didn't finish. But the student debt can disappear just as easily as credit card and medical debt tomorrow, and nobody has to give out free money to the future PMCs with those fancy degrees.

We need to make college free so students don’t need to take out student loans in the first place

I support greater governmental investment in poverty reduction. Maybe this personal and societal emancipation from poverty (i.e material necessity) would maximize individual liberty by enabling men and women to pursue their interests and innate talents (which include artistic, industrial and intellectual etc) while they work by choice, and without economic coercion of poverty

One way to do that would be to create a The Society Network Foundation in the US. 

The Society Network Foundation would be used “to generate, develop and showcase new ideas to help people to come together in their neighbourhoods to do good things." It would be funded by the National Lottery funding and public sector grants. This can be used with any welfare model

Marxist Materialism is essentially the "science of textbook socialism". It's a goggle to observe the condition of the person (or a town, or a trade, etc) as the effect of complex real world relations and historical choices and social structure, and not merely this or that foregone conclusion rooted in metaphysical idealism about what is falsely said to be a God’s plan , or a Great Person Theory of persons being in whatever position they want to be in.

So to use an easy to grasp modern day analogy, a rightoid pundit may say that homelessness is a choice and the result of some sort of moral failing in the soul of a person. While a person with a marxist materialist view like me would say that homelessness is the result of a specific set of observable policy decisions and material conditions that were created by the inherent tensions that are found in a capitalist hierarchical class based social structure.

 “You’re sitting in a seminar room, you’ve got a professor who’s written a million books, surrounded by 20 students from San Francisco, New York, mostly, all pontificating about how to help poor people in America.” Their solutions, Jivani says, reflected the atomized enclaves they came from: “Yale’s approach is that judges, senators, policymakers can save the world. They completely omit the role of family, community and culture in people’s lives.”

I am all for undermining structural poverty todo this. Poverty is not created or perpetuated by the freed market. It is created and perpetuated by large scaled theft and privileges and constraints. 

This includes punitive licensing requirements, intellectual property rules (which is extremely petty), land use controls,  building codes etc .These things stop or hamper people from applying their skills and assets effectively. We must stop those things to stop structural poverty

While I agree that the lottery may negatively harm poor people (of all races and ethnicities), the lottery is not systematically racist. There is nothing racist about the lottery . Wokeness is killing our society

Capitalist economies are driven by the consistent investment that capitalists make (the owners of capital). 

Investment in turn depends on consistent industrial/market expansion, since the returns hinge on the value of the invested-in object or in the entity getting bigger as time goes by. When the market/industry is forced to not expand because of the limiting of material conditions (like the over expenditure of resources), the web of investment falls apart like a house of cards, and capitalists thus lose the capital that they invested.

To try to gain the capital back that they lost, capitalists increase the exploitation rate of their workers (lowering wages, job cutting, etc.). This keeps happening until the market can expand again, at which time its rinse and repeat

I support poor people’s squatting on government or abandoned property

My Reformication views are shaped in part by Elizabeth Warren’s 2004 book “The Two-Income Trap,” which is about the financial pressures that families face when two parents enter the workforce.

I recognize that vulnerable people can’t be left to fend for themselves and that shared responsibility for meeting their needs is morally and practically essential.

I am against economic vulnerability . I am concerned for and fight for the economically vulnerable

But I believe as a country we need mutual aide (without taxes, regulations and limited medical care) to combat that.   

We should have a national mission of bringing in its light the welfare of less fortunate peoples that, for whatever reason, have miraculously been left by the history without a national mission which results in having a high sense of patriotic and socioeconomic responsibility for less fortunate peoples peoples. Basically Welfare patriotism

Mutual aide feels more natural and positive than one sided aide and it also removes the poor social stigma of those receiving that aide. 

Moreover, people can and will spend their own money on poverty relief, but they’re likely to do so much more efficiently and intelligently than state officials deploying tax revenues), poverty-producing state regulations, and limitations on choice in areas like medical care.

I focus more on helping the enlightened masses of workers so that they aren’t left to themselves (ie where they aren’t all leaders without a leader movement) to foster a common goal and to help in their determination for a worker revolution than I do on expanding and or improving welfare

Personally , in our current static capitalistic society , if we aren’t going to use Mutual aide (and or until we use Mutual aide) or switch to the Nordic model or SupCap, then I support Universal Basic Income once a certain level of income has been obtained so there is no reason for a country not to create such a system or until corporate privileges are repealed before the regulatory restrictions. 

Until then, in our current static capitalistic society if we aren’t going to use Mutual aide (and or until we use Mutual aide) or switch to the Nordic model or SupCap ,I personally support a fusion of a TANF emergency funds co op (which would be different than the current TANF emergency funds model) with Bull moose party social insurance

Legality wise , in our current static capitalistic society, if we aren’t going to use Mutual aide (and or until we use Mutual aide) or switch to the Nordic model or SupCap then I support Universal Basic Income as long as it meets these conditions

UBI and Third Way SocDem workfare (Third Way SocDem Workfare like Working Families Tax Credit , National Childcare Strategy, National Minimum Wage) along with a GONGO run expanded America works workfare system are all implemented together to replace modern welfare.

UBI eventually replaces Third Way SocDem workfare and the GONGO run expanded America works workfare system sooner rather than later ,along with UBI streamlining assistance to needy people without needing to check eligibility and makes it easier for unemployed people and even people on welfare to find work 

Since having more money allows flexibility in finding the right job until this workfare is phased out)  and it has privatized elements to it like Oakland California’s Universal Basic Income AND the UBI recipients are nudged to give mutual aide (or has some mutual aide element to it).


Nationalization instead of UBI along with the Universal Basic Income system that is done in Alaska as noted here in Reason   . 

The welfare model here would match Five Star Movement’s welfare platform: including welfare expansion, environmental protection, and market regulation, where the welfare expansion means the expansion of public social services but excludes education, environmental protection meant policies in favor of preserving/conserving the environment, along with market regulation meant policies designed to create an equitable and open economic market

Though despite my UBI views above I am still leary of UBI so I must make a distinction between policies that merely seek to raise living standards and increase demand versus policies that really work to increase normal people's power in the political and economic realm. 

I feel that UBI comes from a cynical acceptance that the modern market system creates inequality to the point that it turns into a threat to political stability and literally damages the economy from a lack of demand. 

UBI is attempting to preserve the system and UBI does this by supplanting would be organized labor and political movements whose aim is to actually make the federal government assert itself back into the economy and therefore decrease the capitalists’ power. Moreover, keep in mind that this UBI cash would come out of our taxes and appreciate that the proportion of tax avoidance by the ultra wealthy is to the point that this could perhaps actually be a regressive policy.

UBI is really only a crutch to prolong unsustainable consumerism a little while longer. Eventually it will end up in the pockets of the super rich anyway, who pay extremely small tax. Over time, it will get devalued and require consistent work to keep it on the same page with inflation (like minimum wage). It would be way more ideal to expend that energy by building an economic system which does not put people in the situation of needing UBI in the first place

At worst, guaranteed full employment along with the ideas mentioned in this post would be better than UBI if we need a 'crutch' and as an alternative to a truly left wing socioeconomic society

The problem with US healthcare is that uninsured Americans are billed 20x their normal rate while insurance companies pay at a 20x discount. Insured patients are also paid (before the insurance deductible) at a 20x rate

It is hard and complicated to find true healthcare solutions. We need to dig deep to examines policies and offer impactful solutions. Health is a human right, while we also need more of a nuanced and individualistic mindset that sets the US apart from Western Europe.

I support free healthcare for children 2 and 4 years of age and children between 9 and 24 months to help prevent child morality

At minimum, in our current static capitalistic society, if we won’t switch to the Nordic model or SupCollCap (Super Collective Capitalism), then I want a common sense, bipartisan, expansion of Medicare as long as it has unorganized (as in unorganized sector of India unorganized) elements to it that replaced the privatized elements in it and would be the type of Medicare that the Democrat Party Libertarians would support

I support the ForcetheVote since we were in a health crisis and needed better access to healthcare. In our current static capitalistic society, if we won’t switch to the Nordic model or SupCollCap (Super Collective Capitalism) ,I still support Medicare for All as the most simple way to fix our health insurance issues

I am mixed (for, against, not for but non hostile to) to abstain on whether the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) with a public option and modest bipartisan adjustments and provisions is better in the present and near future than Universal Healthcare 

Like Liz Warren, I realize that if we are still stuck in our current static capitalistic society, won’t switch to the Nordic model or SupCollCap (Super Collective Capitalism) and can’t get Medicare for All passed, we should this below

We use the Australia inspired public option model for the US but with a change to eventually guide us to a NHS UK type state run healthcare model before we abolish the state

If you are one of those people (like a worker, and or young and or healthy etc) who doesn’t need expensive private insurance you can receive quality , health care (via a free trial model) using a healthcare version of the bad bank model , fused with this healthcare model and a voluntarist peer to peer model

However, if you like your private insurance, you’re financially secure, you have specific needs that aren’t covered by the plan above, or you simply don’t trust the healthcare plan above, then you have every right to keep your private insurance. 

This plan would disassociate health from employment which is good because healthcare should not be a factor in picking the right job, (my dad was forced to keep his job to get us quality healthcare and that should not be the case for workers), and incentivize regulators to negotiate transparent and affordable drug and treatment prices, prioritizing people over big Pharma. 

I believe the “Medicare for All Who Want It with a change” model reflects where Americans are and if our country does a better job delivering healthcare than the private providers deliver, we could ultimately shift to a certain type of single payer system

Then I’d like to see the US implement a post statist-early mid 1920s to early mid 1930s Social Democracy transitional healthcare system .

This transitional healthcare system would include compulsory healthcare for private employees and their family members fused with Big Medicine healthcare-Single payer healthcare (that is publicly subsidized) then incrementally or gradually move toward a nationalized, free medical healthcare system 

This transitional healthcare system would at least give off an appearance of autonomy and in the name of medical improvement and civic liberty, the state would control peoples health during their lifetime to keep as many people as possible in good health to create a truly healthy and spiritual nation

I support the healthcare system (and upgrades to that system) that the UK government has had (and made) since the leadership of Tony Blair 

Then I would want us to implement state controlled, NHS like healthcare (with privatization) in the US like they have in the UK (until we abolish the government). In particular with clinical commissioning groups to replace our health care (with  Social Care Act 2012 elements) 

This American version of the NHS healthcare (with privatization) model would through medical improvement and civic liberty, the state would guide (in a non intrusive way) peoples health during their lifetime to keep as many people as possible in good health to create a truly healthy and spiritual nation    

It would be ideal if people had to earn it Starship Troopers style i.e by doing something for the community or through mutual aide (but certainly not a deal breaker as long as the nationalized healthcare is innovative)

For non essential health and medical things along with cosmetic surgeries I can live with private and consumer driven social insurance policies (but so that people who don't need it don't get it) 

There would be a Nationalized Affordable Healthcare act for non essential health and medical things along with cosmetic surgeries that border on being essential health -medical things and cosmetic surgeries. Plus this would offer free reeducation for radical right wing people

I am against RINO Ron Johnson ending SSI and him using those remaining funds for the congressional budget. That is cold hearted, evil, rotten and COMMUNISM (the bad type of Communism). I will not allow Ron Johnson  to do that, I will stop him from doing so IN PERSON

In this current static capitalistic society, I support SSI being 'privatized


by using the SSI that has been in the Sweden and the UK where like them we partially privatize our SSI programs to save taxpayer money and to provide better retirements for their citizens. 


by using China's mixed private-socialist type of SSI/welfare system 

For the Nordic model method, we can use Sweden's partially privatized social security program model which they implemented in the mid-1990 and Britain's partially privatized public pension program which they did in the late 1950s. This type of 'privatized' SSI is one like in both of those countries where workers can invest a portion of their payroll taxes in individual, private accounts.

Which is basically like a method of partially privatizing Social Security where everyone gets a mandatory IRA funded through payroll deduction with regular Social Security tapped to fill in the gaps.  

The devil is in the details, We would need to cap associated fees at a reasonable level, make sure administration wasn't overly concentrated, and limit the types of investments these programs could own.

For the China mixed private-socialist type of SSi/welfare system method we can use to 'privatize' SSI see here

Why am ok with 'privatizing' SSI (as mentioned above)? You can find answers here in this post , here in this post and here for why . Also see here as to why and how privatizing SSI can reduce income inequality like the left wants

I also support 'privatizing' SSI as mentioned above partly for Libertarian reasons. Both methods would be a means to create a universal SSI system which is what I want as the end goal. Keep in mind I am on SSI and I would never support 'privatized' SSI if I thought it would effect me negatively

I support strong workers rights  

We need more worker marches to show appreciation to our country's workers. Maybe when workers of all race-ethnicities are united in their jobs and there is no more class conflict, this can happen. See this post for more

However, bargained reductions of the work week and the concomitant increase of new workers to share their work is something we need to encourage along with flexible changes (sabbaticals, leaves, training etc) for all heteronomous type of job (within reason). This means less work for better work and more time for better life. Norilsk Russia has a good way of giving workers vacation comps that could be a model for us. This should be done no matter what economic system we are living in

Maybe ditching bedtimes can further help worker’s writes, see here for more

I support the blue collar, rust belt , working class (even though they aren’t as diverse as I’d like them to be but I digress) and my combined fiscal views reflect that support 

I am ok with intuitive class struggle, class analysis and class consolidation

The Green New Deal is a bold set of ideas meant combat climate change. But because the Green New Deal includes so much unrelated ideas which don’t identify specific solutions to climate change related issues and because the Green New Deal would cause immediate harm to millions of workers and their family members (which would cause their standard of living go unanswered), I overall do not support the Green New Deal (if for no other reason but as a stunt for the same reasons all of the Democrats voted against the Green New Deal as a stunt)

In our current static capitalistic society, I feel that if redistribution of wealth is to occur it should only be effected by the legal system (apart from the state) than through other methods of redistribution of wealth 

The redistribution of wealth should not be undertaken to bring about a particular pattern of wealth distribution, nor would it be effected through aggressive interference with people’s justly acquired possessions. Redistribution of wealth should not properly be the work of the state. 

Rather, redistribution should be effected by the legal system so that it would restore unjustly taken resources that were taken by them or their predecessors as interest. This would make assets that were stolen by the state or acquired immorally by the state’s cronies available for homesteading. 

That would deny the validity of privileges that were secured by the state which only serve to preserve the well connected bourgeois while causing the poor to be poor. Through solidaristic mutual aide, and via a privilege liberated market (as mentioned above) , people would ‘eat the rich’ so to speak. Mutual aide would be used here because it treats people giving and receiving aide as equal instead of poor and non poor (so it dignifies the poor)

I support humanizing work life. Workplace hierarchies are often disempowering and morally objectionable. We have to recognize that the system of hierarchal structures (like white supremacy) is a cross class alliance between rich whites and working class whites. Hierarchical workplaces are more likely given state action. Hierarchies limit the workers’ ability to use their knowledge and skills to respond in a flexible and effective way to production and distribution challenges and to meet customer needs  

The ineffectiveness of hierarchies make them less common aspects of worklife, and increase the odds that people would be able to choose better alternatives offering more freedom and dignity (self employment or work partnerships or work co ops), in the absence of privileges that lowered the costs of maintaining said hierarchies and raised the costs of opting out of them (like by making self employment more costly, and thus more risky). 

State action also redirects wealth to those interested in seeing that they and the people like them rule the workplace; and the state’s union regulations limit the ways unions can challenge workplace hierarchies.

So thus, we need to get workers to be more resistant to discrimination and fight against it since doing so can help ALL workers and people

Discrimination not only negatively effects marginalized workers but is bad to working class people of all identities as any discrimination practices between demographic sections of the working class cause a very divisive practice hurting the development of working class consciousness , creating barriers to class unity to take away attention from class exploitation which bolsters the rich. 

So by being more resistant to discrimination and fighting against it, it can help all workers of all identities since without these distractions their attention would then shift to the evils of the rich corporate crony capitalists which would lead to the overthrow of those rich corporate crony capitalists, leading to the betterment of ALL people

I support the OSHA enforcing workers rights to a hazard free workplace to create a productive working environment 

The economic forces that had hollowed out the industrial base of places like in the rust belt have wrought problems like domestic violence and opioid abuse. This is in part due to faceless companies 

My thoughts on happiness hierarchies can be found here

I am against Linkedin suspending and censoring Gretchen Smith as mentioned here  Gretchen Smith did not post 'hate speech' or anything bad. 

In fact I agree with her post on Linkedin and I admire how she rose from poverty to hold four college degrees after serving in the Air Force. I further support her telling students that she is not responsible for their student debt. I am not responsible for student debt either. Instead students should repay for their debt themselves

I am glad that Linkedin reinstated her account

Linkedin was orwellian, wrong and fascist to ban her account in the first place. Linkedin was literally trying to block criticism of Joe Biden and the Democrats just like the CCP assholes do in China to that loser Xi Jingpig. .Linkedin banned her because it is an election year and big tech was protecting their Democrat overlords (which is why Patreon banned Sydney Watson). 

I am against the ruling class going against the interests of the working class. I support the working class abolishing the ruling class

There has been a homeless epidemic in California for years and it is so upsetting that the politicians in that state haven’t done nearly enough to lift those poor people out of poverty. See this, Stanford SIEPR video . I agree with MSNBC host Stephanie Rhule on this. It is so sad to see California city streets filled with homeless people as that is a sad reminder of the extreme inequality in California and failure of the California dream to protect them

I support Elon Musk installing beds at Twitter hq for tired employees and homeless people . That is how you solve the homeless problem

With countless amounts of homeless people, San Francisco prioritizes investigating Elon Musk for having beds at Twitter HQ

I agree with this Tweet: "So city of SF attacks companies providing beds for tired employees instead of making sure kids are safe from fentanyl. Where are your priorities @LondonBreed!?" Elon Musk.

“When your team is pushing round the clock to make deadlines sometimes you #SleepWhereYouWork,” tweeted Esther Crawford, director of product management at Twitter, a few days after Musk took over.

“People are already putting in late nights,” so adding places for them to sleep “makes sense to an extent,” said another source who was similarly granted anonymity

I support giving food to he homeless and poor and I am against any laws which restrict that. See here for more

California bourgeois snob elites are anti homeless and anti poor and they are enflamming the homeless situations by trying to prevent them from getting housing and food. I call on everyone in California to give food to the homeless and poor and to build make shift bedrooms at your homes or offices to allow homeless people to live with you.  Feeding the homeless and poor is rightfully a protected right

The homeless crisis is a huge issue that should be given priortiy over other issues. Helping millions of homeless people not be homeless is one of the most things we have to do in our time

I BELIEVE THAT WE SHOULD GET ALL HOMELESS PEOPLE OFF OF THE STREETS AND INTO HOUSING, from our homes to our vacation homes to our garage apartments to college dorms to 2 star or above hotels/motels (like me and my parents were forced to live in for a few months in 2016 between moving from Celebration Florida to Four Corners Florida) or like this etc. Homeless people should not live on the street they should have a roof over their head (unless they choose to live on the street then fine, I do after all have an Anacho Primative streak in me ya know). 

Or maybe tiny villages for homeless people like in Portland as a start  . Minor point, when reading said link, ignore any criticism of JCM's song Eyes of Portland, just because someone doesn't live there doesn't mean he or she can't make a song drawing attention to a problem there, look at Back in the USSR by the Beatles, Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen, songs for Tibet by various musical artists across the world, Allentown by Billy Joel, anti Southern segregation song(s) by Bob Dylan and Joan Baez, anti Vietnam War songs by musicians who never fought in the Vietnam War (like For What It's worth by Buffalo Springfield, War by the Temptations for more)

I support John Mellencamp's new song Eyes of Portland   (see here, here and here for more background on it)  My views on the homeless crisis are very much closest to John Mellencamp's views on the homeless crisis

I support NY Mayor Eric Adams tent city idea. Shame on classisit Democrats for opposing it

I generally and or conditionally support Housing As A Human Right

"We must support measures that keep the cost of rent from skyrocketing and protect the rights of tenants. We must invest in public housing, enforce fair housing standards, and ensure equitable zoning." Justice Democrats." This is one way to solve the homeless crisis

Also see this

I make a connection between wage slavery and theft by taxation here .

The government told you there were WMDs in Iraq. The government told you that if you liked your plan, you could keep your plan. The government told you Donald Trump would cause WW3. The government told you Trump was a Russian asset. 

The government told you 2 weeks to flatten the curve. The government told you that inflation was transitory. Now, the government is telling the people of East Palestine Ohio that there is no danger. The government can't be trusted. Though this might be a democracy issue

The water in East Palestine Ohio is not safe to drink no matter how much the government LIES and says it is. This video is proof it is unsafe and contaminated : https://twitter.com/i/status/1626327835668320256  Screenshots here  Also see here

As much as I am glad FEMA and the government stayed out of this Ohio spill for as long as they did (anti statist/Libertarian reasons), it is hypocritical that FEMA IGNORED AMERICANS AS LONG AS THEY DID IN OHIO BUT GIVES MILLIONS FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION

Blaming Donald Trump for the rail derailment in Ohio in nonsense. Trump had nothing to do with that derailment.  It is sickening that Democrats and Liberal 2.0ers literally blame Donald Trump for everything bad that happens. Hey @PeteButtigieg get a grip  See here 

"HAPPENING NOW: Massive line forming in East Palestine as locals demand answers.":  Our corrupt government spends billions on Ukraine and on illegals, yet treats taxpaying citizens like dog shit.

I can’t tell you how much this pisses me off. You? If only the White House gave those people in Ohio as much attention as they give Ukraine.

Coincidentally, the warmongers are out everywhere pushing more funds to Ukraine recently because citizens have had enough of the Ukraine money laundering scheme.

I agree with those 'pro Russian' accounts on the East Palestine train disaster even if they are tied to Russia 

It is absolutely wrong and evil for Joy Behar, and other Liberal 2.0 losers to say that the East Palestine Ohio derailment residents got what they deserved and to blame them for that and to wish ill on them. Them voting for Trump has no bearing on anything. They are victims of an accident and they should get all of the support and help as they can get regardless who they vote for.

I echo everything Nina Turner said in her condemnation of such wrong and evil remarks by said Liberal 2.0er losers. Nina Turner is not MAGA for saying the truth. Only Liberal 2.0 cultist freaks who have literally lost their mind would say otherwise

I do know for a fact that sick, twisted demented monsters and far right trolls larping as 'Democrats' (i.e Liberal 2.0ers in this Twitter reply thread and I echo the blowback they got for wishing ill on and victim blaming the East Palestine Ohio residents) have wrongly and falsely victim blamed for even said 'they got what they deserved'. I have lost faith in humanity that these sick monsters would put politics above people.

So that is where the Democrats and Liberal 2.0ers are heading, if you don't vote Dem they don't care if you live or die. They are causing a huge division and chasm in this country by their evil, disgusting wrong and senseless victim blaming and wishing ill on the East Palestine Ohio resident all because they have the audacity to vote who they want to vote for (freedom of choice)  

This type of hate by far right losers larping as Democrats is going to lead to a Civil War and I am not sure that a Civil War would be a bad thing to be honest if it weeded out those people who victim blamed the Ohio residents and wished ill on them for voting for Donald Trump. Such people are just as bad as the 'Maga extremists' (seriously they make MAGA people sound like fucking monsters, they dehumanize them, like they are lower than dirt. They bleed too and have families too enough is enough)

The East Palestine Ohio train derailment was a tragedy and the residents did not deserve that to happen to them. It is NOT THEIR FAULT that it happened to them. I want them to get the same care and help no matter who they voted for. Only sick, evil, retards would say those Ohio residents got what they deserved or victim blame them.  

Joy Behar may not have outright said what she did but was dogwhistling to radical liberal extremists that the victims in her sick twisted mind got what they deserved and she flat out did victim blaming and she is absolutely wrong and evil to do that and I echo Meghan McCain in her anger toward Behar doing so. Joy Behar should issue an apology.   If this makes me 'MAGA' then so be it, I am 'MAGA"

Maybe we should look into nationalizing the rail industry to prevent these sort of things in the future

Stupidly ,wrongly and senselessly saying the residents of East Palestine Ohio got what they deserved or blaming them for the derailment is as stupid, wrong and senseless as a right winger blaming a murder victim or saying that a murder victim in a city where the police were defunded got what they deserved 

Every person who said they EPO residents got what they deserved or blamed them for the derailment is a retarded sick loser who I will force to apologize for such remarks when I get my rv working

The cops in Ohio who arrested news reporters for reporting on the train derailment are racist PIGS and they should be fired asap. Those cops are corrupt, deep state losers

I echo this 1000 percent by Nina Turner: 

What happened in East Palestine is terrible and should never happen again. This, neoliberals, is why you take moments and demand better of our leaders. This doesn’t happen without a push.

and I echo this Tweet 1000 percent and what RepDeluzio and RepRokhanna did below:

David Sirota


·Mar 1

Kudos to @RepDeluzio & @RepRoKhanna for creating some real momentum — yesterday, the two House lawmakers introduced the first bill to tighten rail safety rules after the Ohio disaster. .Now, a bipartisan group is introducing rail safety legislation in the Senate."

Real momentum would have been letting the workers strike. But sure, let’s keep pretending that bills or laws do fuckall to help anyone - as evidenced by the state of the country 

Mainstream media like WSJ is wrong telling people to stop eating instead of rightfully telling us to blame and abolish capitalism to fix our economic woes. 

I am fine with common sense savings and savings accounts but this article's advice is evil, wrong, classist and poor phobic.  What happened to avocado toast? /s

This evil article sounds like  "Billionaire Tip Of The Day: If you can't afford food on what I pay you, eat less meals". FUCK RICH PEOPLE 

No we should not skip breakfast or eat less to save money, we should defeat Capitalism instead. Capitalist has caused people to be as poor and miserable as we are now and the only way to get out of it is to abolish Capitalism and reign in a left wing society.  

The issue people have with articles like this, is that it kinda misses the struggle poor people face. Transportation, health and housing is the bulk of the expenses poor people (and the middle class for that matter) face, and while these types of articles like this get made on what feels like a weekly basis. 

They tend to ignore things like overtime violations and not cover economic policies proposed by activists or the democratic party. The contents of these articles are always fine and generally decent advice but the context around it is what annoys people.

This WSJ article is the usual austerity bullshit and victim blaming from a paper owned by the founder of Fox News. It goes that poor people are poor because they are too dumb and let's ridicule them. 

They don't deserve as much as us elite writers, and aren't smart enough to just eat less nutritious meals and even have the gall to treat themselves to fancy things like cinnamon and vanilla in their coffee and a side of toast. Their luxurious living is why they are poor.

Only hive-mind psychopaths agree with this WSJ article. More and more, science backs up the notion that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be the most nutritious as our metabolisms wane significantly by dinnertime.

Lol I like how skipping a meal is proposed as a money saving tip and not an absolute sign of capitalist dystopia. "Running out of money? Have you tried star ving yourself?".

Hey WSJ, how about to save money, instead of skipping breakfast, maybe eat the rich for breakfast instead?

I agree with the blowback to that WSJ article found here

This article by New Republic sucks and is wrong

If Greta Thunberg agrees with this New Republic article I hope she gets ALS and dies a painful death soon

To bourgeois Neoliberal hacks at New Republic fuck you scumbags. Being Anti Capitalist is great and what you and everyone should be. Your article proves that you are just schills for bourgeois, neoliberal richie riches to preserve the status quo and oppressive class society. You are frauds, phonies and losers

Here are some basic anti Capitalism talking points: here. This is why we are anti capitalists. Our jobs suck because Capitalism sucks . Under Capitalism workers are WAGE SLAVES. We don't want to be wage slaves, we want to be EMANCIPATED from wage slavery and to do that we must abolish Capitalism

I echo the points here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here (we anti capitalists don't hate our jobs we hate our BOSSES, we shouldn't have bosses, we should have co-ops and collectives instead without hierarchies), here, here

Refugees who aren't American citizens are getting almost $2,200 per month from the United States government.. Senior Citizens who've paid in their entire lives to the system are getting $1,400 or less... This is one of many reasons why We the People are PISSED OFF...

Though to be fair, some families get ONE payment of $2,200. Then it’s more like $192 per adult each month. I know many migrants. They get NO $$$$.

"Seattle city councilmember & Socialist Alternative member Kshama Sawant joins Bad Faith to debate the strategy, adopted by most of the squad, to vote for the union-crushing tentative agreement that averted a legal railworkers strike. Ryan Grim has been accused of "running cover" for the squad members' strategy, while Kshama Sawant argued their vote for a union voting bill was a clear betrayal. Is Ryan right to say it made sense for the squad to follow the advice of some union members who wanted them to adopt that strategy? Or is Kshama right to call that "political gaslighting?" Ryan joins the conversation about half an hour in, and it's a hot but productive conversation. you wont want to miss it."    I am fine with Ryan Grim's actions also here and here

I echo Glenn Greenwald here "Oh my god. This Democratic apparatchik is literally & unironically saying that repealing Obamacare is a Putin plot to mass-murder Americans."


Scott Dworkin


Mar 9, 2017

If u were Putin & wanted to kill as many Americans as possible—wouldn't taking away their healthcare do the trick? #trumprussia #russiagate"    NO, Vladimir Putin and Russia had NOTHING to do with healthcare being 'taken away' by Donald Trump/Republicans.  But Scott Dworkin's excuse and rationale was this" Vladimir Putin behind it-which is absurd-would make more sense then GOP thinking it needs to be repealed-that's the point #trumpleaks"

"Americans have lost millions of jobs due to unfair trade deals. It’s time to end the race to the bottom and renegotiate these rigged deals that only benefit the elite. Multinational corporations should not possess the power to dictate laws for the United States. We need to eliminate incentives for multinational corporations to outsource jobs overseas and prioritize strong labor, environmental and human rights standards for all trade agreements. Our trade deals should focus on lifting up workers across the world and toward a common agenda of tackling the global crisis."  Justice Democrats

"Transitioning every building, home, and mode of transportation to 100% green energy will create millions of good-paying jobs. Our nation can grant a job to every American who wants one. The climate crisis requires a massive jobs program A federal jobs guarantee program  would establish a baseline for wages and benefits for the nation’s workforce. The program would provide a baseline minimum wage of at least $15 an hour. By investing in our own workforce, we can lift thousands of American families out of poverty and help people re-enter the workforce, doing the work that needs to be done to build a better future." Justice Democrats

"Now is the time for a comprehensive, once-in-a-generation mobilization that prioritizes front-line communities, combats the climate crisis, and creates millions of good-paying union jobs. A Green New Deal will transition away from fossil fuels and dramatically expand existing renewable power sources with the goal of meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources. A Green New Deal also provides people across the country with the opportunity, training and education needed to participate fully and equally in a green economy, offering jobs to help rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. A Green New Deal ensures a just transition for all workers, low-income communities, communities of color, and indigenous communities." Justice Democrats

My take on Hakeem Jeffries smearing Republilcans on the debt ceiling can be found here

My values

See here


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