Exh migrswbgg

My views on migration vary based on whatever the current conditions exist at the time, but in general I am truly left wing on migration

The US having laxer and less border security on its border with Canada than it does on its border with Mexico, is obviously racial profiling and thus due to bigotry, since there is no other reason for this vast discrepancy (Canada is mostly white while Mexico is mostly BIPOC).   “The relatively low level of security measures stands in contrast to that of the United States–Mexico border (one-third length of Canada–U.S. border), which is actively patrolled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel to prevent illegal migration and drug trafficking.”  Wikipedia (like Canada doesn’t have drug traffickers themselves) 

“While the Republican leadership in Congress focuses on the Southern border with 10,000 Border Patrol agents stationed along the 2,000-mile border with Mexico, only 1/10th that amount is on the Canadian border, a border that is 2.5 times as long as the Mexican border.  Recent news stories state that people drive, walk, sail, ski, and sled across the Northern border all the time” Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren

Also see herehere

The US barely had border security on its border with Canada before 9/11 (see here) and also passports weren’t required to go between the US and Canada before 9/11. 

To not give off this obvious appearance of bigotry and double standards as mentioned above ,the US would and really should implement the same lax border security on its border with Mexico that it had on its border with Canada pre 9/11 and the US would and really should require no passport requirement for Mexicans to enter the US as it had no passport requirement for Canadians to enter the US pre 9/11. 

“Today, by far the most visible anti-globalization movement takes the form of the anti-migrant backlash led by Donald Trump and other “populists.” The Left, meanwhile, seems to have no option but to recoil in horror at Trump’s “Muslim ban” and news stories about ICE hunting down migrant families; it can only react against whatever Trump is doing. If Trump is for immigration controls, then the Left will demand the opposite. And so today talk of “open borders” has entered mainstream liberal discourse, where once it was confined to radical free market think tanks and libertarian anarchist circles.

While no serious political party of the Left is offering concrete proposals for a truly borderless society, by embracing the moral arguments of the open-borders Left and the economic arguments of free market think tanks, the Left has painted itself into a corner. 

If “no human is illegal!,” as the protest chant goes, the Left is implicitly accepting the moral case for no borders or sovereign nations at all. But what implications will unlimited migration have for projects like universal public health care and education, or a federal jobs guarantee? And how will progressives convincingly explain these goals to the public?”  Andrea Nagle “A Left Case Against open borders”

“ The destruction and abandonment of labor politics means that, at present, immigration issues can only play out within the framework of a culture war, fought entirely on moral grounds. In the heightened emotions of America’s public debate on migration, a simple moral and political dichotomy prevails. It is “right-wing” to be “against immigration” and “left-wing” to be “for immigration.” But the economics of migration tell a different story.” Andrea Nagle “A Left Case Against open borders”

Supporting too liberalized migration policies and open borders except the way I do in this blog is a old school right wing position

The transformation of open borders into a “Left” position is a very new phenomenon and runs counter to the history of the organized Left in fundamental ways. Open borders has long been a rallying cry of the business and free market Right. 

Drawing from neoclassical economists, these groups have advocated for liberalizing migration on the grounds of market rationality and economic freedom. They oppose limits on migration for the same reasons that they oppose restrictions on the movement of capital. 

The Cato Institute, which also advocates lifting legal restrictions on child labor, has churned out radical open borders advocacy for decades, arguing that support for open borders is a fundamental tenet of libertarianism, and “Forget the wall already, it’s time for the U.S. to have open borders.”2 The Adam Smith Institute has done much the same, arguing that “Immigration restrictions make us poorer.”3

Following Ronald Reagan and figures like Milton Friedman, George W. Bush championed liberalizing migration before, during, and after his presidency. Grover Norquist, a zealous advocate of Trump’s (and Bush’s and Reagan’s) tax cuts, has for years railed against the illiberalism of the trade unions, reminding us, “Hostility to immigration has traditionally been a union cause.”4

He’s not wrong. From the first law restricting immigration in 1882 to Cesar Chavez and the famously multiethnic United Farm Workers protesting against employers’ use and encouragement of illegal migration in 1969, trade unions have often opposed mass migration. 

They saw the deliberate importation of illegal, low-wage workers as weakening labor’s bargaining power and as a form of exploitation. There is no getting around the fact that the power of unions relies by definition on their ability to restrict and withdraw the supply of labor, which becomes impossible if an entire workforce can be easily and cheaply replaced. Open borders and mass immigration are a victory for the bosses.

And the bosses almost universally support it. Mark Zuckerberg’s think tank and lobbying organization, Forward, which advocates for liberalizing migration policies, lists among its “founders and funders” Eric Schmidt and Bill Gates, as well as CEOs and senior executives of YouTube, Dropbox, Airbnb, Netflix, Groupon, Walmart, Yahoo, Lyft, Instagram, and many others. 

The cumulative personal wealth represented on this list is enough to heavily influence most governing institutions and parliaments, if not buy them outright. While often celebrated by progressives, the motivations of these “liberal” billionaires are clear. Their generosity toward dogmatically anti-labor Republicans, like Jeff Flake of the famous “Gang of Eight” bill, should come as no surprise” Andrea Nagle “A Left Case Against open borders”

“There are many economic pros and cons to high immigration, but it is more likely to negatively impact *low-skilled and low-paid native workers while benefiting wealthier native workers and the corporate sector. As George J. Borjas has argued, it functions as a kind of upward wealth redistribution.14 

A 2017 study by the National Academy of Sciences called “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration” found that current immigration policies have resulted in disproportionately negative effects on poor and minority Americans, a finding that would have come as no surprise to figures like Marcus Garvey or Frederick Douglass. No doubt they, too, would have to be considered “anti-immigrant” by today’s standards for warning of this.” Andrea Nagle A Left Case Against Open borders 

What I wrote in all of the above paragraphs along with my Libertarianism , Anti Corporatist and Anti globalization views along with the line of thinking in this post plays a big part in my migration views, as you’ll see throughout my blog 

* But high levels of skilled migration as I noted below can be good if it is used drive the economy and to make up for the population decline/shortage of labor that the majority of western countries face due to the silent generationers, baby boomers and generation jones peopls leaving the workforce and aging. This is just one example of reasonable policies conservatives can have.

The US needs more poc inclusive migration policies along with encouraging more migration from Europe, Eastern Asia, Cuba, etc that is conjoined with pro-affirmative action policies. 

I advocate protection of all workers rights no matter country of origin. See here for more

I view deporting illegal immigrants for virtually any reasons in a negative light because I am not a fan of any Americans, legal or illegal emigrating from the US at all. 

Americans (legal and illegal) emigrating from the US to other countries saddens me because I miss Americans (legal and illegal) when they emigrate to another country like I miss my family and friends when they die and because I feel their moving away from the US is too big of a shake up in their lives

Moreover deportation is also a waste of taxpayer money

I am against smugglers (like coyotes) smuggling in illegal immigrants into the US. I believe the US should extremely increase security to prevent those smugglers from that and to shut down their smuggling businesses

The US must work in Central America to address the root causes of migration from Central America, to recognize that we don't need to sacrifice our humanity in the name of security. We also must work with Mexico to make sure that it takes its own border security seriously. 

Moreover, working with our neighbors to improve security across the region is an imporant component of any policy to promote prosperity and fairness in the hemisphere. A safe and secure region will lead to a safer, more secure United States.  

I also believe that the US also must engage with countries like Mexico and in Central America to address the causes that cause them to migrate to the US illegally

If I don’t sound as strongly pro migrant (even though I am Left wing on migration), its only because since I am generally against Capitalism I realize the negative effects Capitalism has on legal and illegal migrants. 

For example I realize that mass illegal migration and overwhelming/endless legal migration (the type of migration where can barely afford to take care of our own people let alone overwhelming/endless migrants) is beneficial to the capitalist class and thus that makes me feel that mass illegal migration and overwhelming/endless legal migration is effectively a net negative in my eyes. Many migrants come in and take jobs away from citizens which increases unemployment

When migration that happens within a capitalist countries (like the US) sadly it can be seen as a modern day version of bondage (like in the Old South) 

Back then, there was colonialist exploitation happening within a capitalist country via bondage due to similar conditions to today.  

Today via mass illegal migration and overwhelming/endless legal migration, legal migrants and illegal migrants sadly end up working below minimum wage or barely minimum wage in a subsistence type existence (like construction work of migrants in some parts of the US for example) within a capitalist country not too much better or different than the type of dehumanizing capitalist worker exploitation that slaves were put through in the Old South. 

A lesser but still relevant reason I don’t sound strongly pro migrant (even though I am Left wing on migration), is because I see the negative effect of migration in that migration is used to undercut wages and that migration can be detrimental to the entire working class (though we should gladly share what we make with foreigners specially if they’re in need) . The US needs to stop monopolizing our job market

Ideally, migration should be designed around the economic interests of the American people and especially Americans at the bottom of the labor market . 

A study of the struggle waged by the American working class reveals that, in order to oppose their workers, the employers either bring in workers from abroad or else transfer manufacture to countries where there is a cheap labor force.

But the Left need not take my word for it. Just ask Karl Marx, whose position on immigration would get him banished from the modern Left. Although migration at today’s speed and scale would have been unthinkable in Marx’s time, he expressed a highly critical view of the effects of the migration that occurred in the nineteenth century. In a letter to two of his American fellow-travelers, Marx argued that the importation of low-paid Irish immigrants to England forced them into hostile competition with English workers. He saw it as part of a system of exploitation, which divided the working class and which represented an extension of the colonial system. He wrote this piece” Andrea Nagle A Left Case Against Open borders

When we defeat Capitalism and usher in a more socialistic country that meshes with my economic views, I will become more pro migrant and very pro migrant

Personally and legality wise , I don’t want the US to implement my migration reform ideas below (including this moderate type of migration reform) until we clear the migration backlogs  

The backlog of 600,000-plus fugitive deportee cases. The backlog of four million immigration applications of all kinds. The backlog of an estimated 100,000 FBI background checks for legal immigrant applicants. The disappearance of 111,000 citizenship applications.   The above numbers are from 2007 but I am sure the numbers are similar to that today.

The Washington Post reported in 2007 that those loads of unprocessed paperwork was growing. Over a few hundred thousand immigrants who come here legally continue to wait for FBI background checks before they become naturalized. 

This backlog of the legal migrants' naturalization applications (and other benefits), from 2005-2007 for example doubled to 329,160.   There is also slow processing time for asylum seekers which causes delay

Thus we should fix the above mess first before we implement my migration ideas below (including this moderate type of migration reform).  

We also should clear the obstacles to a Path of Citizenship for legal migrants who followed the rules before we do the same to illegal immigrants as mentioned below.  Let's give legal migrants priority over illegal migrants and give them both priority by clearing the backlogs.  

I believe while we clear our backlogs as mentioned above, to work toward post backlog clearing migration reform,  the US could build two offshore Autonomous Republics as sanctuary republics for migrants, in particular illegal migrants etc. Similar to Refugee NationKorean People's Association in Manchuria

Those two lands would be Autonomous Republics of the United States (similar to how Crimea is a Autonomous Republic of Ukraine). 

All migrants and illegal migrants around the world would be able to move to these 2 US Autonomous Republics , much easier than it is now for migrants/illegal immigrants from Australians and New Zealanders to live in each other’s country due to the trans Tasman arrangement . 

One of those two migrant, illegal immigrant US Autonomous Republics would be a real life version of mythological Atlantis, and be exactly where it is on this map. 

The other migrant, illegal immigrant US Autonomous Republic would be a real life version of mythological Antillia and be exactly where it is on this map. 

The US can use landfill, terraforming and other methods to do that. Once the backlogs are cleared this sanctuary republic concept will have paved the way for a clear path to implementing my migration reform ideas in this blog

Personally I feel the US should implement a migration system based on the holocracy model and Dignity proposal for illegal immigrants so illegal immigrants who can’t meet the conditions of one of those systems could be able to meet the conditions of the other migration system

This holocracy model is a new tier or holocracy of longterm permanent residency that would allow immigrants who are in the US illegally who don’t meet the Dignity proposal requirements to legally attain citizenship in 18 years or so

If they register for the new tier or holocracy , illegal immigrants who have lived illegally in the country for a substantial amount of time would be able to work and live in US, while they wait to become citizens, as long as they pay taxes and don’t receive any felony convictions. 

All illegal immigrants who don’t meet the holocracy model requirements might be eligible under the amnesty to get 10-year work visas so long as they pass a criminal background check, pay taxes, and continue taking an American job. The amnesty states that these illegal aliens will not be eligible for “means-tested benefits or entitlements” and must pay a fine 

After holding work visas for 10 years, illegal aliens would be eligible to go through a five-year program, which includes learning English and taking civics courses, to eventually secure a green card. Once a green card is secured, illegal aliens are able to apply to become naturalized American citizens 

This also includes mandatory E-Verify (see here for why), funding for a “full border infrastructure system,” asylum reform, and increased interior immigration enforcement but a more progressive LPR visa program  .

Moreover personally, I feel that public migration policies should incrementally move towards a different horizon of migration governance in which all people’s rights are respected. For this, we would need an elaboration of citizenship and human mobility laws that are dignified and respectful of human rights.

But to expand rights within the current regulatory framework, until we reach that horizon personally I feel the US should moderately move toward bringing back their 1870s through early 1920s migration system. Eventually when we reach that horizon we will move on from this migration system 

Legality wise, I feel that the US should consider making all illegals who have lived in the US and contribute in some way to our society for at least a few years (give or take a year or two), and basically integrated “de facto legal by default” (but without publicly making such a virtue signaling proclamation, only through actions not words)

This way , there would be less bickering and divisiveness over this issue since that would be a stealth way to extremely decrease illegals in the US without deporting them or creating harsh anti immigration policies (but different than former President Ronald Reagan did it with his 1986 IRCA, in part because this wouldn’t be amnesty but a fundamental change to permanently blur or even remove the lines between legal and ‘illegal’ immigrant while retro fitting current illegals into this change by making them ‘de facto legal by default’). 

Can’t complain about ‘illegal’ immigrants if there is hardly a line between legal and illegal immigrants.

We should really try to prioritize the concept of citizenship by putting the fact of residence first while we also separate access to political rights from the degree of national identification. 

Giving primacy to citizenship over nationality would imply giving priority to our political society, and this would entail a less organic conception of that community, and more open. podemos

The US is the border of North America. But that cannot be translated into being the border control police. This must be translated into a fair and humanitarian vision of migration, which respects the right to migrate and the right to life. podemos

Then after decades of this, I would then want the US to go from being a Constitutional republic with states into a Communitarian Nomadic Empire (along with the rest of North America and maybe Central America) and thus have true open borders by default 

Open borders will help improve business and left wing Anarchist freed markets. Open borders draws from bleeding heart libertarian economists, which advocate for liberalizing migration on the grounds of market rationality and economic freedom. 

Limits on migration are as bad as full planned economies are bad. The Cato Institute, reflects some of my reasons for supporting eventual open borders since open borders is a fundamental tenet of libertarianism, and consistent, blanket and long term immigration restrictions make us poorer (Adam Smith Institute)

Following Reagan and figures like Milton Friedman, George W. Bush championed liberalizing migration before, during, and after his presidency. Grover Norquist, a zealous advocate of Trump’s (and Bush’s and Reagan’s) tax cuts, has for years railed against the illiberalism of the trade unions, reminding us, “Hostility to immigration has traditionally been a union cause.”4

This way ,people would form natural communities throughout the Nomadic Empire North America based on their connections to said communities. Moreover, their social identifies and personalities would be molded by their community relationships with some individualism thrown into the mix. 

Migrants (there would be no such thing as illegal migrants in this system) to the Nomadic Empire North America would form and find their own Communitarian communes in this Nomadic Empire North America based on shared cultural values. 

Eventually after decades or more of this, maybe new countries and nations might possibly possibly form/reform 

In part because it looks like we can’t stop the spread of cultural corporatist imperialism (i.e Globalization) , my possible solution to our migration issues if our world continues to be globalized is for the borders of all countries being razed together creating an open world (or at worst a world where countries who didn’t raze their borders instead implemented either the Labour party UK ‘open borders’  or this subreddit’s version of open borders instead). 

But first I would want to use the.path below to get there 

This path to our open world would have stronger borders to avoid conflict with and capitalist influence from capitalist countries (A lot of our migrants come from Capitalist or Capitalist adjacent countries). We would inspire other countries to do the same

Strong borders mean less of that bourgeois capitalist conflict and influence (which we get now from mass migration, chain migration, illegal migration etc) as we lay the ground work for and begin to transition from a Capitalist country that sadly treats migrants like second class citizens to a open world

These stronger borders would not be for restricting migration, these stronger borders would be for restricting reverse Neoliberal/Capitalism imperialism and by extension the bourgeois and aristocratic baggage that comes with it (which by doing so will help the legal and illegal migrants who are already living in the US get richer and more equality since the closer we get to an open world the more income equality grows and barriers between classes shrink which can only happen by stronger borders to prevent capitalistic barriers to this transition)  Because to do otherwise is no a bonanza to the type of managerial class people in the bourgeois or aristocratic milieu, who like, say, cheap nannies and so forth. Not so good for workers on the low end.

But during this stronger borders phase, there would be a the Conservative Party UK's Points Based Immigration System along with the US setting up a system of annual temporary citizen exchanges (trading millions of legal American citizens for citizens in other countries a year, especially in North America and Central America) . 

But preferences would be given for high levels of skilled immigration of hopefully eventual citizens (in order to cherry pick the better migrants who suits the needs of and are tailored to the needs of the economy but much less preference for migrants who provide no tangible benefit, or who can't speak any English or Spanish) under this temporary citizen exchange. These temporary citizen exchanges would not delay or hamper our phasing out of capitalism as non stronger borders would

If after temporarily re living in the US after a few years, these temporary citizen exchange migrants in the US Live together assimilate or are bicultural, are not convicted of crimes, terrorism or treason, don’t create chain migration, are ideally patriotic , show minimal knowledge of US history, government and the English language, have a steady job, are in college or the military, they can become permanent citizens of the US if they pay a one time exchange to permanent citizen tax and renounce their citizenship of their previous country to make their permanent residency official

This would be done to create a open world that will be extremely more pro migrant than our current capitalist country with lax or open borders can ever be. A little less migration NOW for MUCH MORE migration in the future 

Think of this like putting a tourniquet on a huge wound to stop the bleeding, here strong borders would stop the bleeding done by the commidifaction and abuses of capitalism , allowing our country to move to become part of an open world at which time the bleeding (ie the cronies of capitalism) will stop and we will be in open world utopia with open borders and as pro of a migrant country as we can have.

This will be all thanks to us transitioning from Capitalism to an open world which cannot be done with the pettiness of capitalism pouring into our country via mass migration, illegal migration and chain migration 

So everything I write above is for the US until we usher in an open world and also because I am being contrarian (being too pro migrant is a mainstream ‘liberal’ view to have, being like I am on migration is contrarian). 

Eventually as Capitalism is phased out and socialism is reigned in, we would relax some of the criteria for settlement,  the criteria for residence and work permits and reestablish legal and safe pathways  podemos

Then I would want the borders of all countries on Earth to be razed together creating an open world (or at worst all countries on Earth who don’t raze their border, implement either the Labour party UK ‘open borders’  or this subreddit’s version of open borders instead). 

Since I am against North Korea and the Soviet bloc forbidding emigration, I have no choice but to be against countries forbidding immigration, even illegal immigration , so I don’t look like a hypocrite

Freedom of movement is a right as history has shown and this would fundamentally fix the bigger issue surrounding migration once and for all (no border world/open world is better than open borders in a few or some countries). After the travel restrictions in the last few years, it is easy to embrace the freedom of movement line of thinking

One way to make the open planet thing work would be to have our planet literally become one country (which would also create an open planet by default) and all 7.5 billion people on Earth could even be incentivized to move to a far away random place on Earth (basically every town and city on Earth would be reshuffled to consist entirely of transplants from dozens to hundreds of random countries on Earth with possibly a very few people native to the area living in said towns/cities) 

All cities and towns on Earth would be rebooted and have the very similar demographics as each other city and town on Earth as is the case in existing countries. Think of this as a real life city town randomizer 

This could mean the Earth would be literally gentrified (ending cultural shock forever) as the whole planet would be culturally and demographically similar (as most states and provinces in existing countries are culturally and demographically similar to other states and provinces in those existing countries.

This is the most unique way to unite Earth and all people on Earth, to be united as the people of Earth in the movie Independence Day were united. 

Like in some Speculative Fiction set in The Future, it might be the natural order of things that all governments will merge together to create a central authority to govern the entire planet.

Some examples of this concept include All the Troubles of the World, Apocalypse film series, Barbarella, Bicentennial Man, The Fifth Element, The Starship Troopers, Space Truckers, The Omega Code, Z.P.G, Babylon 5, Doctor Who: In "Last of the Time Lords", Firefly, the Alliance, Intergalactic, The Orville, The Outer Limits (1995), seaQuest DSV, Star Trek. See this for more

In real life, the United Nations was a possible choice for fulfilling this one planet country to function before the organization was created in the role that it serves today. In fiction, alien planets most of the time have only one government.


If that is impractical we should as an alternative, have the United States ,Mexico and Central America form a supranational nation  (similar to the European Union or European States of Europe) which would by default make the vast majority of illegals who are currently living in the US 'legal' and treat migration between the US and those countries as migration between EU countries is treated. 

I'd also want every few years for there to be a mandatory Brexit type vote for the US, Mexico and those Central American countries in said supernational union to decide if they want to stay or pull out of this suprnational union, similar to Britain's Brexit vote years back. 

This would mean no border checks between North America Union countries or states . However, the migration policies to this North America Union countries or states from outside of North America would mesh with Left wing European borderhawks migration views/platform fused with the Bush’s Center’s migration views/platform

I would like to see the currency of the US become more universalized.

My views on whether I believe that illegal immigrants should vote are reflected by my views in this section of my blog and in similar sections of my blog

I am Left Wing on migration, and while the cosmopolitan argument here doesn’t make me support closed borders, it does make me open minded to coming right a bit on migration where I would support this moderate type of migration reform or even where I could if pushed ever so slightly look the other way (but not endorsing) if the US ever requires a small fee for illegal immigrants who are in the US less than 7 years to vote (until they become legal then its free).  

To expand on this, in some ways Andrea Nagle’s A Left Case Against Open borders is a compelling essay which plays into my migration views as can be tangibly and intangibly throughout this blog

“The truth is that mass migration is a tragedy, and upper-middle-class moralizing about it is a farce. Perhaps the ultra-wealthy can afford to live in the borderless world they aggressively advocate for, but most people need—and want—a coherent, sovereign political body to defend their rights as citizens.” Andrea Nagle A Left case against open borders

To open border people who think I am too harsh on migration, if someone broke into your house and was living in your attic for a few years and they got settled in and you caught them living there, what would you do?  

“It has now become a common slogan among advocates of open borders—and many mainstream commentators—that “there is no migrant crisis.” But whether they like it or not, radically transformative levels of mass migration are unpopular across every section of society and throughout the world. And the people among whom it is unpopular, the citizenry, have the right to vote. 

Thus migration increasingly presents a crisis that is fundamental to democracy. Any political party wishing to govern will either have to accept the will of the people, or it will have to repress dissent in order to impose the open borders agenda. 

Many on the libertarian Left are among the most aggressive advocates of the latter. And for what? To provide moral cover for exploitation? To ensure that left-wing parties that could actually address any of these issues at a deeper international level remain out of power?” Andrea Nagle A Left Case Against Open borders

Illegal Immigrants should NOT have more rights than legal citizens. They  should have the same rights

Illegal Immigrants should NOT have easier access healthcare than legal citizens do , they should have the same access

Illegal immigrants should NOT have easier accesss to welfare and UBI than legal citizens do, they should have the same access

Illegal immigrants and refugees don't commit more or less crime/violent crime than legal citizens. 

Maybe we can get all Trump extremists (like the ones mentioned by John Brennan and GWB in 2021) to self deport and only be allowed to move back to the US when they become deradicalized 

This quote could help borderhawks and ‘xenophobes’ be inclusive to migrants . Though one wonders what enflamed their anti migrant xenophobia in the first place, this snipet may provide a hint

by Mark Twain “ Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime” Which means that travel allows people to stop being bigoted and xenophobic and instead focus their fears on things that are truly scary and a threat to us 

In our world, I believe that migrants to the US should learn English

“ With obscene images of low-wage migrants being chased down as criminals by ICE, others drowning in the Mediterranean, and the worrying growth of anti-immigrant sentiment across the world, it is easy to see why the Left wants to defend illegal migrants against being targeted and victimized. And it should. But acting on the correct moral impulse to defend the human dignity of migrants, the Left has ended up pulling the front line too far back, effectively defending the exploitative system of migration itself.” 

“ Today’s well-intentioned activists have become the useful idiots of big business. With their adoption of “open borders” advocacy—and a fierce moral absolutism that regards any limit to migration as an unspeakable evil—any criticism of the exploitative system of mass migration is effectively dismissed as blasphemy. 

Even solidly leftist politicians, like Bernie Sanders in the United States and Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom, are (STUPIDLY and FALSELY) accused of “nativism” by critics if they recognize the legitimacy of borders or migration restriction at any point. 

This open borders radicalism ultimately benefits the elites within the most powerful countries in the world, further disempowers organized labor, robs the developing world of desperately needed professionals, and turns workers against workers.” Andrea Nagle A Left Case Against Open borders

“ The immigration expansionists have two key weapons. One is the big business and financial interests all working on their side, but an equally powerful weapon—wielded more expertly by the left-leaning immigration expansionists—is moral blackmail and public shame. 

People are right to see the mistreatment of migrants as morally wrong. Many people are concerned about the growth of racism and callousness toward minorities that often accompanies anti-immigration sentiment. But the open borders position does not even live up to its own professed moral code.” Andrea Nagle A Left Case Against Open borders

I am symbolically okish (I guess )with The Keep Families Together Act https://www.king.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/king-colleagues-introduce-legislation-to-halt-separation-of-immigrant-families . Though making it a tad more conservative wouldn’t hurt

This is because I echo the Degree 180 article "You guys remember Nazi Germany, right?" by Zoe Weiner which shows why I am symbolically ok with said act

This shows how Liberal 2.0ers can be hypocrites on the ‘reunite kids at the border with their families’. But I also have these views on the kids in cages thing

"I will continue to speak for the families who are seeking justice around the world— whether they are displaced in refugee camps or hiding under their bed somewhere like I was.I didn’t come to Congress to be silent. I came to Congress to be their voice". Ilhan Omar

However, Karl Marx himself defended 'atrocities ' like splitting up families for the betterment of the country in his Communist Manifesto, and eventually we do have to abolish at least the nuclear family as the norm (even if that means abolishing at least the nuclear family outright). 

So maybe by the three stooges we have had presiding over the US over the last decades splitting up families as bad as what they did appears to be, their anti family actions can have a dull silver lining effect as a tool to be utilized in creating a blueprint once we are on our way to arriving in a future post nuclear family as the norm/post nuclear family socialistic Marxist utopia

I am against the 2018 international protests that happened overseas in the UK, Europe and possibly Oceania against Trump’s family migration policy. Those protestors are anti American

Yes international migration issues like in the US effects would be migrants on other continents like those particular countries and Trump is an American firster which by definition alienates people outside the US

But still overseas people internationally like in the UK, Europe and possibly Oceania, being nosey and sticking their noses where they don’t belong in our politics by protesting our migration laws, our gun laws etc is intrusive, cult like and makes me want to see those the national guard in those countries deal with those international protestors like Tom Cotton wanted the national guard deal with BLM protestors in 2020

They should focus on improving their own countries. We don’t want their help. 

Why didn’t those ANTI AMERICAN Eurotrash, Brits, Bogans, etc protest former President Barack Obama’s harsh migration policies including separating families?

Why didn’t those Eurotrash, Brits, Bogans etc protest Joe Biden’s Trump like migration policies?

Like in the US, they are brainwashed by Liberal 2.0 propaganda to parrot every thing the MSM , RACIST Hollyweird, and corporate fascists tell them to say and believe, They simply don’t have a high enough IQ to research things on their own, to have their own opinions, to be independent, to use context, nuance, critical thinking or rationality

Those anti american Eurotrash, Brits, Bogans, etc don’t know enough about our culture , laws etc to protest certain things like gun laws and migration. They are deranged trolls

They almost make me want to be radically neutral on Trump’s migration policies out of spite and to own them for their cult like anti american 2018 protests. Though despite what the corrupt fake US MSM says I am sure there were only a few dozen anti Trump migration policy protestors in the Europe, UK , possibly Australia. Only 16 countries out of hundreds protested his migration policies

I am however more than fine with and I probably even support protestors in Mexico, The Caribbean, Central and South America, Canada, Greenland and US ex pat enclaves and military bases worldwide along with DC and border states in the US in protesting against Trump’s harsh migration laws. 

I am pissed at AOC and the Squad for not doing more to prevent 45 and Joe Biden from putting kids in cages. But those were not concentration camps, and Barack Obama built those cages, Biden kept using them. Three wrongs don’t make a right 

I support allowing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be notified when illegal immigrants attempt to purchase guns 

We need to get unions to intersect with migrants and workers in other countries to improve the economic system and migration without being bigoted  “Admittedly, union opposition to mass migration was sometimes intermingled with racism (which was present across American society) in previous eras. 

What is omitted in libertarian attempts to smear trade unions as “the real racists,” however, is that in the days of strong trade unions, they were also able to use their power to mount campaigns of international solidarity with workers’ movements around the world. Unions raised the wages of millions of nonwhite members, while deunionization today is estimated to cost black American men $50 a week.5”  Andrea Nagle A Left Case Against Open Borders

I am ok with the Zapatistas

I lay down my arms and accept more funding for the US ports of entry, fixing tech on our borders and updating our eco and environmental protections in areas like the Rio Grande.

People can move to Japan not become Japanese ,people can move to Britain but not become British but people can move to America and become American. That is a message some hardliners on migration need to get. Optimism trumps determinism

We have to reduce mass/illegal migration because migrant children are wrongly being forced into labor when they should be getting an education

I support Australia like Jus soli

I support Malcolm Turnbull’s migrant exchange with the US (assuming the migrants were vetted enough)

I condone Australia’s hardline immigration laws under Scott Morrison in 2020 and 2021 since in 2020 and 2021 Australia needed to heavily restrict immigration

Migrants and refugees in Europe don’t commit more crime per say than legal citizens in Europe, but they need to be crime fighters crime in Europe to  erase the false myth that they do commit more crime. 

In Europe only, I believe the number of refugees to be accepted needs to be determined through negotiations. For the US, I am more liberal on refugees as seen in this blog

I want every migrant, refugee and illegal immigrant to be peaceful and possibly be peacekeepers in their communities.  I am glad Sweden deports and then permenantly bans terrorists from going back their country after they are out of prison 

However, I view a few of the relatively rare migrant criminals, refugee criminals and illegal immigrant criminals in Europe as Sympathetic Anti Villains with Blue and Orange Morality (like the ones in Sweden) . 

Maybe this is for Left Acceleration reasons (to make Europe become more pro migrant but in my type of way) or because I don't think those migrants and refugees know better.  

I do believe that the rare bad apple migrants, refugees and illegals in Europe should be pushed to join youth centers or to join YMCAs or similar community organizations to intergrate themselves and connect with people instead of doing criminal acts to people.  

Many of those criminal migrants and refugees in Europe should do rap battles, MMA, religious debating, becoming activists or politicians to inspire change, military service, and similar positive things instead of felony or terrorist acts.

I support a soft repeal of the Schengen Agreement if there are terror attacks in Europe with maybe a common sense bipartisan update to the Dublin regulation in said scenerio

I don’t think the governments of Europe should sea taxis to bring migrants to Europe since I am a Libertarian and less government involved in things the better. I am not against migrants coming to Europe I am just against the governments funding those sea taxis

I do not support the United Nations migrant treaty

I don't believe that churches should snitch on illegal immigrants because that would be against God

Remember Jesus quote in the bible about David stealing the bread? I feel that is needed to provide nuance to the illegal immigration debate.

I am not a supporter of sanctuary states as my migration ideas in this blog are much better than sanctuary state ideas

I also am ok with Joe Biden flying illegal immigrants into the US each day in the middle of the night (since Biden flying illegal immigrants into the US each day in the middle of the night seems like some cool Cold War era stealth or secret US government type of act that the US government would have done during the Cold War within the US like Area 51 type of stealth and secret),

I support Joe Biden being tougher on the border in order to stop exploitation of migrants and him properly balancing that with protecting migrant rights

It is less bad to bus migrants from red states to blue states than to deport them but it is sad either way . Anyhow these views on.this forum ,which I agree with too, expand on those views I have a bit)

The red states busing migrants to blue states is sadly a publicity stunt. Yes, those busings are a waste of taxpayer money. But I also think the blue states can't complain about the border states sending them undocumented immigrants because of the cost. Why do the border states have to bear the brunt of the cost?

And do I mind immigrants or don't you? I don't mind at all. I think we should have a humane way of processing undocumented immigrants and the cost should be paid for by everybody. The immigrants in these cases agreed to go to these places. I don't see why anyone should be horrified by it. 

Even at worst, the red states busing illegal immigrants to northern states is still not human trafficking , but there could be other charges filed against red states for those busings. However some illegal immigrants do traffic in other people over the border, so that is literal human trafficking but Liberal 2.0s don’t seem so concerned with that but they should be

It does suck that those illegal immigrants are being toyed with and used as political pinatas  . The well being of those illegal immigrants should be the number one concern before anything else 

You can’t throw red state Republicans in prison for these illegal immigrant busings because the Republican party is the new mafia, and you can’t take down the mob (unless you are Rudy Guilani)!!

The blue states should bus prison inmates to the red states as payback for red states busing illegal immigrants to blue states

I support the creation of a Refugee Nation , which is a new nation to voluntarily resettle the world's refugee population to solve crisis.

I am against all xenophobia, no matter which side it comes from 

Here is my hot take post on a border ‘wall’. Honestly here is why e-verify is a much better idea than a wall

The reason I am not ra ra on open borders as radgeek is because of this : 

The valorization of free movement as the neat right of families to 'pick up and migrate across the world to start new lives' is a distraction from the truth that a lot of people who migrate are forced to migrate because of the actions of those countries that they are migrating to. 

The majority of people really do want to live in their home countries and the fact that poor people in the global south are forced to migrate due to economic instability and imperialism, colonialism, warmongering and intervention by world powers needs to be looked at as a tragedy. 

But instead people in the first world get the chance to feel like enlightened global citizens because they are joyful for those immigrants being here at the bottom of the ladder. 

As seen above, going to open borders requires a practical set up and commonsense paradigm shift before we get to that point of opening our borders nd planet

I am against the US using emergency border funding

The border should be tougher to prevent fentanyl from illegally coming into the US . Average Americans are the ones who are overdosing on fentanyl . To Liberal 2.0ers, it doesn’t matter if normal people get screwed since they allow such drugs like Fentanyl to come pouting in without being on high alert to confiscate it 

Illegal immigrants don’t commit more or less crime (or violent crime) than legal citizens according to nearly nearly every study by mainstream researchers and academics

Sanctuary cities have the exact same amount of crime (including violent crime and robbery) as non Sanctuary cities according to nearly nearly every study by mainstream researchers and academics. 

Cities with high amounts of migrants (legal and illegal) have the exact same amount of crime (including violent crime and robbery) as cities with low amounts of migrants (legal and illegal) according to nearly nearly every study by mainstream researchers and academics. 

We need to implement my migration ideas so we don’t need to give illegal immigrants free healthcare

I supported the Jeremy Corbyn Brexit for the UK and I am glad that the UK left the EU

The market-liberal case for me supporting Brexit fuses together my view that eliminating a level of government is usually good; my generalized skepticism of distant and central authority; and my specific beliefs about the planning, socialist, or overregulatory propensities of the EU, particularly relative to the UK. 

The EU is antidemocratic which is an issue. The EU does bring one good thing to its workers: it gives its workers freedom of movement. It is vital for a working class revolution not to be limited to the national borders. It’s important that we organize internationally. So ironically the EU trying to suppress the working class does deliver us the greatest tool for overthrowing it. We gain strength in numbers.

I am glad that that evil murderer Francisco Oropeza got arrested for brutally killing his neighbors. I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison where he belongs. He should first be deported back to Mexico then thrown in a Mexican prison for life (but I don't care if he spends the rest of his life in an American prison instead just that he gets the book thrown at him no matter which country).  

Oropeza is not ,never was and never will be an American.

After the first time he was deported it should have been extra hard for him to get back in the country.He should never have been allowed back into the US after being deported twice (he was deported four times). ICE should have prevented it

There has been an increase in the number of immigrants entering NYC recently, but it's completely unnoticeable to the average citizen. Even if it was noticeable, it's not like they're going around ravaging the city.  It is ironic and telling that NYC mayor Eric Adams is busing migrants to other places too after he himself was victim of that last summer.  Eric Adams leans progressive and even he is being overwhelmed by migrants (like see here)

Jessica Tarlov has some good views on migrants here. Also see here

I am against NAFTA

I am a soft Euroskeptic 

I am against the TPP for the same reasons Bernie Sanders is against it


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