Exh malejennn

Despite me being a left feminist, it's with great sorrow that I have to say that I strongly do not support  feminists and other women saying ’kill all men’.(this post is a good discussion on it)

Saying killallmen is prejudice, counter productive hateful evil and  violent. We should shadow censor that and not allow it to be normalized. See this and also see here for more. 

For Suzanna Danuta Walters’s article, I acknowledge that she and other feminists don’t literally mean "We should all hate men," and that her and similar feminists are making a purposefully hyperbolic point. 

However, I still must critique. I also bring up the criticism of Suzanna Danuta Walters’s statement in her own article. After this, Walters somehow justifies it with something on the order of "if I can't hate men then I'm not allowed to be angry or talk about certain women's issues". Which, unless I'm missing something vital, is b.s.

When some like says something like Suzanna Danuta Walters said, sometimes the best thing to do is to just ignore it and let Walters toil in obscurity

Though I do see other feminists online acknowledging Walters' mistep, and that makes me glad. Let's continue welcoming men to feminism.

Though I do see other feminists online acknowledging Walters' mistep, and that makes me glad. Let's continue welcoming men to feminism. See this for more ) and this, this and this

But men have been such pigheaded supremacist low life abusers to women for so long, who am I to tell feminists what to feel. So what i wrote above is only my opinion from a male perspective

I support Men’s Liberation (though I feel that Mens rights are counter-revolutionary, men are not oppressed in regards due to their gender except as noted below and in the screenshot meme section).

I generally believe that Male Patriarchy/Patriarchy is at least somewhat culturally pervasive (to put it mildly, understatement of the century) and it has a negative effect on everyone, and negatively effects women more than men. Gender stereotypes harm BOTH men and women.

We need more civil liberties and gender equality. The patriarchy is still unfortunately a factor and has claimed many victims (mostly women). Gender roles suck. We must defeat the patriarchy 

The patriarchy might (big might) be enforced by women too (at least slightly see below) so the concept of a male patriarchy/patriarchy is not as simple as a oppressor-oppressed dynamic.

Patriarchy misses the point that there is equal vulnerability of average men and that our Patriarchal system excludes men who don’t conform to traditional gender roles. 

As much as I am no fan of intersectionality, it has its uses in this area. Complicating the patriarchy idea is that Transgender men and gay men are more likely to defy the gendered patriarchal expectations which sadly harm them for daring to be different in this boring vanilla world, which gives them unique outlooks on this.

Anyway, ‘manliness’ shouldn’t be defined by the traditional archaic perceptions of that term . Men should be able to act how they want whether traditionally masculine or other ways that aren’t traditionally masculine (like femboys) 

That does not mean men can’t still be proud of their masculinity despite defying gender role norms . I hate society telling people how they are supposed to act, whether its gender roles, what type of clothes to wear (why can’t I wear unmatching clothes or white after Labor Day?), and similar things. Men can also lift to better themselves instead of for the sexist degrading reason of impressing women (which is so archaic)

Patriarchy/Male Patriarchy is sadly very real and infests our culture and institutions. We have to stop women from being oppressed by defeating the Patriarchy/Male Patriarchy so we can defeat sexism. Men also have issues because of this evil patriarchal system and intersectionality along with other feminist concepts are needed to combat this

Feminism should be inclusive to everyone like body positive, body negative feminist movements are like so

I disagree with feminism on dating and relationship struggles. Contrary to what feminists claim, those issues are not due to not respecting boundaries or lack of self confidence. 

Those issues are because dating involves a lot of work for men including men having to make guesses on when to make their move. 

This can be tiring and not really fair to men. Also feminists don’t realize that men are offended and hurt by the fact that many women are shallow when choosing a man, using arbitrary and shallow things like fashion, career status, social status, body fitness, wealth. 

Moreover feminists don’t realize how sad and archaic it is for some women to choose traditionally masculine men.

Women are unfortunately not willing to let men have their emotional guard down and feminists insensitively claim men should stay away from such women while also countering this view by men in addition to saying no one is ‘entitled’ to a relationship. 

It is true that men can’t/SHOULD NOT force someone to love another person, but the feminists mentioned above are not helpful in this at all, and they underscore how it is perfectly normal to want a relationship over involuntary relationship loneliness which our society should try to prevent. They are however correct that forcing someone into a relationship is wrong 

We need to expose the patriarchal injustices in society and fix them by abolishing the patriarchy . Both men and women should be free

Men’s Liberation can also be used to give cisgender HSTS Homosexual male kids and teens who transition to straight Transsexual/Transgender women, more options and flexibility (like staying as cisgender males instead of automatically needing to become Transgender women)

Here is a blog post where I give my views on topic similar to Men’s Liberation 

Men should always act honorably 

There is nothing wrong with men showing chivalry to women or women showing chivalry to men or men showing chivalry to men. Chivalry is not sexist. Chivalry is a good thing and men should show chivalry to women. 


Some brain freeze/mental gymnastics provoking hot takes from AsianMasculinity subreddit can be found here (archive), here (archive), here (archive). But I give an extreme leftist political makeover to those views by AsianMasculinity on that topic using the leftist ideas from this thread and this thread as a tool kit

Sometimes I get a tingling to dial down the feminism on my end. It makes me feel guilty about my kinks, and I perceive it to be difficult to develop relationships with other men because men are trash and I perceive it to be difficult to develop relationships with women. 

The reason for this is I can't stop thinking about the ways that I might be involuntarily extracting resources from women and I do much emotional labor for them yet I always feel guilty when women try to do the same thing for me.

This is an internal conflict I have however if I read some other menslib guy posting what I wrote above I would probably criticize him for it. 

I believe that in a perfect world we would force all men on Earth (or at least in North America) to live underground and to use them solely for breeding purposes, while women live above ground and have 100 percent freedom and control of society in a full Matriarchy. But sadly there is no way to implement that and doing so would break every rule in the Little Black book of Libertarianism. But I can dream can't I?

The Red Pill is not as bad as I thought and it does make some reasonable points. Not every issue is black and white. Nuance and context are always in need 

Jacobin has some good takes on the incel subculture (why guys join incel etc) which gives insights into how to defeat that movement and help prevent males from becoming bigots in the first place. See this for more

Chris Pratt's Instagram post about his wife was not sexist. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get a clue

I pity and tolerate NO MA'AM from Married with Children because they are so bad ‘they’re good’ and because  I sort of pity them for being slaves to masculinity and manliness . 

The NO MA’AMers need to be liberated from their slavery to the oppressive traditional male gender role so they can be free to embrace non traditional gender roles so they can truly be happy and pro woman

Women are adult human females. Men cannot become women by 'feeling' like women (it is not that simple), There is more to being a woman sex and gender wise than ‘feeling' like women’ 

This post provides some good debate and discussion on the topic of cathartic memeifcation of misandry 

I echo the various flavors of sentiments expressed in this menslib reddit thread about a Texas ruling on military drafts in relation to sexes/genders 

I am fine with Female Masculinity

It is sexist to call women ‘females’ as mentioned here (with exceptions made as mentioned in that link) . Calling women ‘female’ wrongly makes them be seen as ‘other’ and that is wrong. Women should be called women

Women can be hateful toward men. I don't care if its with or without 'societal backing' or 'power', anti male hatred is wrong just like Misgony and Sexism are wrong. I similarly don’t believe that institutional misandry exists

I don’t mind other guys being somewhat macho but anything more is overkill.

Once we destroy the patriarchy/male patriarchy Male Masculinity won’t exist. I can barely stomach the least offensive forms of Male Masculinity let alone the rest which I oppose

I don’t care for guys checking out women but I don’t believe it is the end of the world if they do so either (or vice versa). As long as it does not become stalking or harassment in which case I would fight that

I am against pick up lines and cat calls used on women. Pick up lines and cat calls are ignorant, sexist and they dehumanize women. I cannot think of any logical reason to use them. We must fight against pick up lines and cat calls

While its good to see liberals in European prevent Muslim refugees and migrants in Europe who are convicted of sexual abuse to be the victims of Islamaphobic backlash to their heinous abuse, I believe it would be hypocritical if Muslim refugees and migrants in Europe didn't get as much punishment as non Muslims get for sex crimes. Sexual abuse as bad as murder and we need to be tougher on sexual abusers not softer. 

They know damn well sexual abuse is wrong.  However they should be voluntarily educated about sex crimes so there is no excuse.

I believe that people should marry others who have more than a lot of things in common with them.  It's vital that people marry other people who share most (or nearly most) of their political views. Why would Democrats-Liberals and Progressives want to have their children inherit Republican-Conservative traits from a Republican-Conservative parent?

Women can be hateful toward men. I don't care if its with or without 'societal backing' or 'power', anti male hatred is wrong just like Misgony and Sexism are wrong. Not that guys don’t deserve being hated by women  . Similar point and in reply to this: I mean, there's misogyny against cis men, too. It would definitely not be transmisogyny howeve. I'm wary of the term 'transmisandry', though, because it implies that misandry exists.

We need to focus on using words that focus on bigotry by individuals toward individuals.

Even if we are discussing institutional discrimination, misandry maybe existing in that context is real to some fellow menslib people 

Like in one LGBTQ friendly country ,there are very very few government resources available to male victims of domestic violence (even if their abusers are men)

Some particular menslib people like ones who were former victim of domestic violence themselves, claim they are infuriated that the above vital resources are kept from victims for possessing an arbitrary trait that in no way ameliorates the violence that happens to them. 

Picture if the government refused to provide legal or mental services to domestic violence victims who by chance happened to be white, or in a heterosexual relationship,or cisgendered, or spoke English, or have a university degree, etc.?  

None of these would mean you bruise less easily or that you got no reason to fear for your life, and gender should be no different right?    Well that is an argument those particular menslib people make and who am I to counter it?

So to people with that outlook, they are not able to bring themselves to labeling that as anything other than misandry: they say it is institutional discrimination that is specifically wielded against men to men's detriment.

So I have to ask does misandry definitely exist though? It's that in the majority of modern power structures misogyny is far and away the more prevalent(or at least visible!) prejudice.

Masculinity is a poor response to what some guys wrongly call “extreme feminism” . When we destroy the male patriarchy/patriarchy we will free our world from Masculinity including Toxic Masculinity . I detest Masculinity

I am against Toxic Masculinity . Toxic masculine guys need to date women to cure their toxic masculinity

We need to be gender rebels and to abolish gender to end the harmful effects of Masculinity. This and what I write below meshes with Men's Liberation. From here

"The gender role of masculinity is based on dominance and aggression, and is required of all males in our culture. Masculinity includes, but is not limited to, the following:

The personal characteristics of dominance such as aggression, saviorism, and lack of empathy and the embodiment of personhood such as independence, self-reliance, and strength.

The dominant social roles such as breadwinner and authority figure in family, political and religious spheres.

Keeping exclusively to the clothing and appearance that has been culturally designated for men. Usually clothing considered appropriate for men is comfortable, practical and dignified; however, men find their clothing options limited when their sense of self-expression includes items that resemble clothing culturally designated for women, in which case they are not allowed to wear what they prefer.

Limitations on what interests and hobbies men may have. Activities considered socially appropriate for men tend to be active, competitive, logical, analytical, scientific, or violent, such as sports, computers, science, machines, fighting, superheroes, and combat tactics."

I am against chauvinism in all forms, including Male Chauvinism.

The best way for women to deal with Male Chauvinist pigs is to kick the **** out of those Male Chauvinists in a unsanctioned MMA type fight or to OWN those Male Chavuinists at sports like Billie Jean King did to Bobby Riggs in 1971.

I am against domestic violence . Domestic violence is evil and must be stamped out forever

Men who commit domestic violence are abusive toward women are not real men but cowards and losers

Men should do what this article by Teen Vogue says to do

I will always come to the rescue of women victims or men victims of domestic violence to help protect them from domestic violence

I believe that women should beat the **** out of their husbands if their husbands abuse/hurt them or even try to abuse/hurt them. The most direct way for women to stop domestic violence and abuse is to literally fight back and kick the **** out of their husbands to teach them not to **** with them.

I am against marital Rape. Rape is a serious and horrible crime whether committed against a spouse or a stranger. Unlike non marital rape where it is usually a one off thing and extremely traumatizing, marital rape happens between partners who know each other and could be a recurring thing which makes it even worse for the victim if that is possible. Marital rape is a betrayal and goes against the values of marriage

I believe women shouldn't get as much penalties for domestic violence as men. Domestic violence penalties for men on women domestic abuse should be tough as it is now. 

But women don't have the power men have in society, and holding them to the same standards of domestic violence as men, would make it harder for women to defend themselves against their abusive husbands (since they'd think they would get in trouble for fighting back)

I believe that energy spent on ejaculating is better spent going out, meeting women, getting married, and starting a family

I have no problems with manspreading. The whole anti manspreading campaign by woke extremists is counterproductive , pointless, public shaming and nonsense. It is a waste of advocacy

Blaming women fighting against misogyny, holding men accountable for the first time in history for the rise of ongoing vicious misogyny, sex trafficking and the loss of human rights is futile, wrong and backfires. Because doing blaming for fighting against that stuff, is obviously not going to show the feminist that they were wrong  


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