Exh Islam

Islam is no better or worse than any other religion. 

Islam has good and bad like any other religion. Islam may not be Judeo Christianity (not that there is anything wrong with that) but it shares an Abrahamaniac link to Judeo Christianity and is generally a peaceful religion.  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Not all criticism of Islam is Islamaphobic (some criticism is warranted since some very rare sects of Islam are far from ideal) and at least some criticism of Islam is genuine and constructive. I believe people should criticize Islam and every religion since no religion should be off limits from criticism (as long as that criticism is not bigoted i.e criticize the religion not the people who practice it).  See thisthisthis. As long as people can criticize Christianity they should be able to also criticize Islam. #logic 

Ideally some people who have legit but hard to explain concerns with Islam should filter their criticism through actual Muslims to refine the criticism so they can criticize Islam the right way. Islam is a religion that preaches peace and is seen as peaceful by many. 

Maybe one day Islam might be seen as peaceful as Buddhism. But it has a way to go before it gets there

Some rarer sects of Islam do treat women and LGBTQ people very badly and unfairly which is wrong.  People should avoid criticizing things in Islam that they don't understand because if they don't avoid doing that, they'll look ignorant. People should only criticize Islam in a genuine, constructive way that is free of malice. Criticize the religion not the people in it . 

If Muslims stay true to Islam, maybe they will go to heaven the same way that the Native Americans who lived moral lives and died before Christopher Columbus came to the Americas went to heaven. But only God knows  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

I feel that the Labour Party UK should listen more to the Muslim community there and address their conerns in compassionate ways that ideally doesn't violate the Labour Party's values even if said concerns may seem contraversial and un pcish. 

When a signficant chunk of a population has concerns its best to address them like Joe Biden did (or tried to do) with Bernie Sanders's concerns once Biden was elected President.

I am fine with Arab Nationalism, see here for why

Muslims should fight against hatred toward them like they did in the 2000s instead of resorting to using SJWist and cancel culture methods to do so

I am a huge fan of Quilliam and Maajid Nawaz . Quilliam and Maajid Nawaz echoes some of my view on Islam and Muslims. EFDawah, Hamza's Den also has some good debates on Islam

This article echos my feelings about the Clock boy incident from 2015: https://web.archive.org/web/20190205021737/https://dailycaller.com/2015/09/28/on-ahmeds-clock-president-obama-once-again-spoke-too-soon/

I have been pro Muslims since 9/11. I am appalled that Muslims were and are wrongly and sadly stereotyped and labeled as terrorists since 9/11 (especially right after 9/11 and in the age of ISIS). 

The absolute vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists and only a reactionary fringe part of some sects of Islam are ‘terrorists’. I do think that Muslims should try to counter Islamaphobia in a peaceful, educational and edifying sort of way instead of lowering themselves to the Islamaphobes level.  

Concerned parents at schoolboard meetings have been similarly smeared by our government as terrorists which is similarly wrong. 

Mohammad Tawhid use to have decent pro Islam views early in his career before he became a harsh grifting critic of Islam. I am so offended and appalled he had a heel turn and became became a harsh, grifting critic of Islam. He feeds Islamaphobia to anti Muslim trolls and that needs to be curbed

I am afraid to hear him speak about Islam over my fears that his harsh criticism of Islam may trigger me. to be depressed or annoyed. At worst this or this is how Tawhid should criticize Islam if he can’t be pro Islam (though ideally he really should criticize Islam like the Friendly Atheist does)

To me Tawhid’s Anti Islam speeches are out of sight out of mind since I refuse to hear one second of his harsh grifting views in Islam

I am against the UK , US, Canada , Australia and Europe implementing blasphemy laws to criminalize all acts insulting to the prophet Muhammad. That is a breach of freedom of speech and an attempt to make Islamize those countries. 

Such laws are petty, punitive and only will breed Islamaphobia toward Muslims. I support the separation of church and state and implementing blasphemy laws to criminalize all acts insulting to the prophet Muhammad is a violation of separation of church and state and will further destroy the concept of church and state and violate the secularism of said countries

I am against Pam Gellar’s draw Muhammad contest. It was unhelpful, provocative, divisive and offensive. I wish Muslims would have had a draw Pam Gellar contest to get her back. Pam Gellar should stop being mean about Islam and instead convert to Islam . It’s time we force Pam to convert to Islam , she will still be in an Abrahamic religion . I will bribe the Jewish Defense League millions of powerball dollars to support me getting Pam to convert to Islam.  Over 80 percent of Americans would support this

I am against Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban

It was wrong for Donald Trump to criticize Khizr Khan's 2016 DNC speech .Trump dehumanized the Khans and that cannot be explained away at all. The Khans may not be perfect but no one is perfect

I am fine with Ghazela Khan having her views on roles in marriage and marriage (that she mentioned on Morning Joe). That's her culture and we should respect her and her views as Trump should have done

Muslims who leave Islam are NOT White Supremacists for leaving Islam. There is NOTHING white supremacist about Muslims leaving Islam and becoming ex Muslims. Anyone who says otherwise is an ANTI WHITE RACIST  a braindead troll who should be locked away in an insane asylum while being electroshocked. Those sick pieces of shit who smear Muslims who leave Islam are NOT White Supremacists, are deluding the word white supremacy and making the word white supremacy be watered down

As a Christian Social Democrat, I am fine with the ground zero mosque being built as a way to retroactively undo the horrors of  post 9/11 Islamaphobia (which lead to our current evil FBI and Homeland Security)

I am against France and other countries banning Muslims women from wearing Burkinis , Hijabs and Burqas. 

I support Muslim women wearing Burkinis , Hijabs and Burqas. There is no excuse for these Islamaphobic , punitive and ignorant anti Muslim laws. Those bans violate the human rights of Muslims. I am also against Iran forcing Muslim women to wear Burqas.  This also could be a slippery slope 

Freedom of expression are key pillars of our societies and means freedom for Muslim women to wear or not wear what they want.   

It sickens and depressed me seeing Muslim women forced to remove their Burkinis, Hijabs and Burqas.  Though having a World Hijab day , at least the way that it is done now is a bit too much for me.

Their body their choice. I respect the bodily autonomy and the just acquired possessions of Muslim women and their choice to wear Burkinis, Hijabs and Burqas.

I am fine with Muslim dress codes for women and men in a way that fellow left wing feminists who visit Muslim countries are fine with it

I am against the Netherlands being Islamaphobic and racist against Arabs and I condemn the Netherlands for it. The Netherlands need to stop their bigoted acts toward Muslims

I am not crazy about Mosques being used as tourists attractions as tourism degrades them. Mosques are a place of worship, not a glorified tourist trap

We need to build a coalition of faith with Muslims like Rick Warren did a decade ago. Maybe both sides can positively influence each other in the process

Linda Sarsour has good views on Islam and Feminism

An-Nisa 34 :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An-Nisa,_34#Verse according to some Muslim scholars serves as a deterrent for husbands against anger based domestic violence. I believe if you look at it the way they do and from their perspective, they might be right. 

However, some Islamic feminists say that verse does the opposite. But like all things in Islam, people take something and twist it to justify evil. Domestic violence is 100 percent wrong, but so is trying to twist religious verses to justify evil.  People need to learn about Islam before they even begin to criticize it

Women's roles in Islam are very misunderstood by Conservatives. The Koran is very positive toward women, saying women are equal to men. 

Islam is generally decent to good on women (depending how they interpret the Koran). Islam is as pro woman (if not more pro woman than) as Christianity or Judaism, but generally it isn't sexist either, maybe at worst consistently somewhat Toxically Macho that sometimes shifts too far right here and there along the way

I condemn the sexist aspects of Islam and I praise the feminist parts of Islam (like women having control over the stipulation of their marriage giving them more flexibility to marry the right husband)  

So I very morally (as in moral victory) pretty much more than tolerate Islam's and the Koran's treatment of women in general (the non sexist aspects)

These articles give me some unique insight into this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An-Nisa,_34#Verse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_roles_in_Islam   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Islam#Legal_framework

I am not too bummed that some rarer sects or populations of Muslims are so conservative and even reactionary on gay rights, however they go way way too far. But they should not use violence against gays or criminalize gay acts. 

At minimum, I want an unorganized form (as in unorganized sector India unorganized) of the 'married in all but a name' rights that same sex couples in Britain had in the last few years before gay marriage was legalized there, for all same sex couples in all Muslim countries who want to their relationships recognized. Ideally, I prefer same sex marriage in Muslim countries to be like it is in Taiwan but I win’t push it (no harm principle)

I want gays in Muslim countries to fight for the above unorganized 'marriage in all but a name' rights or even Taiwan like same sex marriage rights and for legalizing being gay in Muslim countries by following the 'be gay do crime' motto. That motto is an Queer Anarchist motto that implies that gays doing criminal and incivil acts may be a necessary evil in order for gays to get the rights above

Some rarer sects of Islam do treat women less than ideal to misogynist and sexist. But by in large Islam is about as pro woman as JudeoChristianity if not more pro woman than JudeoChristianity (not that its a contest) 

Many liberals wrongly think Judeo Christianity is sexist, and many conservatives wrongly think that Islam is sexist but they are both generally wrong and without context or clue on this

I want all Muslim women (of all ethnicities) and even non Muslim women (Arab) in Muslim countries to take over Muslim countries and Mosques exactly like women took over the Ephesian church in Paul's letter to the Ephesians.

Then the Muslim women (of all ethnicities) and non Muslim women (Arab) in those Muslim countries can use their power position to lift up non Muslim-non Arab women in those Muslim countries up to where they are to form a Matriarchy in those Muslim countries

In the cases above, to gays and women in Muslim countries, take heaven (women’s rights and gay rights) by storm and not by consensus

I can be tolerant of a future Alt Revolutionary progressive Nu male sphere in Muslim countries

Sharia law in its more extreme forms is male chauvinist bordering on sexist, anti LGBTQ+, hostile to Christianity, extremely anti zionist or even anti semetic (definitely Anti Israel) and thus should be condemned. 

We need to counter those more extreme forms of Sharia law wherever it exists and prevent extremists of any religion, including Islam to implement such overtly harsh , inhumane and anti democratic systems into our societies (such as those more extreme parts of Sharia law) . 

The more extreme parts of Sharia law go against the core beliefs of our society. By doing so, we will be fighting for the rights of all people.

Despite what I wrote above, I also feel that a reformed Sharia Law might have some use in many countries including in some western countries  

Yes Sharia law is inferior to the US legal system and European legal system and it isn't a particularly great or even good legal system (Sharia for example flouts non equal rights for certain people, death penalties for things that shouldn't even be crimes etc)

However, I believe if Sharia Law was temporarily and briefly removed from all places where it currently exists and then reintegrated into the legal system of those countries (and maybe in the legal systems of a few to some western countries too like the UK and the US) but this time alongside Orthodox Jewish courts and ecclesiastical courts and only handled marriage and divorce, (conditional upon an agreement of all parties and strict requirements for protection of equal rights for women)

If that happened, I think that would make Sharia Law become a pretty good legal system, at the very least as an form of alternative resolution. This is because objective morals - which include those which are found that in the abrahamic religions are necessary to maintaining such civilized social order in the way I described above.

My reason is, Khizir Khan who believes in the US Constitution sees some use for a Sharia law that is inspired by the US Constitution to be used somewhere so maybe the above system can be just that

I don't believe the October 31 2018 truck attack in NYC or the Swedish truck attack in 2017 were Islamic terrorism or even terrorism. I am not even that sure that the 2016 Nice lorre attacks was Islamic terrorism (or at least I am not that sure if Islamic terrorism was the primary motive of the attacks) or possibly even terrorism. Saying that every time a Muslim commits mass murder is Islamic terrorism is bigoted, ignorant, naive and offensive.  

However, on the flip side, a few attacks by Muslims that are not labele as Islamic terror is technically Islamic terrorism (the Fort Hood shooting for example). 

But there are way more times Muslims committing crimes are falsely accused of Islamic terrorism than there are times when Muslims do commit Islamic terrorism and said attacks are not labeled as Islamic terrorism.

From 2008 to 2016, in the US there was 115 domestic terrorist attacks by whites compared to 63 domestic terrorist attacks by Muslims (237 million whites vs 3.5 million Muslims). So whites committed more domestic terrorist attacks from 2008 to 2016 than Muslims. This disproves the myth that Muslims are a threat to our country, because if you say that you also have to say whites are a bigger threat to our country.

I am tempted to say that there are more atheists in Al Qaeda, ISIS, Abu Nidal, the more violent sects of Hezbollah than there are Muslims. If they were true Muslims, they would be peaceful since Islam is a religion of peace. 

Al Qaeda and ISIS are terrorists not militants

Judeo Christians who are killed in the Middle East by ISIS should always be labeled as Judeo Christians instead of worshippers by the media and politicians.

The Stoning of Soraya M, Muslim violence in places like Sweden along with along with fringe Muslim oppression of women and LGBTQ+ people in a few or some Muslims communities around the world shows that Muslims have a way to go before it is where Buddhism is now peace wise.  Christians and Jewish people should not ride their high horse in criticizing Islam however.  Not all Muslims who do those bad acts are bad, and some are misled but that's no excuse.

I oppose the use of the word ‘Islamist’ as that label is offensive, dehumanizing, divisive and unhelpful. We need non Muslims and Muslims to find common ground to fight against terrorism committed by Al Qaeda and Isis 

ISIS and Al Qaeda are TERRORIST groups NOT militant groups

I am forced to give lip service to saying banning the Isis flag (except in military insulations) is wrong since we live in a free country .

But I feel anyone who displays an Isis flag in public should be heavily pressured in a non offensive way by security, police, vigilantes etc to (but not required to) leave any public place they displayed that vile and evil flag while also being subjected to stop and frisk type policies on site by security or police


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