Exh Europe

This Guardian article from December 2022 is backhandedly disparaging (Liberal 2.0ers like the Guardian can't allow anyone transcending the left/liberal 2.0/right ideological prisons: they have to keep the peasants divided and in line), but it gives a based glimpse of her unusual ascent. This sort of dynamic is universal. Though I admit I would rather the left in Germany choose less dicey and hardcore allies but this situation in Germany is a neon silver lining in that it shows that our world is hopefully and refreshingly moving past the archaic notion of partisan politics and purity tests.  

Poland is now a FASCIST and reactionary hell hole and on the behalf of my great grandparents I condemn it

I am against Poland removing the plaque honoring Rosa Luxembourg. Rosa Luxembourg was a hero and one of the best Polish people and people who ever lived. Rosa wanted to and started to create a peaceful, happy, free world. She had great views.  I love her and she is one my heroes and one of my inspirations 

The people in Poland who removed Rosa’s plaque are fascist, reactionary bigots, and are a threat to freedom, equality, democracy and humanity.  The only excuse for that anti Communism rhetoric in Poland is the Communist N*zi invasion of Poland in 1939

I HATE every Republican and Right Winger on Earth who wrongly thinks that Rosa Luxemberg was a bad person and who defames and smears her. I want to force Republicans Right Wingers and their families who feel that way to be reducated .

I call on anyone reading this blog to get a replica of the removed Rosa Luxemberg plaque, go to Zamość Poland and to put that Rosa Luxemberg plague in Zamość where it was removed.

I am going to Zamość Poland in a few years and I am boing to put a Rosa Luxemberg plaque in Zamość Poland where she was born and I will never allow any fascist or reactionary bigots to remove her plague again

If I cant do that and I am stopped, then I will erect dozens of plaques honoring Ayn Rand throughout Poland and I will use self defense against police in Poland if they try to stop me from putting up Ayn Rand plaques in Poland.

Any person or politician in Poland who dislikes both Ayn Rand and Rosa Luxemburg should be put in a gulag 

Those neocon, imperialist, snowflakes pieces of shit morons in Poland who removed Rosa’s statues are erasing history, and they are erasing our world’s history and we have to stop them

I will make sure the plaque is rebuilt where those fascist reactionaries cannot remove it again. These Neoliberal pigs cancel and smear anything outside of their TOXIC Neoliberal bubble. AND I WILL BURST THAT NEOLIBERAL BUBBLE. .I will abolish Neoliberalism once and for all

Luxembergism is compatible with democracy while the political ideologies of the pieces of shit in Poland who removed her plaques are enemies of democracy. Poland is a backwater, redneck fascist snowflake country so it shouldn’t be a surprise they hate a Left wing, egalitarian like Rosa since her memory and light exposes the evil darkness that Poland today

I renounce my Polish ancestry and God will make Poland who removed to pay for what they did to Rosa’s memory. Poland defamed Rosa Luxemberg’s memory by removing her plaques , they assassinated her character and they must pay

I defend the regime of 1978 ‘bourgeois’ Spanish Constitution on which this regime was established in the same way that Podemos does

I am ok with keeping the Queen Victoria statues up

I support the Basque Independent movement

I support the Catalonian Independent movement since I see that has a sequel to the Falange uprising in the 1930s. But I also support the way that Podemos handled that situation too

I am radically centrist to lean Christian Democratic on the Scottish Independent movement

I am against France’s fuel hikes . I support the Yellow Vest movement

Sweden and the Nordic countries in general have the highest quality of life and I believe because of that they are a model to the rest of the world

Ireland is a model for freedom. It is a small nation where guerillas have fought for freedom for so long and many times defeated their oppressors to get that freedom despite the oppressor's superiority in manpower, materials resources etc.

I support self determinationst Bundism. I believe a EU where countries are like states in the US and the EU is one big country would be a great home for Bundists

I support some black block Autonomous activist Civic Nationalist ANTIFA type groups in Europe who are Anti Globalist, Anti Imperialist , Anti Capitalist (with full decentralization and autonomy)

I retroactively support Social Alternative (Italy)

I retroactively support the Organization to Rebuild the KPD (KPD-AO)

I support Pan European Unionism. I hope the EU becames one big Federal country where the countries in the EU become states like the US. 

I am cool with the European Union and I hope that the European Union continues to expand and add more countries to it (maybe even the US) and where the European Union uses a federated state model for its countries similar to the federal states model of the US (like a United Provinces of the European Union). 

This would mean no. border checks between European Union countries (since there are no border checks between states n the US) .I would like to see the currency of the EU become more universalized.

I have no issues with the European Union using sanctions, war or other methods to get other countries to comply with them (since the European Union has a unique nature to it and thus its fine for such a unique organization to use said methods).  

I hope the European Union continues to get funding so it can do more good than good in the world. Europe in particular the USSR helped built the rockets which sent our boys to the moon

I retroactively support the Red Army Faction (WG 1970s 1980s)

I like titoist anti fascism 

I am very fine with and pretty supportive of the KPD (including from their early 20th century libertarian and council communist beginnings, through their Marxist Leninist incarnation). 

I believe that the KPD’s Anti Racist Action movement work that the KPD did in the 1930s etc in directly countering racism in Germany is laudably vindicated , justified and thus something to be proud of

I retroactively support far left , left wing groups in places like Eastern Europe-USSR protecting Jewish expatriates in the 1930s and 1940s

I retroactively support the Portuguese Republican Party

I stand up for the tradition of the Spanish republic who was defeated in the 1936-1939 civil war

I retroactively support the Conservative Revolution (Germany 1920s)

I view Romani Gypsies and all races-ethnicities as equal to me and each other, but I am extremely class reductionist toward Romani Gypsies while I am not class reductionist let alone extremely class reductionist toward any other race-ethnicity of people on Earth

The Indo Europeans (from other continents i.e Anatolia, Levant, etc) were wrong to colonize Proto Indo Europe/Neolithic Europe many thousand years ago (as mentioned here). 

These greedy colonialists stole Europe from the proto Indo Europeans/Neolithic Europeans just like Europeans stole land from Native Americans and First Nations in North America, the other indigenous populations inthe rest of North America, Central America and South America, Aboriginals in Australia, Africans in Africa, Indians in India etc etc Colonialism wrong, dehumanizing and horrible.

I retroactively support an alternate history Fourth Position  (I do NOT mean Fourth Political Theory-4pt or Fourth Political position) version of the fictional-mythological Second French Empire-Marxist Communist Party of the Soviet Union conjunction who existed in on alternate history Earth in the early to early mid 20th century.  

The fictional-mythological Second French Empire-Marxist Communist Party of the Soviet Union conjunction (before Fourth Position is factored in) has as its core values pro democracy, pacifism and internationalism


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