Exh ec hyoo

Many economic systems are degenerative systems

I critique both; campaign organizational patterns' tendencies toward managerialism, reductionism, professionalism, substitutionism and ideology, as well as insurrectionary milieus organisational structurelessness, purity testing and isolationism.

I am against Neoliberalism (including Capitalism) as I feel that Neoliberalism has inflamed or caused most of the problems the US is facing today and has negative effects on many people throughout the US. 

Neoliberal capitalism has completely wrecked all of our social institutes leaving us isolated socially anxious wrecks. Neoliberal had also caused other issues, see here, here , here, here and here for more

The social permissiveness of the Liberal 2.0 fused with the free-market creed of the Right has created the soulless ethic known as neoliberalism. It’s why I decry unregulated capitalism and porn at the same time . 

How is it liberating for people to climb the job ladder in order to go work for 90 hours a week in a cubicle at Goldman Sachs? 

A meritocratic, neoliberal world is in some ways an aberration that for all intents and purposes only benefits educated Western elites.

It’s also why I am more drawn to Catholic social teaching, than to Protestant work-ethic individualism

Moreover we have to abolish the Capitalist value system of traditional conservatism to create a less divisive world where we are in control, free of stratified social classes, wedge issues and reactionaries on both sides . We need to radically change the role of the state in countries where the Washington Consensus once was prevalent including in the US.  

I am Anti Late Stage Capitalism

I am also generally Anti Capitalism (especially Anti Global Capitalism, Anti Colonial Capitalism ,Anti finance Capitalism , Anti Monopoly Capitalism, Anti Crony Capitalism, Anti Keynesian Capitalism, Anti Global Capitalism, Anti Social Liberal Capitalism, Anti laissez faire Capitalism, etc)

I support a revolution against Capitalism.  We need to reject and rebel against Capitalism because Capitalism is patriarchal and liberal white supremacist (especially National Capitalism for the latter). 

In general Capitalism is based off of human greed while my economic views in this blog are based off of need. Greedy and corrupt Capitalists push the middle class to Liberalism 2.0 or Social fascism due to their greed and corruption 

We need to destroy the Capitalist state. To quote Rosa L “ Without the collapse of capitalism the expropriation of the capitalist class is impossible.”

Capitalism has been turned into Rainbow Capitalism and is the perfect tool for the Liberal 2.0ers to create our current negative climate of overkill identity politics, toxic wokeness,etc as can be seen here , here , here and here

Rainbow Capitalism’s excuse is for being woke is that they use stakeholder model for their Capitalism, meaning they have to please their wokesters stakeholders like they use to and still have to please their shareholders

The goals of the liberal 2.0 ("Diversity and inclusion!" which ends up being about diversity of ethnicity-race, gender, and all else you can imagine, but unanimity of thought and speech) seem oddly close to the goals of corporate capitalism, which have yet again successfully co-opted identitarian language and turned it to the goal of selling commodities to the new woke markets.

Right-wingers notice and identify a problem and wrongly diagnose that problem as being all the fault of "the left" and "cultural Marxism" etc. They would rather falsely believe that multitrillion-dollar megacorps are secretly ran by commies than ever admit the truth that maybe Capitalism isn't as based or redpilled as they thought. Hey rightoids, its CAPITALISM, not the “left”, Communism or “Cultural Marxism” that is the problem

Because everything is discussed in a framework that's designed to fry your mind. Basically, capitalism pulled a number on us by rebranding right-wing positions as psuedo left-wing (Liberal 2.0), and the Left (or at least Liberal 2.0) was middle-class and academic enough to play along with this. 

Now it's nearly  impossible for people to even begin to understand what a Marxist position on something might be, since there is a complete set of neoliberals who call themselves Marxist. Even on Marxist subreddits you get lots of people who are fully confused about what the historical positions of orthodox Marxism are.

Democrats and Joe Biden are NOT Socialist, not even close. See this for more

Capitalism itself is state interference. I demand structural economic changes while I also recognize that oppression on the basis of identity is intertwined with capitalist power structures. I realize that rainbow capitalism can never make good on its promises of liberation hence why I refuse to let us settle for rainbow Capitalism.

Modern Capitalism is race reductionist while Left Wing socioeconomic ideologies (especially Libertarian Socialism) are economically egalitarian and balances classes and identities the best way  ,as this article explains and expands on.

Whites profit off of poverty, tension and unemployment which is why they love the above variants of Capitalism instead of switching to a Left Wing economic system that can abolish income inequality, poverty and unemployment

Capitalism is degeneracy . My other major issues with Capitalism are that with Capitalism, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Capitalism has caused horrors like the Great Depression and the fiscal ills that caused mass uprisings in the late 19th century to early mid 20th century. Capitalism is the cause of many of our society's ills.  Capitalism is also bad because it is materialistic. 

Capitalism a lot of the time destroys or hampers countries and the structures within them. We must subvert consumerism, materialism and commercialism

If Capitalism leads to something worse than Capitalism, I am open to trying to reform it (I am a Social Democrat after all) but through solidarity and Interculturalism (to fix the classist and similar issues that Capitalism has). 

Capitalism is also bad because the super rich (1%ers) and their crony allies dominate the markets and that is wrong and must be stopped. We need all the bipartisan and strange bedfellow help we can get to defeat Capitalism

Capitalism is too materialistic. Capitalism is bad because it causes the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer.

Capitalism through its sometimes harsh policies and at time inhumane are responsible for social fascism . 

Moreover, Capitalism (in particular Neoliberalism) has caused many of migration issues and the rise of Identity politics which is another reason I support a revolution against Capitalism.

We have to abolish the Capitalist value system of traditional conservatism to create a less divisive world where we are in control, free of stratified social classes, wedge issues and reactionaries on both sides.  

Capitalism has inflamed or caused most of the problems the US .  Capitalists push the middle class to be Neoliberal which lets them be scooped up by Liberal 2.0ers.  

I wouldn’t mind a broadened bipartisan coalition to defeat Capitalism. But I am just throwing ideas against the wall hoping one will stick to defeat Capitalism. We should radically break with the capitalist policies of all the main parties.I don’t see the appeal of Capitalism

Objectivism is not sensible. Economic intervention in order to ensure fair competition. But I oppose all government interference in economic affairs that does not align with the Left Libertarian ideology . The latter type of big gov is groundless, pernicious dichotomy

I support Left Wing socioeconomic ideologies (especially Libertarian Socialism) because with,  in particular Libertarian Socialism there is no need to tax or to have welfare or for government regulation in the economy. Libertarian Socialism for example, emphasizes decentralization 

In Left Wing socioeconomic societies (especially Libertarian Socialism societies) there will be universal paid maternity leave (aided by workers owning the means of production, co-ops and remote work), free education, free healthcare and free housing which function more as tech breaks and enhancements that would be needed to make the socialistic human workforce reproduce itself and perform at its zenith. It would not be part of a social contract between the state and citizens.

This is because Left Wing socioeconomic ideologies (especially Libertarian Socialism) radically fixes the bigger picture, which includes defeating Capitalism, creating economic egalitarianism (income equality). 

However, PSUEDO Left Wing economic systems such as Social Liberal Capitalism, quasi-utopian socialism i.e what Republicans in the US falsely call “Socialism” (Liberal mixed economy)/Statism-Left Statism (which Millennials and Gen Zers also falsely think is Socialism), State Socialism with Liberal 2.0 characteristics, 21st century Social fascism, what the Right wingers in the US falsely call "Communism"(i.e Late Stage Capitalism), Humanistic-Inclusive Capitalism , *Social Democracy,  real Neo marxism, Neoliberalism and most forms of Keynesian economics (except like this). 

*certain variants of Social Democracy and Social Democracy without adjectives  (non Third Way SocDem/non Left SocDem/non Austromarxist SocDem/non Social Libertarianism SocBert/non Liberal Socialism SocDem/non working class advocacy SocDem without adjectives and or any SocDem without adjectives that are left of (or the same as) Social Liberal Capitalism ,to the left of Third Way SocDem but to the right of Left SocDem/Austromarxist SocDem/Social Libertarianism SocBert/Liberal Socialism SocDem)

And most forms of Keynesian economics (except like this),  are bandaids and they mix the worst parts of Left wing economics and Right wing economics together.    

They create a roadblock that prevents Republicans and Moderates in North America from embracing Socialism, Mutualism and Communism (and even Third Way, Left and Austromarxist Social Democracy)

To sum it up: Left Wing socioeconomic ideologies (especially Libertarian Socialism) are operations that fix economic problems while the above PSUEDO Left Wing economic systems are merely bandaids that only cover up instead of fixes economic problems

I would rather the US implement an economy that fuses Democratic Capitalism with Paternalistic Conservatism, as outlined here than for the US to retain/ implement any of these economic systems : Social Liberal Capitalism, quasi-utopian socialism i.e what Republicans in the US falsely call “Socialism” (Liberal mixed economy)/Statism-Left Statism (which Millennials and Gen Zers also falsely think is Socialism), State Socialism with Liberal 2.0 characteristics, 21st century Social fascism , what the Right wingers in the US falsely call "Communism"(i.e Late Stage Capitalism), Humanistic-Inclusive Capitalism ,  'Succdem' ,Neoliberalism, real Neo marxism and most forms of Keynesian economics (except like this)

If the US can’t become Left Wing on the economy or implement Super Collective Capitalism (SupColCap) or the Nordic Model then the US might as well move slightly right on the economy and implement an economy that fuses Democratic Capitalism with Paternalistic Conservatism, as outlined here

While Left Wing socioeconomic ideologies (especially Libertarian Socialism) is a operation and the best of all worlds.

This post and this post clears up negative stereotypes about Communism. This post also sorta does as does this link

Here are some positives of Socialism 

The term Libertarian was originally a left-wing term (specifically for anarchists or socialists who didn’t advocate for a state). 

If I am too socialistic for you, hear me out. 

Socialism was originally anti statist.

In a truly Socialist society or Communist society, there are no need for social welfare, re-distributive taxation and regulatory measure. 

This is because in a Socialist society or Communist society, workers have greater control of the means of production and in the workplace, and eliminate exploitation by directing the surplus value to employees. 

In a Socialist society or Communist society , free access to the means of subsistence is a requisite for liberty because it ensures that all work is voluntary and no class or individual has the power to coerce others into performing alienating work. 

Socialists and Communists are also non woke or even anti woke and are thus less race reduction than Social Democrats and Social Liberals, seeking to put more emphasis on eliminate inequality through eliminating classes and less and better targeted social justice activism as opposed to just diversifying the ‘oppressor and bourgeois’ classes. No classes no reductionism 

Socialists generally want to achieve greater equality in decision making and economic affairs, while granting workers greater control of the means of production and their workplace and to eliminate exploitation by directing the surplus value to employees.

Materialism and State Socialism with Liberal 2.0 characteristics/Left Statism (which I am against) are what many people falsely think Socialism is. I touch on that here

While Social Democrats and Social Liberals aim to achieve greater economic stability and equality through policy measures such as taxes, subsidies, and social welfare programs, Market Socialists aim to achieve similar goals through changing patterns of enterprise ownership and management.

So if we want to get rid of the welfare state , taxes, and government regulation , we need to get rid of Capitalism. Because those things only can exist within a society with a Capitalist economy as unlike Socialism and Communism , those safety nets are needed for Capitalism. 

Socialism was ruined by the USSR and similar countries, if the USSR and those Socialist countries were run like Mikhail Gorb ran the USSR with his brand of Socialism (which is closer to real Socialism) there would never have been a red scare

I am against taxing the rich, since I don't believe there should be rich people to tax and I am for getting rid of the rich class especially the aristocratic ,crony/bourgeois rich class, thus not needing to 'tax the rich'. We need to ‘eat the aristocrat, crony/bourgeois rich’ so to speak.

Rich people  are elitist, classist and have things they don't need . For example, Musicians and celebrities in Hollywood have mansions, rich cars, closets of gaudy clothes etc which are monuments to their wealth and power, all because they can read from a script or sing as good as me.  That stuff is just there to show off how rich and 'better than everyone' they are, since its unneeded.   

Now if they let non rich fans (or stans) hang in their mansion every so often, and shared things with their fans and stans like in the book of Acts, I would be radically militantly moderate lean somewhat against on their excesses or maybe not 

However, I look the other way with while sucking my teeth at my former church group (from the late 2000s) friend and her family's 'upper middle class' type living, my former church group member and his wife’s  'upper middle class' type living and any similar types of 'upper middle class' living that are extremely similar  (but for personal reasons and because those people were blessed)

In a libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (Inclusive Democracy) there would be vouchers instead of wealth redistribution, there would be no state which would mean no government treading on our individualist liberty , personal freedom or whatever economy exists in this world. I support a Left Wing socioeconomic ideologies (especially Libertarian Socialism because they take egalitarianism to the next level

Rich people cannot buy happiness, they lose that by embracing Capitalism and being rich .

But without Capitalism, classes or hierarchy rich people will be free to enjoy non greedy and non materialistic pursuits and thus finally get that happiness that they are lacking in our current static capitalistic, hierarchy, class laden society. I admire this transformation of rich people

With participatory direct democracy (like in Inclusive Democracy) people directly will change things themselves, more direct (i.e councils) than even with digital activism, SJWism , boycotts etc which is a natural and smoother way to change things since it is change from within in a society where nearly everyone is within) need to be more lenient of the idea of creating anti capitalist propaganda and slogans to inspire the proletariat, be more open to embracing views that call for ‘neutering’ private property (like prohibiting the private initiative in a Broad Front paternalistic way , see Inclusive Democracy below), and anti individualistic collectivism (Inclusive Democracy methods below) 

At minimum, as long as Capitalism exists in its current form it should be beholden to various types of rules, regulations, laws, affirmative action, and taxes (but more like the Community Charge type tax system in the UK under Margaret Thatcher with a fixed tax for the services provided in their community per adult resident, with a tax reduction for poor people) at various levels within this system, along with special fees and registrations that meshes with my views in this blog. 

I need to be more lenient of the idea that make being chauvinist for crony Capitalism,  Keynesian Capitalism , Social Liberal Capitalism, most forms of non Anarcho Left Wing Capitalism etc or some anti Communism ideologies should be a thoughtcrime (since that would be an attack on the proselytes which make up the bulk of the workforce)

*But Social Democracy without adjectives is still good and better than the Capitalism due to its working class advocacy along with the fact that with Social Democracy without adjectives (even the implementations I don’t like) there is less need for welfare (but more welfare) due to it being a more fair system and a more smooth transition to Universal Healthcare than under Capitalism. 

Even State Socialism (without Liberal 2.0 characteristics) is used to eventually wither away the state

I am Anti Liberal Socialism mixed economy and I am Anti State Socialism with Liberal 2.0 characteristics /Anti Statism (including Anti Left Statism)  . I am against what Millennials and Gen Zers falsely think is Socialism

I don’t oppose the Social Democracy programs I oppose from the right but from the left

Liberal Socialism mixed economy and State Socialism with Liberal 2.0 characteristics/Statist Socialism are part of the economic arm of  Liberalism 2.0 so naturally I am against it.

Despite what I write above, there is so much of a Liberalism 2.0 element in the Republican party, for them to move left on Capitalism and Socialism (even though anti capitalism and pro socialism are technically Left wing and not Liberal 2.0 but it feels that way) while embracing Liberalism 2.0 views would trigger me. I want every Republican who has one or more Liberal 2.0 views to move either RIGHT or LEFT on every Liberalism 2.0 view they have (to become NON Liberal 2.0 on it) before they reject Capitalism and or embrace Socialism/Communism. If not I want them to stay being pro Capitalist.

If more than 40 percent of Republicans view Capitalism negatively, I will view Capitalism positively (only Anarcho Capitalism) to be contrarian since that would mean looking at Capitalism positively is contrarian

As part Marxism Leninist, I view Social liberalism (which is a part of Liberalism 2.0) as liberal opportunism. Social Liberalism needs to take class into consideration instead of alienating class from identity

Never the less, I appreciate the efforts of Social Liberalism to support disadvantaged groups who suffer under capitalism, which is obviously a VERY racist institution. This article explains why and how Social Liberals and Democrats (and other Liberal 2.0ers) need to take the next step to become Left wing and really help out oppressed groups and society as a whole. 

I am against Freemasonry .See here for more

I am against the Great Reset, see this for more

I virtually am against vulgar libertarianism and the rationalization of the power relations that prevail in existing corporate capitalism

I reject elitism as the method for the dissemination of class consciousness. The cultural interests of the intellectuals and the interests of the working class (as a self enclosed class), have hardly anything in common except the largely general claim for humanly decent existence. I am Anti Elitist

I am against inherited aristocracy 

I am opposed to Radicalism

How can the more authoritarian forms of Third Way make Capitalism less bad when it is basically being Social fascism in all but a name . That type of Third Way Social Democracy should just drop the Third Way Social Democracy label and become Social Corporatist.

I am Anti Austerity especially during times of recession, depression or inflation. I  only endure or green light Austerity in very rare situations

I am Anti Leninism 4.0

I do not support Neomarxism even though it doesn’t exist

I am Left wing Anti Communism and a Libertarian Marxist

I hate Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communist sects. Such types of Communism are a dystopia. This type of Communism breeds hunger, poverty, and destruction

I am anti-authoritarian and I oppose the authoritarian tendencies of Communism since I emphasize autonomy, federalism and direct democracy which generally run counter to Communism

I am especially against International Communism. We have to counter International Communism

I am glad that the Labour Party UK strenuously resisted Communist infiltration in its ranks to take control of locals in the 1930s. I am glad the The Labour Party UK became anti-communist. Here are some quotes about Communism by George Orwell which I believe at best puts Communism on the defensive

As an anti-civ and a green anarchist, I critique communism for its need of industrialization.

Such types of Communists are barbarians and primitive people (especially neo luddites or Authleft Murray Bookchin types of Anarcho Primitivists). 

Wealth (or any other type of human value) is the creation of individual minds, human nature needs motivation by personal incentive and so only political and economic freedom are not named Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communist is compatible with human prosperity. 

In some State Socialist countries on their way to Communism countries were filled with destructiveness, indefensible purges and gulags and oppression

My economic views are inspired by fringe ideas from communist movements (like some fringe elements of non tankie Marxism LenimismPeople's Democracy/Democratic Centralism etc) while I reject the orthodoxy of all of them.   I am a Libertarian Marxist and Luxemburgian 

Many to most forms of Communism are wrong has many because of its religious like enthusiasm and its desire to live as a cult. Many types of Communism are wrong because it makes the individual has to submit to the protocols of an overbearing morality.  

A lot to  most forms of Communism (especially Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism) need to be replaced by a system that is based of the right of free association/disassociation for persons and groups to help out and fight for the working class (of all job types) workers benefits. As much as I really don't like many forms of Communism, one good thing about Communism is that it fights against consumerism and materialism (though it goes too far the other way).

Communism needs to be more diverse but being Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal will not diversify Communism, it will only make everyone miserable at the same equally

More of my thoughts on this can be found here

Generally Capitalism and many forms of Communism (like Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism) are equally harsh. We should protect peoples’ right to property only by owning what they need can their lives be truly free. Neither the Capitalist or the state should own what you need. I support small businesses. The rules and fees which hinder small businesses must be removed. The penalty some countries have for employing people must be abolished

I am against many forms of protectionism (especially commercialist protectionism). But I generally am comfortable with protectionism in general and I want it to be used more and more. After all, protectionism is a decent way to stop globalization and cultural imperialism

I am against the ‘kill all landlords’ phrase and hashtags. Nobody should harm or kill any landlord. People who write or say things like ‘kill all landlords’ are woke psycho paths who are as bad as far right chuds are. Such losers need to be silenced and countered heavily. I don’t care why its used, that ‘kill all landlords’ phrase and hashtags is a call to classide landlords and must be shut down

I am against fiscal corruption. I am anti corruption since corruption has caused depressions, recessions, and negative global events for centuries 

I support stricter fraud and monetary policy laws (but flexible and common sense)

White collar criminals deserve harsher prison and more time for their crimes . Being rich shouldn't allow them to get breaks. We need to show poor people that white collar criminals get equal justice to non white collar criminals

I don’t like the strategies of populists overall

I am against managerialism and I think that democracy in the workplace should replace mangerialism, see here for why


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