Exh China

At least criticism of China and the CCP is based off of ignorance

Do to China's population control, anti Christian behavior, controversial behavior toward Muslims/Uyghurs (with perhaps a lot of people in concentration camps), far right trade, anti trans behavior and their harsh death penatly they are technically a techno fascist government 

Here is fair and healthy criticism of China. 

I am glad that China isn’t as western as the US and Europe. It is good that Gen Z in China now has an unprecedentedly low opinion of the West and "Western values"

I am somewhat generally like the PSL on China but also match the Tankiejerk subreddit’s views on China and this book’s views on China https://books.google.com/books?id=VMZHuyK5NTsC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false and also as seen below

China is wrong for not respecting the LGBTQ community to the my ideal content and they aren’t making enough progress for me in the direction I want them to go

The transgender community in China unfortunately doesn’t have a lot of rights, like the right to marry and that is bad they don’t have those basic human rights

The 2022 Winter Olympics being played on schedule while the 2020 Summer Olympics weren't played on schedule seems hypocritical. I am against boycotting sporting events and I would not have encouraged anyone to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics but at the same time I am fine with people boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics.

I condemn China for getting involved in the US 2020 racial unrest situations. I also strongly condemn  China for trying to make our children in this country woke through CCP propaganda 

I condemn China for not having empathy for the US for not being thrilled at the prospect of China overtaking the US as the petite bourgeois toxic hyperpower if the world

I am against China for being Anti Christian and Anti Muslim and their persecution of Christians and Muslims in China

I support between high tariffs against China to push them to be less Neoliberal then after they stop being bourgeois Neoliberal, I  support fair and freed trade with China 

To cite MIT economist David Autor’s work on globalization, imports from China has cost the US roughly a million manufacturing jobs in the first decade of this century. The legacy of Reaganite-Thatcherite conservatism was the rise of China, the decimation of the US family, and a bunch of tax cuts for the rich.

China is extremely wrong for their 1 2 3 child policies and I fully condemn China for their population control

Some hot takes/alternative viewpoints on the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident that I muse on can be found here

I am apolitical on China's pandemic laws etc.

China is wrong for going overboard with being Pro Mao. 

He was only decent at the start of his run. He killed millions of people which is horrifying and there is no proof that the ends justified the means despite his left wing motives even though he was technically a DotP he was more like a dictator. He should have lead China like Karl Marx would have. Because Donald Trump is compared to Mao I have to be Anti Mao as I am. Mao was worse than Marine le Pen 

Mao gets a dC---- grade at BEST from me

I am as anti death penalty on China executing drug smugglers as Mark Hatfield was anti death penalty as Governor of Oregon

I don't think China should have gotten involved in the US 2020 racial unrest situations. I also condemn China for trying to make our children in this country woke through their books and videos on those issues they export to our schools. 

I believe minorities in China (like the Uyghurs) should be well taken care of and have more advantages than the majority. I do applaud China for having games to honor their minorities though if this is just CCP propaganda, maybe it shows that China would be open to doing this for real in the future. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0x1-egOF2bc

I believe sanctioning China for the Uyghur situation or any reason short of an illegal war won't work , since sanctions usually don’t work. 

China should in a perfect ideal world not be sanctioned ever unless using those sanctions is a no brainer like as mentioned above but realistically I am ok with self evident justified sanctions against China. 

I want the US to focus on our own country and leave China and other counties alone. If Democrats want to do good , then they need to be real Left Wing or Far left instead of attacking China. 

China is wrong, not for evidently abusing the Uyghur people, but China is wrong for not being a Christian country, for if they were a Christian country, they never would have abused the Uyghurs in the first place. 

So their abuse of the Uyghurs is a consequence of that grave mistake. 

The US has no leg to stand on in going after China. The US is anti migrant and treats migrants like second class citizens, the US committed crimes against humanity in their Islamaphobic neocon war on Islam. 

The US Neocons like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama etc should shoulder some of the blame for inspiring China's war on 'terror' against the Uyghurs (including with Gitmo) since George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld started the war on 'terror' and Barack Obama continued it into the 2010s. 

Moreover a few of the Uyghurs were fighting for extremist organizations in Syria so China apparently overreacted majorly because of that.   Never the less,

Other anti China countries have done their own abuses too, from Canada’s horrific human rights abuses and forced expulsions of First Nations people to the UK’s abuse of Indians in India etc , those countries should take the beam out of their own eyes before going after China. 

I need to find more info on the abuses by China of the Uyghurs to give a better opinion on it. 

I will note that liberals all over Europe (some with reports) at least believe its plausible that at least a few of the allegations against China have very little evidence and are may (at worst) be used as an excuse to justify aggressions against China.  

The US says there is a Uyghur genocide but the US themselves bomb the Muslim and also destabilizes the Middle East while denying them of aid and stealing their money

China is said to have banned Islamophobia in its social media, they also do still allow Muslims to openly practice their religion, people can still hear the ringing of the mosque bells when they go to xiangxian. May we also remind libs how when terrorism happened in their nation, we preceded to bomb civilians for 20 years?

Here is a map of UN members who voted against China’s policies in XAR.

Moreover China invited international observers to the alleged concentration camps (what some think may in fact be "vocational training centers", aka "schools")

Every country that actually sent observers voted to defend China during this vote.

However, the US and EU, who voted against China, did not send observers.

In reality the US actually attempted to pressure the UN not to send their own observer, however when they did so, they saw nothing wrong with the program.

Here is one article from a MSM source about the US objecting to the UN’s counterterrorism chief's visit to Xinjiang: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/15/deep-concerns-us-objects-to-un-counterterrorism-chiefs-visit-to-xinjiang

Here is an AP article about the EU refusing to visit in 2019: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-xinjiang-eu-idUSKCN1R60W2

Some countries including Muslim countries like Iran have denied there was a genocide.  Also this post touches on this, as does this

The Uyghur language is far from banned in China, and in fact dual language signage is required in Xinjiang. They are also not segregated Jim Crow style. Their cultural practices are promoted, not merely accepted, and the government funds their festivals. 

However, in the religious sphere, practices such as wearing long unkempt beards, wearing the gulf style (or 'full') niqab, and others, while not unheard of, are not as common in Central Asia, and specifically Xinjiang, as they are in the Arab world. The rising popularity of these practices can be directly attributed to the growing popularity of Salafism, an extremist sect of Sunni Islam, founded in and promoted by Saudi Arabia.

Thousands of people were killed in terrorist attacks from 2008 to 2016 in Xinjiang, committed by Salafi extremist separatist groups like the ETIM. China, seeing this, freaked the fuck out, because they border Afghanistan and have seen what happens when you allow extremist ideals to infest a province, and took measures to both find those who are associated with known terrorists, and those associated with other potential extremists, along with the unemployed and unskilled, and brought them in for vocational education. 

There, they are taught skills needed to enter the workforce, Mandarian to help them get jobs in other parts of China which are wealthier, and most importantly they are brought out of religious extremism, and back to more moderate Islam. They aren't forced to leave Islam entirely.

This video and the thread comments here, also pokes some holes in the whole Uyghur genocide narrative

At the very least, China did commit some human rights violations against them, did cringe acts against them and thus they are off base and cold hearted to treat the Uyghurs he way they did.  China should have treated the Uyghurs with dignity. 

I want Uyghurs to move to the US as refugees or seek asylum in the US to flee from their abuse  in China. I encourage the US to take in millions of  Uyghurs as refugees and asylum seekers

Because some Liberal 2.0s support free trade with the Chinese government and are against high tariffs with China ,just in case China ends up becoming Liberal 2.0 in the future due to that, to get ahead of this possible curve, I totally condemn China and the CCP for their treatment of the Uyghurs. 

I love seeing Liberal 2.0s go against China and the CCP since China is similar to the 4pt system I support (see section for more)

In fact I am not pro China or pro CCP either .I am as hostile to China as the vast majority of Australians are hostile to China. 

I just call them like I see them and I don’t want the CCP pulling a Mossad and kidnapping me , bringing me to China and throwing me in some Uyghur camp. Maybe this compromise might be a decent albeit poorly planned out start (but it is something Inguess) to find a solution to this China Uyghur conflict.

China should read and teach The Torah and especially Exodus, become Jewish, Christian or Muslim (or Buddhist) and thus forced labor will no longer be an issue since it would virtually cease to exist in China.  

All workers doing tough jobs in China should have the same job perks that workers at Google have or at worst the type of perks that workers at tough jobs in Norilsk Russia have (i.e left wing perks).

Instead of using forced labor, China should use Pronoia for all of their laborers that do work that forced laborers currently do while paying them what similar countries pay their workers at similar jobs at absolute minimum

China should also enable their oppressed citizens to have self reliance and help themselves . Less government intrusion by China and the CCP the better. I believe that China should creatively and conditionally privatize their businesses and fairly pay all of their laborers.  

Maybe a new work system, where no matter how much the workers in China contribute to their work, their work is valued by China and the CCP should be implemented as this would help new Chinese citizens become and feel valued in Chinese society. 

I'd also want labor unions created in China by NGOs within China who with their input would help bridge the gap and build bonds between the Chinese employers and formerly forced labor (now paid) employees and help both sides work together to make those jobs and China better as a whole. 

It would be ideal for workers in China to have fuller/more control their places of employment. This should be done through cooperative-diplomatic management of their industries in China. The goal would be to increase productivity by treating workers in China with dignity. 

As long as those workers can guarantee this (or them being more reliable than Capitalism is 'reliable), then I would be open to support this. Basically self management (via individualism and anti authoritianism). I support Anarcho Workerism and Autonomism in China. 

I believe the Kibbutz is a model for all workers and employers in China in how work should be in an ideal world (voluntary, satisfaction of work, community, concern competition for prestige and praise from other community members instead of bosses and other corporate big whigs etc). 

Maybe we should start moving China in that direction so more jobs throughout the world are like the Kibbutz

I support Post Dengism (Chinese Marxism) and China’s Socialist Market economy in China . I support China’s Supply Side Reform in China like Alex Keaton in Family Ties supported Supply Side economics

I am very fine with private citizens boycotting China over their abuse of the Uyghurs. To be honest, China majorly screwed up in their genodicalish acts and oppression of the Uyghurs. 

I trust that China will continue to get better as a country like they always have and become more egalitarian as they develop more productive forces(though part of me leans skeptical). 

China has a cautious liberalisation policy as social, and political stability has been the very foundation of the ongoing development. At this transitional stage, China cannot afford to swiftly embrace western-style democracy because it risks civil turmoil - as seen in many developing countries.

China is undergoing a new role as a global superpower and it still continues to build on its socialist revolutionary roots,  See this post for more

It is wrong, sickening and misguided for the US neoliberal neocons to try to push for a war with China and to agitate China. This is yet another example of the US and its military complex political machine trying to pick a fight with another country to force its values onto said country.

Here are some resources for that: China and Socialist DevelopmentChina Builds New type of Globalization

But something needs to push China in that direction . China and the CCP are like between has a Hero Antagonists and Bad Boys  to me

I prefer to be apolitical on China-Taiwan (if China wants Taiwan I won’t put up a fight since Taiwan is already colonized by taking but I don’t support them taking Taiwan either). 

However Mao let Taiwan be independent and its his will for Taiwan to be independent. At the very least the Taiwanese people should vote whether they want to be part of China.

Taiwan has some of the best quality of life and freedom of press in the world, to China if it ain’t broke why fix it? I applaud Nancy Pelosi for going to Taiwan and sticking up for the Taiwanese people. She was courageous and bold to do so.

But if I am forced to give an opinion, based on what I wrote above about the China-Taiwan conflict, here are ideas to fix this conflict:

Idea 1) Taiwan being a Autonomous Dependent territory to China like Puerto Rico and North Mariana Islands are to the US but ruled indirectly by China and or Taiwan being a Protectorate/protected state of China

Idea 2) Taiwan being Independent but being a Satellite (client) state of China like the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War were Satellite (client) states to the USSR

Idea 3) Taiwan does not become independent, but stays as it is now. This means  Taiwan remains officially as the Republic of China and continued to be recognized as part of China by the UN and all countries that currently recognize it as part of China. 

This means that Taiwan remains fully self governing and keeps its unoffical ties (through representative offices and instutitions functioning as de facto embassies) with all of the countries it currently has these unofficial ties with. It continues to have most international organizations that the PRC participates to continue to either refuse to grant membership to Taiwan or allow Taiwan to participate only as a non-state actor.

Idea 4) Taiwan becomes to China what the Ukranian SSR and Byelorussian SSR were to the Soviet Union (ie Taiwan being a constituent republic-federal unit to China)  . This includes Taiwan being a separate member of the United Nations separate from China and Taiwan gaining aset on the United Nations General Assembly separate from China, like the those 2 SSRs did when they were part of the Soviet Union.  

If Taiwan SSR ever wanted to gain independance from China SSR through a Declaration of State Sovereignty like Byelroussian SSR did in 1990 to gain independance from the USSR, Taiwan, like the Byelroussan SSR would be able to have their own legislative body before they officially became an independant country. 

Idea 5)  Taiwan becomes an unrecognized Independent state AND at the same time officially be to China what the First Nation tribes are to Canada with a bit of pre Columbus First Nations Anarcho Monarchism thrown into the mix for the latter. 

Idea 6) Taiwan becomes to China what Greenland is to Denmark (ie China being a unitary sovereign state, Taiwan being a constituent country to China and Taiwan having an extended degree of autonomy to govern their relations just like Greenland)

Idea 7) Taiwan and China join together and have the same relationship with each other that Austria and Hungary had with each other from 1867-1918 when they were Austria-Hungary which is a 2 equal multinational state, Real Union of China and Taiwan (like Austria-Hungary 1867-1918)  which would be called China-Taiwan

The 2019 Hong Kong protests are linked to imperialist and capitalist global competition with China. See thisthis and this for more

The Zhili clique did not steal the 1923 Chinese election from Sun yat sen, since Sun yat sen overthrew the Qing dynasty in a illegal treasonous act which propelled his eventual run for presidency. 

As such, I don’t consider Sun yat sen’s rise after his Qing dynasty overthrow as valid thus since in my eyes, Yat sen was never on the 1923 Chinese election ticket , he couldn’t have had 1923 Chinese election stolen from him (since he was never in that position in the first place in my view). 

China is evil, wrong and imperialist/colonialist for setting up illegal extraterritorial law enforcement on U.S. soil. We need to kick out these Chinese extraterritorial police out of our country and every country outside of China they rear their ugly heads


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