Exh byadapples

* though this Ask a Liberal thread and everything in it 
** this post by me further reflects my view on this type of behavior provides more nuance, context on this topic and shows there is more to this picture

I provide a good read on how bad apples spoil politics can be found here

I am going to literally force (via deradicalizing, reprograming) the furthest right Americans like the Alt right, MAGA, Groypers to become left wing (left of the AOC and maybe even left of Mike from the Humanist report about where Contrpoints is politically) on every social and economic issue (or at worst move them to be as left on every issue as Josh Gottehimer and or Jim Acosta). This way when left wingers and progressive liberals associate with them they will be associating with their own leftist/lean leftist peers instead of right wing populist anti Democrats

I will do this involuntarily. I am serious. I plan on forcing millions of far flung right wingers to become deradicalized and to become left wing (left of AOC) on every social and economic issue (against their will)

So remember that when you read my posts about right wing nutjobs

Liberal 2.0ers are as big or bigger hypocrites than non Liberal 2.0ers

I agree with this quote: "Our democracy is at great risk. Because GOP leaders care more about power than anything else.And because our economy isn’t working for millions of hard working Americans. We’re in the fight of our lives—a fight I’m ready to lead as California’s next U.S. Senator." Adam Schiff

Right Wingers and Republicans are reactionaries. They are always on the DEFENSIVE, instead of being on the OFFENSIVE. They only exist to slow, prevent or turn back liberal/progressive and leftist views and agendas. I cannot think of hardly any views off the top of my head that Right Wingers and Republicans are on the offensive on and that s not a reaction to a liberal/progressive and leftist view and agenda

The Right wing only seems to consist of abortion crusaders, ratepayer-robbing utilities, anti-trans bullies or right-wing operatives scaring the bejesus out of school parents with a fake crisis framed as leftist indoctrination to shame white kids

The Republicans should stop focusing on petty things (like gay issues, abortion, mushrooms, opoid epidemic, building a wall etc) and instead focus on things that matter (the economy, foreign issues, spending on others while we in the US struggle etc)

*/** I would love to talk about how terrible Republicans are, but Democrats won't give me even a moment to do so.  */** 

The Democrats (and to a somewhat lesser extent the Republicans) have caused the highest inflation rate in decades, have through their soft on crime policies caused crime to be up everywhere ,implemented hawkish immigration policies which lead to 800 deaths of migrants crossing into the US (that we know about), huge Failure on the international stage,  Afghanistan debacle (Arming our enemies like the Taliban with $80b in American weapons) and Joe Biden’s low approval ratings  

I fully echo criticism and negative reaction by The NYPost, Glenn Greenwald and others in their rightful push back and criticism against bigot Jerry Salz for his inflaming, harsh, fascist tweet about shunning GOP family members (a common tool of Liberal 2.0ers ostracism ironic since they always whine about 'bullying'). He is trying to destroy families and peoples lives over something like politics. He is very image of all that I hate about Liberalism 2.0 . He is the authoritarian one by his Tweet. 

When right wingers/chuds/christian right/reactionaries criticize Liberal 2.0 and left wing viewpoints they feel in their minds and from their perspective they are ‘morally correct’ and that they are the true ‘liberals’ ,’progressives’ and ‘leftists’ . Remembering this can be key to countering such rhetoric from right wingers/chuds/christian right/reactionaries

I hate Republicans and the GOP for being corporatist and aligned with corporations/big business . I am anti corporatist. I also hate them and Conservatives in general for being statist and rejecting small government

My thoughts on the Republican party are echoed Liberal, by pre grifter Candace Owens here

I do not align with the GOP politically at all. Evidence of this can be seen throughout my blogs. 

Republicans GOPers and Alt rightists don't share our values . They don't care about the welfare of the people in our big tent like we care for them because they don't share our values (moral relativeness is real but that's no excuse for them) 

Thus Republican GOPers and alt righters don't have nearly as many redeeming qualities as us Leftists.  This is why its extremely easier for me to forgive Leftists for their mistakes than Republican GOPers, including moderate Republicans and alt righters

Even though I am an American I absolutely criticize the Republican Party. The Republican Party is not just a threat to American minorities at this point but the Republican Party is even a threat to white Americans as long as they hold opposing viewpoints.

The cultural export of the US, that comical, naive good/evil scheme falls on fertile ground in their ranks

Because everyone right of center is being declared extreme right by default, just to give their opinion more importance. No one would correct you, in fear of being associated with the right themselves. In Germany there is no thing as simply right wing. 

The AfD as a whole is also observed by the inland secret service while being no more right than the US republicans. It's just our hobby, to be indignant at the right. Personally I think that is because "they" know the Left will never achieve change because the infighting, so they focus on the Right which is far better at organizing.

The far right wasn't worth getting worked up about 'here'

I think actual far right (actual white supremacists) is just a few thousand meat heads and that is also exactly how I'm seeing it. The far right holds no power, but those who actually hold power (the neoliberal centrists) are the ones worth getting worked up about.

We should go against Republicans and use all people from both sides and Independents to do so

I was lurking some radlib subreddit, and I saw a boatload of comments about how 'bad' Chris Hedges was and how he was a 'crypto-fascist' now. I had no idea what happened, but it seems like every day there’s another major left figure who’s now among the ranks of 'fascists'. Even Noam Chomsky wrongfully fell when he signed that free speech letter.

Who’s left at this point?

Anyone who is rightfully critical of liberals or the Democratic party ends up being wrongly labeled a Russian agent at this point on social media. These radlibs are so far gone with moral absolutism and identity politics up their asses that they have completely lost the ability to think clearly about root class issues.

In terms of views, the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers are so unmoored from the reality of other views that they take on the paranoid style. I am sure most of them are capable of being reasonable .*  Liberal 2.0ers are grifting in that direction too and passed the point of no return 

the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongersneed to drop the us vs them populism and find reasons to unite with the other side instead of fight with them. Right Wing populists need to do the SHUT UP challenge 

*/**Similarly the ultra leftist and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers take a page straight out of the revisionist /International Communism (anti Individualist and anti Liberal revisionist International Communism only) playbook and the vulgar authoritarian playbook which is to label anyone that doesn't think like them as the enemy . This is also us vs them type mentality */**

I think free as I wish... so I must be a total pos to them huh? I just don’t want people to hurt other people in their choices.

*/** Both types of us vs them thinking by both sides are disabling , everywhere you go you feel like people are judging you simply due to you believe in liberty/equality for everyone. */**

Liberal 2.0ers and their political views are on a higher hierarchy than non Liberal 2.0ers on the left and right and their political views and I am against hierarchies.  

Liberal 2.0ers , the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers etc are an angry opposition that are no longer capable of participating constructively in political debate with relatively level headed opposition

The Republican Party has a major identity crisis and regardless of whether they were right or wrong (my political blogs can give you a hint on whether I mean right or wrong here) they betrayed their niche bases by being passive or supportive on highly questionable, controversial and anti Christian/anti God issues like: wokeness ,porn, children being exposed to drag queens, gender fluidity teachings in schools ,not finding radical centrist compromises on kids under 16 being transgender, pronouns (ymmv) , allowing polygamyin our current heteronormative, male  patriarchal system (when we should only allow it after we abolish marriage and the male patriarchy), government in the marriage business, family unit society not matching my views in my blogs,, adultery ,on demand late mid term and third trimester abortion ,Marijuana , imperialism and warmongering, liberal ,woke type of Israel first,etc.   Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

Furthermore, the Republican Party wrongly betrayed migrants and illegal migrants by no longer being pro migrant and and pro illegal migrant as they once were (source Andrea Nagle book)

As the sentiment here, if the Republican party can’t even be conservative on and win on those issues , they should give up and move to the LEFT of the Democrat Party and Labour Party UK and if they won’t do that the Republican Party should be banned and abolished and every one of their Republican stooges be banned from politics for life.  I am trying to move the Republican Party as a whole at light speed in that direction , see way below for how 

Most people have the good sense to understand that acting like a jerk should not be a lifestyle choice, and that if you make acting like s jerk a lifestyle choice, people will respond to you based on your choices.

The extremes of both sides (Liberal 2.0 and Right Wing only) are disgusting. The far left and Radical Center/extreme upper center are the only extremes which are good and not disgusting

"I don't criticize Democrats because I side with Republicans, I criticize Democrats because THEY side with Republicans.  Our fight is not Left/Right anymore, it is Us vs.Them.  We have 2 corporate party's that serve Wall St/War Machine/Corporations & crush everyone else. #UniParty"   Jimmy Dore

When push comes to shove the ruling class will still empower the right to crush any dissent, just like they have done before.

There's no point in getting into hysterics, but we also shouldn't underestimate rightoids just because their time hasn't come yet.

"Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace." former US President James Madison

So if the Democrats are the anti bigot and pro inclusive party and the Republicans are the bigot and anti inclusive party why isn’t the Republican party banned or at the very least a major political party? 

The Wikileaks in the late 2010s exposed what this Libcom article called the blatant elitist bias, cheapness and collusion that the DNC in particular displayed. Humans are pretty messed up

Julian Asange should be commended for those Wikileaks. No side should be immune from having their bad deeds exposed

We live in a country that has gotten so sh**ty ,that Democrats and Republicans both try to exploit and pin mass shootings and mass killers onto the other party to demonize them. It’s like a pin the mass shooter/mass shooting on the other party Olympics. This is sick snd twisted and both sides needs to stop this nonsense at ince

At the end of the day, I can live with right wingers, moderates and even to a lesser extent left wingers being persecuted and trolled by Liberal 2.0ers. I don’t really want to come to their aide if I don’t have to and I really don’t because I don’t want to be a goody two shoes SJW virtue signaler to right wingers, moderates and some Left wingers like Liberal 2.0ers claim to be for marginalized groups

Every policy and major government initiative in the US were NOT and are NOT for the purposes of maintaining White supremacy (at least since the early 1970s). Anyone who says otherwise is a deluded anti white conspiracy theorist nut who hates the US

Some Left Wingers, moderates, and Right wingers claim to be more open than Liberal 2.0ers but they refuse to even listen to ideas like Socialism, Medicare for All etc out of small mindedness, bitterness and ignorance

*/** The ultra leftist and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers claim to want to give a hearing to other views (and yes they have this in them), but then are shocked (science red) and offended to discover that there are other views (of course all people of all ideologies suck at debating and have resistance to hearing new views like herehere*/**

*/** Like this thread by Breadtube mentions, this SLS thread mentions, and also here basically.  I know that ultra lefitsts and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers are more than capable of being respectful of others views and being cordial. We need to find solutions for this like here.  Though to be far the left might not be so open to Liberalism 2.0 as a whole or even wary to it as this thread points out for good reason */**

*/**It's funny, ultra leftist and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers always claim to stick up for the 'marginalized' and 'oppressed' while claiming to be against bullying ,yet they engage in ostracism tactics (as mentioned here),especially on social media over people and views they find offensive or don't agree with.  This article by Harvard Crimson is what I am getting at and has some good takes on this. Those Liberal 2.0ers as a whole needs to increase their altruism to reduce their ostracism (ostracism is evil and is a threat to our way of life) See here for more also */**

See here for more

There is criticism to be levied at the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers who are non opportunists who use this friction within the left to their own benefits, and certainly the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers have their own issues with regards to contrary opinions. But at the very least, they see an opportunity with a jaded leftist and try to take it. 

It’s funny , the the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers who claim to be Christians but spew pure hatred that goes against the teachings of the Gospels

So called Liberal 2.0ers, are twisted trolls for swatting conservative commentators and politicians. If this was the other way around there would be public outcry over it . We need to take these attempted murderers and throw them in prison by their busker browns for a long time . https://www.drewberquist.com/2022/04/stew-peters-home-gets-swatted-as-part-of-a-dangerous-hostage-prank/

Maybe in government it is different. But we're living in a seemingly unprecedented time where almost all open conservatism in the media, journalism, entertainment, etc is a risk factor for sponsors. This is especially noticeable in comedy but mostly entertainment as a whole. 

If you don't conform to the "safe" opinions of the left then you're not bound for mainstream success, and god help you if you're openly conservative. There's been hit pieces on actors like John Kraczynski and Chris Pratt just for being conservatives in their personal lives without talking about it.

A lot of Liberal 2.0ers like the Twitter trolls who WRONGLY attacked and tried to cancel Chris Pratt over him not going to a Joe Biden fundraiser and for Pratt’s INNOCENT Instagram post about his wife or who WRONGLY attacked Scott Baio about his date with his wife, or the evil redditors in a local subreddit who WRONGLY insulted and bullied another redditor asking for friend advice all because he belonged to a left wing anti idpol subreddit, the braindead students at the University of New Hampshire who WRONGLY tried to prevent Dave Rubin’s speech a few years ago (including that idiot professor who inspired them) ,the pieces of sh*t who WRONGLY swatted Tim Pool and MTG are all cringe sick people and a mark on our country, world and society. They are pious, mean, bullying and live in an echo chamber. Social media brings out the worst in people. 

Their parents were horrible parents for raising them to be such evil demonic trolls. Their grandparents were horrible parents to their parents. 

This is because of proto Liberal 2.0 new age methods used to raise and teach children like those particular Liberal 2.0 trolls in the 1980s and 1990s and 2000s was senseless, stupid,  and flat out wrong

Those particular Liberal 2.0 are literally the vocal MINORITY.The vast vast majority of Americans and Canadians are against their trolling and evil acts

Over 90 percent of Americans and Canadians would criticize those particular Liberal 2.0 freaks for being so evil and wrong.

Those particular Liberal 2.0 reddit, twitter and University of New Hampshire trolls mentioned several paragraphs above disgrace our country ,world , humanity and EVERY American , European , Oceanic, Asia and Canadian great who died before the 20th century (including Mark Twain, Rosa Luxemberg, JFK, RFK, John Lennon, Andy Warhol, Samantha Smith, Rock Hudson, Frank Sinatra,  MLK JR, Web Dubois, Malcolm X, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Abraham Lincoln,  would strongly condemn everyone of those particular Liberal 2.0 trolls for their wrong and evil actions)

Both parties and sides of the ideological divide, especially the Democrats and in particular Liberal 2.0ers EAT THEIR OWN, ,see here for moreherehere etc

*/**The thing is that at times, ultra leftist and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers FALSELY smear any Leftist/Liberal 2.0er/Democrat who disagrees with them as right wing since that way they can falsely say 'SEE only right wingers disagree with us'. */**

It's the oldest trick in the book and Right wingers do this too (like see here

The non Liberal 2.0ers and especially the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers do this purity sh*t  a lot with rejecting right wingers who support Socialism-Communism, Anarchism, Paternalistic Conservativism, left wing feminisms, 4pt, etc, just see Conservapedia and Free Republican for this inaction)

People mistake Leftist repulsion of Liberal 2.0ers and Liberal 2.0 Democrats as moving right, but I think all such terms are losing their meanings as we go through this enormous political realignment.

Though to throw a bone to the liberal 2.0ers who smear some leftists or progressives with the 'grifter' label , being left wing and or progressive and being critical of Liberal 2.0/ Democrat ideology like the public figures and social media people who who are left wing and or progressive do definitely present an opening for the reactionary right wing to exploit and bring those leftists and progressives down a rightward pipeline to the alt right. 

There is a psychological phenomenon in which people who recently changed their opinion on a previously held belief are more included to change their opinion on subsequent, unrelated stuff.

What stupidpol leftists sometimes do with their labeling of all liberal 2.0ers who don't pass their purity tests as right wing, SJW or class traitors (see the sidebar) is almost the exact equivalent of shitlibs categorizing even the most lowkey conservative statement as being "alt-right." To a shitlib, anything right is alt-right nazi fascism. To a rightoid, everything left is postmodern marxist communism.

*/** It is insane that ultra leftists Liberal 2.0ers falsely insist that anyone on their side who has opinions that diverge from their groupthink views must be a grifter, DINO, tankie , alt right or far right. But this youtube video by The Kaverancle provides insight into this and the fingerprints from that perspective from that video on this by The Kavernacle can be found throughout this post.  */**

*/**Ultra leftist and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers and some similar sub sects of Liberalism, through purity tests, create a highly objectionable system where all views are absolutely labeled as right wing, or liberal/progressive /left wing. So if you for example show sympathy for the pro life movement they say ‘so and so sounds like a right wing Trump supporter’.   */**

*/**They push these so called ‘grifters’ further and further right with their purity tests and witch hunts all because these so called ‘grifters’ had the audacity to agree with non liberal 2.0ers on a few hot button issues. Being open to discussion has nothing to do with which side you're aligned with.  */**

People will side with those that have similar goals. Liberal 2.0ers and fascists both don't want a socialist revolution and will side with each other to fight one. Liberal 2.0ers and socialists both don't want a fascist revolution and will side with each other to fight one. The problem is that unlike socialism, fascism is willing and capable to infiltrate a liberal 2.0 society without doing a revolution, meaning that liberal 2.0ers will only effectively start opposing it when it's already too late and will stop leftists from meaningfully oppose it, because it would mean attacking the liberal society.

A lot of leftist will also side with fascists when their goals overlap. Like discrediting liberalism 2.0 or the thing you see most often these days: promoting western isolationism. 

The left just wants that because of a revisionist version of anti imperialism and the right wants it because they don't want to deal with foreigners.

Of course these things don't apply to everyone, but that's how I see it. In my opinion saying X group always sides with Y group over Z group is generally pretty reductive and not really helpful 

This way ultra leftist and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers  can justify shunning, canceling , censoring, excluding people they don’t agree with since they put everyone in the ‘right wing’ camp that don’t agree with them,  even on only a few issues that to them are ‘right wing’. See here and here/here , here ,here,  here for more */**

*/** Ultra left and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers have to take a page out of the lefitst playbook and push for conditional left liberal unity (as mentioned here which is a base thread or maybe like here and mentioned here but between Liberal 2.0ers and leftists)  

*/** They use this to shut down opposition since they can falsely say through these dumb purity tests ‘see only right wingers would have such views, walk like a duck talk like a duck must be a duck’ */**

Of course Liberal 2.0ers ripped this off from Republican cultists who wrote the book on this. But if the Liberal 2.0ers are reclaiming this to use strategically and in a better way (but still horrible way) than the Republicans, well that seems not as bad (in a Brady Bunch movie neighbors agree ending way)

Post Left Watch Twitter is a prime example of this and similar points I make in this blog. Post Left Watch is a "leftist" (i.e: Democrat) account that has a hate boner for Chapo trap house because they were too mean to Taylor Lorenz. They are a social media parasite who stifles any independent thought or criticism of Democrats

The person who runs the "Post Left Watch" account is a Hillary Clinton dead-ender and he/she also wrongly thinks Sam Seder is "post-left". They stupidly lump in Sam Seder with Jimmy Dore, to give you an idea of where that account is coming from. Anyone like Post Left Watch who unironically believes horseshoe theory as a cardinal rule rather than something that can sometimes happen because politics are weird isn't somebody I care about.

In the case of the post left twitter account, I think it's just somebody who hates anyone to the left of Pete Buttigieg. Even the few times Post Left watch is correct, they still miss the mark completely.

The person that’s runs the Post left twitter account is basically a neoliberal DNC anti Bernie superfan.

I love to see them dunk on Tim Pool and Haz, but I don’t really dig that they paint folks like Sam Seder, David Sirota with the same brush.

With all of that said, Ryan Grim does deserve some scrutiny as do all journalists regardless of political ideology, in Ryan Grim’s case it is his dodgy aspects or goes off the deep end at times. He also doesn't push back against his cohost Emily Jashinski in the way I want.

Like the other day she tried to justify the expulsion of the two Tennessee legislators because conservatives felt angry. As if feeling angry is a justification for overruling the will of the voters in those respective districts. Really despicable. And Ryan's way of dealing with it is to make a joke of some kind. But the effect of that is to let her spew all of her insane right wing rhetoric with no effective counter argument from him as representing the left only leaves him open to criticism

Emily Jashinsky on the other hand, doesn’t offer Ryan Grim any leeway, she’s always firing her culture war engine full tilt on all cylinders while he meekly prevents his liberal progressive views to a lot of pushback from her. I don’t think placating to right ringers is a successful formula but here he is one day a week on breaking point’s channel.

That post left watch twitter account is just some toxic idiot spreading division and hate for attention. Best to ignore them.  I was suspicious when the PLW twitter started to criticize Hasan Piker (not that he's above criticism, but he's certainly not in the same orbit at Jimmy Dore) and then when they went after Sam Seder I lost it.

Post left watch Are literal Pete Buttigieg supporters and apologists. 

Post left watch is a divisive Twitter account. There is something sus about something called "post-left watch".

Ryan Grim is undoubtedly one of the best in the business at times, but other less frequent times it is maddening Tim Pool-esque fence-sitting with Grim. Never quite have figured his/rising angle.

I cannot meaningfully comment on Ryan Grim more than I do here other than to say the handful of times I've seen him he's struck me as articulate and smart. He may be big time wrong in this particular instance. I have ignored everything to do with "the Twitter files" and will continue to do so.

I don't really trust that Post left watch account. They take people out of context and misrepresent them a lot.

Ryan Grim opened the show by saying something to the effect of "never debate Medhi Hasan" because he was so well prepared. The problem with the Twitter files isn't that they are inaccurate. It's that they portray a one sided view of things. Ie. Democrats only did this but not Republicans. Medhi made the exact criticism of the Twitter files that I just did.

Maybe if Matt Taibbi hadn’t made so many inexcusable, boneheaded mistakes in his “reporting” they could have spent more time addressing what he thought was the substance. It’s hard, though, to get past errors that are so blatantly obvious that it’s fair to assume they were purposeful efforts to mislead and distort.

No for now. And unless he’s out there ranting about Twitter Files being the story of the century or whatever, it’s fine to be interested with what was in those documents (with proper context - i.e. distrust and suspicion of Musk). Not everything is black-and-white.

Ryan Grim is a good one for sure. One indicator is he had no problem cutting ties with and criticizing Glenn Greenwald.

Except that one time when Ryan Grim hosted Glenn Greenwald as a guest on the Hill’s Rising, often.

Ryan Grim, is still trying to curry favor with Matt Taibbi, while still trying to remain in Mehdi Hasan’s orbit.

That can be falsely seen as classic fence sitter behavior by Post Left watch's twitter

So I guess I am being pushed now on a path to lead me to believe that the Hunter Biden laptop story is allegedly true and that there was a coverup with it on social media, on Twitter (or at my most absolute charitable I have views on the Hunter Biden laptop story that are echoed throughout this reddit thread)

But I don’t care about Elon Musk and Twitter 'proving' this in Dec 2022.

I FULLY SUPPORT leftist journalist Ryan Grim asking Matt Taibbi if the Twitter Files reporters are "cherrypicking" the exact way that he did and not following it up. I would have interviewed Taibbi on the Twitter files exactly like Ryan Grim did

I echo Mark Kochinski's reply on Twitter in this screenshot on the Twitter files proving election interference 

Elon is acting as a pressure release valve for the Liberal 2.0ers—giving the illusion that the “non Liberal 2,0ers” now has a voice on Twitter. 

Only the “non Liberal 2.0” the Liberal 2.0ers has in mind is the Neocon, Zionist-conservative right that puts up a great gatekeeping barrier preventing anyone from going to the *real* non Liberal 2.0 with the 4pt. We need to look forward not backward. Another issue I have here is the whole Twitter files release was done theatrically See here  . But at least we have evidence now so thanks Elon, Bari, Matt etc. 

The problem I have is that while I am not upset that Twitter banned 45, the fact they set a precedent to ban future POTUSs including Joe Biden, set off slippery slope bells for me when 45 was banned from Twitter, which Matt confirmed in his Dec 9 2022 Twitter files release. We need our heads of state to be accountable to us in the most public way since they serve us, and Twitter is such a public square

This subreddit is an embarrassment at this point.

Ryan Grim is one of the most base and fine reporters in the business.

If you have one single opinion that’s against the mainstream narrative, you’re automatically a grifter to these Post Left watch type people. Exactly. Not everyone who is 90% right on things but has random shitty takes is a grifter.

Ana Kasparian and Emma Vigeland are good examples. Same with Krystal Ball when she does her podcast with Kyle Kulinski. On breaking points she has a classical liberal reactionary co host Sargar Enjeti though causing her to move right a bit (she does this in order to avoid confronting Sagar in order to derail the show)

Ana Kasparian , is true to herself and super consistent and also sometimes very much against “the current thing” on the left.

She takes heat for it many times, and doesn’t usually Relent.

I respect Ana more than I do Krystal Ball

I'd be pro-twitter files if anyone could represent them accurately. They took down content on behalf of both parties, not good. Musk releasing them was a purely political move.

I do see where Post Left Watch is coming from in this post though. Of course they are still wrong

Love the replies to said post: "Why am I mad at Progressives? Mainly because their bigotry is as explicit as MAGA but also this post by Post Left Watch"

"This is the definition of Post-Left? A term I just encountered. By this definition, the Democratic Party is Left?". "The thing is who cares about the democrats. I'm not voting because of theils gaggle of weirdos. It's a bourgeois imperialist party responsible for untold misery and exploitation abroad and it's commitment to social issues was always negotiated and temporary"

"The Thiel-Sacks history is real but you go from seeing 'Post-left' as a deceptive ideological projection to treating it as if real and ever-expanding by association. National Conservatives use ideological projections as veneers, trying to work meme-magic."

in reply to this reply "Uhhh progressives, like AOC, are in the Democratic Party. This theory makes no sense. Progressives, among other groups, mobilised in a huge way to get out the vote for 2020. The ideology of progressive politicians is “do more” not “don’t vote if we can’t get everything we want”, I love this reply: "Justice Dems like AOC disagree with you."

I also echo this thread on Post Left Watch

But I do see some use for the Post Left Watch twitter; The Post left watch twitter should go after the Neoliberal shitlib brigade 'leftists' who are against 'reactionary' centrism such as Michael Hobbes, Heet Jeer, Thomas Zimmer and Aaron Huertes instead of going after true leftists/left leaning people like Ben Burgis, BJG, Kyle Kulinski, Ryan Grim , Ben Norton, David Sirota, Ryan Knight, Cornel West, Emma Vigeland, Sam Seder, Vaush, Destiny, Contrapoints, Russell Brand, Nina Turner, Kristen Gonzalez, Nomiki Konst, Krystal Ball  etc

See here and here for a good point that jives with these points above and below

*/** If Liberal 2.0ers are ‘correct’ on so many issues, why do some of them like ultra leftists and other unreasonable ones censor, deplatform, shamesmear, cancel, silence etc people on either side who question or opposed their narrative on hot button issues? */**  

*/** That condoning of such behavior by the Liberal 2.0ers as a whole makes them look guilty (like they are wrong not that I necessarily believe that) since if they were correct, they wouldn’t care if people on the other side questioned or opposed their views on hot button issues. The Liberal 2.0ers need to stop dying on these hills (see here for more) and debate better like mentioned here */**

A lot of Centrists (including Liberal 2.0ers) and right wingers and progressives (along with Independents) are being manipulated in ways they do not realize

Being hateful towards a group of people simply because of their race or ethnicity that they had no control over is bad. People who aggressively bother and harm others for things that they had no control over is bad

Newspeak by Liberal 2.0 MSM media (which is pushed and codified by the mostly Liberal 2.0 AP propaganda guide style guide’:

INCLUSIVE (stupid brainwash buzzword which braindead Liberal 2.0 cabal and their woke cultists use to justify erasing women and mothers through stupid gender neutral language, which they use to justify preventing a Christian Coach from doing a post game prayer to himself on the field, which they use to justify endless and unsustainable migration policies), calling the 2020 BLM riots which were not by my definition mostly peaceful or peaceful at all (not that labeling protests matters one way or another),  ‘mostly peaceful’ while demonizing the Freedom trucker protestors and Tea Party people, ‘repugnant’, calling any Right wing or Left wing view they don’t agree with ‘Misinformation’ or ‘Disinformation’, using the words ‘solidarity’, or ‘stand with (fill in blank)’ to goad people into supporting their Liberal 2.0 agenda without trying to tell people to use empathy with that solidarity or stand , casually applying the far right label to anyone to the right of homophobe neocon bigot Mitt Romney)

Though far right only means well right not necessarily real far right like NDSAP or fascist far right. The the term “far right” as the Liberal 2.0 freaks use it incorporates some aspects of mainstream conservatism, though the term is more vague than extreme right or radical right and thus is not really preferred by me in general. Being well on the right of the political spectrum is simply far right

Other Liberal 2.0 brainwash words “sex work is real work” (no sex work is exploitative, wrong, degrading and cheapens love), “my body my choice” for anti vaxxer nuts, “has a right to exist” (a phrase which wrongly and falsely implies not legalizing sex work is stopping someone from existing etc), “traditional marriage” (which is a homophobic hierarchal phrase meant to oppress same sex couples) , sycophantic (too insult, slander, abelist and defame non Libretard 2.0 opposition by falsely claiming people who disagree with them are possessed by evil)   See here for more

It is the same thing with the the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers Any Republican who dares says a negative word about 45 , MAGA or MAGA views is labeled a RINO, Socialist, or Assistant Democrat. Any Republican who doesn’t kiss Trump’s rings is Terruqueo targeted MAGA. It is a whole nother type of twisted cultism on the Right

It is insane that the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers falsely insist that anyone on their side who has opinions that diverge from their hive mind views must be a Communist, Marxist , RINO, Assistant Democrat or CCPer

The the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers smear them with these fake labels to delegitimize them since the the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers are afraid of change and being seen as the stubborn, ultra hard line provocateurs they are

*/**  If ultra leftist and other unreasonable Liberal 2.0ers keep smearing people on their side who disagree with them as grifters ,DINOs, tankies or far right,  it’s a given that the Democrat Party and its members will be very negatively effected from from within, since no one wants to be part of an overall Liberal 2.0 (particularly neoliberal echo chamber (see herehere ,hereherehere/here for more)

Stuff like that splits the Democrats and their Liberal 2.0-Left coalition  */** 

*/**  Basically a Liberal 2.0 echo chamber where unreasonable Liberal 2.0ers like ultra leftists have to parrot every Liberal 2.0 talking point or be smeared as a grifter ,DINO, tankie or far right, by Ultra leftists who live in a bubble and are too chicken shit to defend their enlightened talking points. I can’t stand to see the Democrats sink to those depths  */** 

This article talks about and analyzes this notion of red green brown alliances and the 'post left' better than the way Liberal 2.0ers and a few anarkiddies and Auth leftists talk about and analyze such notions

If the Alt Fascism Movement trolls , Alt Right and Republicans keep smearing people on their side who disagree with them as Communist, Marxist , RINO, Assistant Democrat or CCPer,  it’s a given that the Republican Party and its ilk will be very negatively effected from from within, since no one wants to be part of a the Alt Fascism Movement troll extreme right wing cult

Basically the Alt Fascism Movement trolls, Alt Right and Republican cult where they have to parrot every one of their talking talking points or be smeared as a Communist, Marxist , RINO, Assistant Democrat or CCPer, by them who live in a bubble and are too chicken shit to defend their enlightened talking points. I could care less if the Republicans sink to those depths but just pointing this out

I echo this article https://reason.com/2022/02/08/joe-rogan-and-the-weird-new-definition-of-right-winger/https://nypost.com/2022/05/22/the-left-targets-people-like-elon-musk-for-not-conforming/   https://www.quora.com/Why-do-so-many-on-the-left-dislike-Sam-Harris

*/**  Maybe instead of ultra left and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers demonizing (and Liberal 2.0ers as a whole condoning this) their fellow allies who don’t pass their petty purity tests, they should instead go after the people in their own group or movement for making those ‘grifters’ go ‘right’ on those issues they are ‘right wing’ on (see herehere for more). I echo what Tim Dillion said on this matter.  No more splitting the Center left/Left Center. */** 

I hate the notion of  “right wing grifter”. Liberal 2.0ers are always going on and on about that nowadays whenever someone leaves the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is somewhat right wing. There is no alternative to the Democrats other than the Republicans, who obviously will benefit from elitism and corruption by Democrats. DC is actually a town full of nothing but “grifters.”. Here is a perfect counter to demolish the ‘grifter’ or ‘crypto right winger’ sh*t smears by Liberal 2.0ers

Democrats and Republicans all are literally grifters if there is such a thing. Every last freaking one of those rats and cons.

Is grift truly the correct word if it's been the standard m.o and official way to have a political career for decades and centuries?

Maybe”corruption” would be a word to use for it then? ACTUALLY, those above lean leftists/Center to Center leftists who are falsely smeared as being ‘grifters’ didn’t actually grift, they RED PILLED 

The Left/Center Left and the Right sharing opinions and agreeing with each other on some things isn’t some magical new phenomenon. People are allowed to have different opinions on political issues. I echo Freddie deBoer here who expands on this and the replies to that article from stupidpol here

Whig Historically is not a set in stone political rule and it is an unsustainable and impractical ideology

*/**  Liberalism 2.0 causes some unreasonable sects like ultra leftists to come to not be able to deal with the fact that people/people on their side think differently*/** 

*/**  Liberal 2.0 as a whole and some non Liberal 2.0ers always try to change the meaning of what being Left Wing or Right wing is. They of course the Right Wing does this in their own unique but no less bad (Right wingers are small minded and phobic that is why, see here and see here for more) way but I digress */** 

*/**  Whenever a few but significant amount of Liberal 2.0ers and specific non Liberal 2.0ers can’t win a debate they throw around the tired and lame ‘racist’ smear (hint a significant minority of people they call ‘racists’ are not racists, they don’t even know the true meaning of the word). Words have power */** 

The word 'racism' as noted below has morphed into being an overused word that hyperboles  (like Conservapedia type right wingers and Liberal 2.0ers) use to smear people they don't agree with and to dehumanize them which causes a real disservice to people who are real victims of real racism. God knows what people are in their hearts, mere human Conservapedia type right wingers and Liberal 2.0ers DO NOT.  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

I am talking about the cases when they label someone a racist who isn’t a racist. Many times the Liberal 2.0ers are correct with calling people that word. But if even one person is smeared by that word , that is one too many

There comes a time when the term 'racist (in this case racist against blacks)' or 'white supremacist loses all of its meaning (like when non racists like: Ben Burgis, Ben Carson, Max Blumenthal, Michael Brooks, Contrapoints, Morris Dees, Destiny (streamer), Lindsey Ellis, Dianne Feinstein, Norman Finklestein, The Freedom riders, Tulsi Gabbard, Brianna Joy Gray, Ryan Grim, Katie Halper, Christopher Hitchens, Ana Kasparian, Shaun King, Michael Knight, Kyle Kulinski, Caleb Mauphin, Robert Mugabe, Majid Nawaz, Joy Reid, Stephanie Rhule, Condi Rice, Nathan J Robinson, Winsome E Sears, Sasm Seder, David Sirota, Michael Steele, Jill Stein, Matt Taibbi, Toure, Nina Turner, Neil deagrasse Tyson, Cenk Uyghur, Vaush, Cornel West are falsely labeled as racist or white supremacist)

It is becoming easier and easier to dismiss those terms. Since every so often, it's regurgitated nonsense. This is a major disservice to those who are genuinely suffering from the consequences of racism. 

*/** How can Liberal 2.0ers and some sects of non Liberal 2.0ers see everything each other sees yet have the exact opposite views of those things? 

No matter how much truth and facts each side points out, they will call each other names, use dishonest tactics ,emotionally charged attacks while spewing misleading info like robots . One side has MSM and Big Tech and mainstream, the other side has their own spaces. They always have counters to everything.  */**

 */**  The ultra left and other non reasonable types of Liberals 2.0ers and some sects of non Liberal 2.0ers truly exist to torment us (to appease our torment fetishes) and they cannot even do it in a way that is fun and uplifting which would make it more bearable. At least we are genuine in our causes even if we are an unsavory bunch at times

To think the Liberal 2.0s have a monopoly on what is correct , right and moral is naive, ignorant and very wrong. This article ,provides good insights of our current political divide */** 

I fully echo this letter .Here is a snip:

“I dread the prospect of a world where context, nuance, critical thinking, meritocracy, mathematics, science, and rationality are considered tools of 'white supremacy', and the rule is that you're not allowed to question or argue this senseless statement - especially if you're white. (none of those things are racist or white supremacy in any way shape or form)

A world that is conditioning you and I to believe that we will always be trapped in some weird hierarchy because of our race, our genitals, our physical abilities, our neurodiversity, our sexuality, and our politics.

And that if we do not agree on every single thing, it's a sign that we are interacting with an enemy - or at the very least, someone to be wildly suspicious and judgmental of...instead of another complex human being worthy of being seen and heard.

I wish this world I’m speaking of was just a figment of my imagination, but we are already inside it. Our suitcases have been unpacked here for quite some time.”

I do not want to exist in a world where being against kids going to drag queen shows, being against kids being allowed to mutilate their bodies because they think they are another gender but are too young go even know about sex, being against intersectionality, being Anti Globalization, being class reductionist, being Anti consumerist, being pro free speech/free inquiry ,being against Prostitution being legalized, thinking humans are superior to animals, being against late term abortion, being against overkill idpol are falsely seen as ‘Right wing’ instead of left wing or center left which anyone with a half of brain in their head realizes. That type of world is literally hell on Earth and a place of pure evil

*/**  Putting everyone who doesn’t agree with Liberal 2.0 political views into the same cookie cutter category is naive and ignorant due to the complexity of politics . Putting everyone who doesn’t agree with MAGA approved political views into the same category is naive and ignorant due to the complexity of politics .  */** 

*/** Just because a Left Winger doesn’t agree with a Liberal 2.0 view/Democrat doesn’t mean they aren’t Left Wing or that they are Right wing. It’s like a Liberal calling salad ‘fascism’ or ‘communism’ because they don’t like salad.  */**

Being labelled erroneously just goes to show how binary political discourse has become," he wrote. "I had criticised the 'left', so I must be the 'right', or so their logic goes."  Winston Marshall

To play devil’s advocate, I do believe that Conservatives grossly underestimate the amount of in-fighting and disagreement there is within Democrat, progressive and even Liberalism 2.0 politics.

There are times where there are disagreement within Democrat, progressive and even Liberalism 2.0 politics where it’s NOT a bad thing for them.

The whole concept of labeling views left right and labeling people based on their combo of views is naive and ignores the deep complexity of politics and sociology

Liberal 2.0s sound as pious , dogmatic and moral about their beliefs as Christians and Catholics do about their beliefs. 

We are told by our corporate, MSM, Hollywood overlords what we should like, who we should like, what we should hate, who we should hate. We have to break free of this by destroying Big Corp, Consumerism, Capitalism, Globalization, the state etc. We have to take control over our own lives and decide for ourself what is what

For example, the fact people cannot even openly debate LGBTQ issues without them being defamed as bigots and their debate being shut down as if every progressive view is set in stone is problematic

In Europe they even ban free speech that is critical of LGBTQ issues , which is wrong, fascist and against freedom of speech

Like, subjecting people who believe that the family, in order to be one, requires a father and a mother – and not the duplication of the same figure – would mean introducing a crime of opinion to criminal proceedings. Such a crime of opinion would limit “personal freedom, educational choices, the way of thinking and being, the exercise of criticism and dissent.”

The horseshoe theory is fake. But according to Liberal 2.0 logic, it is ok for them to work with NeverTrumpers but it is not the other way around? 

Horseshoe theory though kinda works on a super surface level, but go any deeper than that and it instantly collapses. Of most people view and interact with politics on a super surface level, so broken clock really applies to horseshoe.

So the horseshoe theory is pure ideology. The primary contention here is that straying too far from the liberal 2.0 status quo will in the end lead to catastrophe, commonly conceived of as some type of “totalitarianism”. It depoliticizes and dehistoricizes capitalism and obfuscates the conditions that permit fascism (or communism for that matter) to emerge from supposedly “legit”, “rational” hegemonic liberal-2.0 capitalist order in the first place.

The Democrats, and liberals and progressives instead of debating them , smear them, trash them and that is wrong, problematic and against the values that our country was founded on. 

However maybe if the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers weren’t obvious extremists and weren’t a magnet for bad press there would be no purity tests, grifter smearing or working with the other side complaints by the Liberal 2.0ers of their side occasionally agreeing with and working with the Right wing

The the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers are wrong for smearing any Republican or Conservative with even a hint of pro military views or interventionist views as a Neocon, warhawk or warmonger.  

This is treason for those the the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers to use those labels so casually on patriotic Republicans and Conservatives. I echo what Adam Kinzinger said about how most of these the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers hippies (what Ayn Rand also called them) who smear Republicans and Conservatives as Neocons wouldn’t last one day in a war

I am angry that the the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers smear obvious Republicans/Right Wingers and conservatives like Sarah Palin, Madison Cawthorn, Karl Rove, Murray Rothbard, Dave Rubin, former President Richard Nixon, former President Theodore Roosevelt, John Boehner, David Cameron, Frederick Hayek, Boris Johnson, Marine Le Pen, Andrew Sullivan, Chris Christie, Sargan of Akkad, Mike Pence, Ann Coulter, Mehmet Oz, Gregg Abbott, William Buckley, Marco Rubio, etc. as RINOs/RWINOs (Right Wing in Name Only), assistant Democrats/assistant leftists, Leftists ..and even ‘Socialists’ (well only deranged stubborn Right Wingers think any of the above greedy rich Capitalist pigs are Socialists but still) 

There is no pleasing the the Alt Fascism Movement trolls (including Republicans), uncategorizable, politically off compass, cloud cuckoomongers and their small minded views, they will rip into and throw the RINO, Communist sympathizer etc term at anyone who isn’t up to date on their inside baseball, seemingly counterproductive, ignorant and circular Right wing MAGA platform 

Just because the liberals in the US became more and more liberal, and that pushes people further and further right that is still no excuse for the right wing getting more extreme

*/** The ultra leftist and other unreasonable types liberal 2.0ers instead of debating them , smear them, trash them and that is wrong, problematic and against our values

I've always been bothered with how ultra leftist and other unreasonable types of Liberal 2.0ers gang up on non Liberal 2.0ers they don't agree with (like herehere and mentioned herehereherehere and here basically like a dog pile) or companies and other entities they don't agree with on social media whenever those people say something offensive or does something that triggers them. Like a post liberal Corporataracy 

It feels a bit like bullying. This can change see here for how */**

Some of my fellow Americans say they have seen this with Elon Musk (but I tend to echo the answers to his/her question on Quora). I echo this Slate article on this but I also echo this whole reddit thread on it too (maybe including the screenshot too?)

Look at who is ganging up on him: NY Times, open society foundation, AOC (she should know better), Elizabeth Warren, Joy Reid, Robert Reich, TechCrunch, Howard Dean, Shaun King, George Takei , pretty much anyone who served in any capacity under Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama, etc 

How would these Liberal 2.0ers enjoy having the tide turned on them? They wouldn't like it so much, just ask Debra Messing how it feels.

Sorry, Elon Musk (who is from South Africa) supporting a BIPOC Republican (Mayra Florez) absolutely is NOT a ‘white supremacy’, see this for more. However, Elon Musk not allowing his workers to unionize shows Musk is a petty bourgeois ,greedy Capitalist classist, just like all major corporate-Big Tech leaders and companies (i.e Walmart, Google, Jeff Bezos and Amazon, etc)

Seems Elon Muskkk had his own Nazi Hitler moment , not unlike Kanye’s recent fiasco

Doesn't it seem 'weird' that its always the same Liberal 2.0 entities and people who protest against things they don't like?  Same corporations, same celebrities, same news orgs, same political people, same organizations etc. 

I am against the media using the word misinformation or disinformation liberally to describe select non pandemic/non medical related conservative, left wing and far left political viewpoints and narratives (within reason). I agree with this article on the Anti disinformation movement

Labeling those non pandemic/non medical related conservative, left wing and far left political viewpoints and narratives as 'misinformation' or ‘disinformation’ is misleading at best and NEWSPEAK (as George Orwell talked about in 1984) at worst. 

Liberal 2.0ers use the word "misinformation" (and disinformation) to dismiss contrary opinion as bogus while they simultaneously attempting to elevate their own opinion as ‘fact’

We should not apply the word misinformation or disinformation to Haz and the Grayzone type views of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, on children becoming Transgender being bad for their health, on transgender women competing in womens sports, on gun rights etc

Both sides use those words to smear and delegit and shut down opposing views and we must fight against that. If anyone uses ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ it is people who use those nasty loaded words. See this for more. Here is proof of the Liberal 2.0ers are weaponizing those words, like them calling the TRUTH of higher crime ‘misinformation’ 

They use misinformation and disinformation interchangeable it seems. I thought the former was unintentional and the latter intentional. While I believe these two terms have lost all meaning from overuse and misuse, it is still interesting to see the self appointed experts using the terms in this way.

I believe GDI and other non profits like it are just fronts for legitimizing disinformation, information laundering if you will. Like greenwashing but for information. Corporate and government spin and propaganda are old concepts, labelling dissenting info as disinformation makes the spin doctors jobs easier. Handy service when you think about it.

GDI's MO is to take the starting narrative as ground truth and see what disagrees with it and then weigh this against 'risk of harm'. Not very objective and nor could it be and this is this inherent problem with 'truth tzars' of any kind. No one is omnipotent.

The utilization of the word "disinformation" is very much bizarre to me. This reminds me of how people simply throw around the terms "racist" and "Nazi".

So basically if someone don't like what someone else is saying or posting on Twitter, it must be intentionally disseminated to create false information and narratives. Hoooooo boy.

From Fox article from mid 2022: “The reality is that the people who most aggressively and destructively peddle and disseminate fake news and disinformation are the people who most vocally claim to be so concerned about it," Greenwald said. "This is such a perfect example of how disinformation has basically come to mean anything that is undermining of or subversive to the interests of the Democratic Party (Liberal 2.0 cliques only)."

Joe Biden’s Disinformation Board gives me Ministry of Truth vibes. At best it is slippery sloping. It was a bad idea but I am guilty they shelved that plan to implement it

George W Bush is one of the worst people to give a lecture on democracy and ‘disinformation’ .Bush’s disinformation about Saddam had weapons of mass destruction forced us into a costly senseless war with too many to count innocent victims on both sides, all to appease Dumbya’s childish one sided rivalry with Saddam. Doing imperialist acts and colonialist warmongering in a far away country like Iraq is not something a President who promotes ‘democracy’ would ever do

Bush spread more disinformation than any other President. As President, Bush was actually like a fusion of Pinocchio mixed with a used car salesperson salesman

George W Bush has no leg to stand on lecturing Vladimir Putin and Russia for Russia’s ‘imperialism’ and ‘warmongering’. 

George W Bush invading an innocent country like Iraq on lies that he spewed about non existent weapons of mass destruction, is worse than Vladimir Putin intervening in Ukraine. The Iraq War lasted almost 10 years and was more costly and destructive than the situation in Ukraine is now 

"Russian politician and legislator Gennady Zyuganov, leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, said that U.S. George Dumbya Bush' appearance before the unveiling of the monument was a "clumsy propaganda attempt to divert the world public opinion's attention from the true, bloody crimes of U.S. imperialism in general and the current administration in the White House in particular." Zyuganov also added that the monument was inappropriate: "How can an American president open it given the blood of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Serbs in Kosovo, Guantanamo Bay, as well as CIA prisons in Eastern Europe are part of the black list of crimes of the globalists." Wikipedia

Last point, George W Bush through his reactionary Presidency shifted the Republicans righter, which allowed the rise of 45 and his MAGA stans , so George W Bush is responsible for all the political sins that 45 and Maga has done

Barack Obama is also an imperialist warmonger like Bush and Obama also has no leg to stand on in lecturing Vladimir Putin and Russia about their ‘imperialism’ and ‘warmongering’ in Ukraine. 

Barack Obama killing countless innocent people in the middle east with drones, invading Libya for baseless reasons and then senselessly murdering Omar Gaddafi for no reason, is worse than Vladimir Putin intervening in Ukraine

Barack Obama invaded Ukraine for no reason and illegally coup’d their democratically elected President (so much for Obama preaching about ‘Democracy’) in his Maidan coup for no reason. That coup caused a growing rift between Russia and Ukraine that probably caused Russia and Putin to get involved in Ukraine this year. So Obama is deflecting when he criticizes Vladimir Putin and Russia for the disaster in Ukraine. 

"Misinformation can be true, but is selective in what is communicated such that the other person will come to desired conclusions". 

Qanon is a myth and nonsensical garbage.

Seeing how right wing the right has drifted recently (like with the whole Kanye fiasco), the average right-winger will be nuttier than actual Qanon people before 2024. And so as it is been said, currently, right wingers wrongly and sadly consist of abortion crusaders, ratepayer-robbing utilities, anti-trans bullies or right-wing operatives scaring the bejesus out of school parents with a fake crisis framed as leftist indoctrination to shame white kids

I am *not down with Paleoconservative as they are edgy and right wing statist but I do like the pro west views of Liberal Paleoconservatism

* not down with means I do not understand or approve of Paleoconservationism 

Some Right Wing Populists are the real ‘RINOs’ but some of their views overlap with my parents views

The Alt Lite needs to become less edgy

I am against the Ethics committee going after AOC for RIGHTFULLY wearing a ‘tax the rich’ gown at the Met gala. What a waste of time and energy to be spent on going after her on that. Maybe if rich people didn’t exist we wouldn’t need to tax them

I am against the Democrats censuring Krysten Sinema

From the time of the Japanese samurai and European republicanist revolutionaries, the hero, the revolutionary, is not afraid to die for an idea, while as a philistine, the "little person" is more than anything else afraid of death. That slogan emphasizes the serious tragedy of the struggle of the movement in the conditions of a police state. 

So it is ok for Liz Cheney and the Lincoln project to attack defective Republican losers but when 45 does so to Republicans like congressman Joe O’Dea who has seemingly rightfully attacked Trump for some time now, it is not ok? Hypocritical much? . This article makes a good counterpoint though. 

Here is a post I made on a interesting political exchange on a hearing

It is wrong for the 'redditor' types to be so casually cold and vicious. They are also wrong to be haughty-flippant, arrogant, mean spirited,  expletive, snide and standoffish/stuffy. I try not to be that way

I feel at times Libertarians are very oppressed in the US. People don’t realize there is Left Libertarians, Libertarian Marxists , Libertarian Communists and Libertarian Socialists. This is partly based off of the Libertarian lived experience

Libertarians are people too

 Point de doute (Hervé Bazin).svg  I sound like the Mises Caucus in this post's screenshot ⸮  ;-J   

I actually echo the PCM replies to said Tweet and the four quadrant leaders (i.e Spartan in Auth right, 2 bold guys on the left and the muscular waluigi type dude on the libright) in said screenshot on that Mises caucus tweet

The Libertarian Party especially the Mises caucus is cringe and bad to essentially encourage domination and control of power and richness by the bourgeoisie which they then wrongly pretend to act like crony capitalism and corporatism by caused by such acts. They are really about replacing our government tyranny with private tyranny.

The Mises Caucus wrongly wants to eliminate from the L.P.'s platform that they condemn bigotry which sounds rather pathetic, just basic biatch Republicans who smoke Marijuana

The Mises side showers are freaks for being into Confederate apologia (Ludwig was not a fan of former President Abraham Lincoln), for claiming that Augusto Pinochet was a libertarian and fellow traveler, and for quite loudly drawing a distinction between democracy and democracy like Hans-Herman Hoppe.(though I support some aspects of Hopperism)

A load of us people want to be left alone and we have a difficult time organizing. The only people who are involved in the Libertarian Party especially the Mises caucus actually wrongly want power.

The Mises cuckus take over the LP at the same time that the Republican Party appears to be on the verge of becoming what they have constantly actually desired. The libertarians who aren't all on board the social conservatism train lost their personal lil vanity vehicle.

I talk about some ideological changes within the DSA in this post

I am against the Congress condemning Socialism in 2023.  The US has caused more atrocities in the US and abroad than nearly most socialist countries on Earth. The US has started imperialist, racist, warmongering neocon wars in the Middle East and Asia for over a century and has occupied and colonized lands in the Middle East, Asia and the US itself too

Shame on the Congress/Senate for such stupidity. Capitalism/Neoliberal is no better than Socialism or Communism.  I echo this article by Jacobin on this

At least they didn't condemn Mutualism/ Left Wing Free Market Anarchism, Social Democracy, Paternalistic Conservatism (since they never will do that) 

See here , herehereherehereherehereherehere

"During House floor debate on GOP's anti-socialism reso, Rep. @BradSherman accuses Republicans of equating "some of the greatest leaders of Israel" to "some of the greatest mass murderers of history." Puts up poster of Ben Gurion, Golda Meir & Shimon Peres who were socialists."


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