Exh asfrsvgglon

I support the YPJ and they are an inspiration for soldiers of all sexes and genders everywhere

The UAE, Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations are seeking to normalize ties with Syria. Joe Biden aides say they don't support that but are not trying to block the effort (which is base!!, I am glad that the US is becoming more pro Syria. Joe Biden continues to be good on foreign policy and is only beginning to show his haters that he might be one of the best Presidents we have on foreign policy since Richard Nixon or even FDR)

I believe that Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq should implement migration/refugee policies in the future that are similar to migration/refugee policies that are somewhat more liberal than Canada's current migration/refugee policy. I feel that these laxer migration/refugee policies would improve the economies in those countries so that they keep up with Israel, UAE and Saudi Arabia in terms of economics. The countries above need to continue to modernize in terms of migration/refugees.  

I have no issues with Asian Nationalism being employed in China and Japan but they are a bit too rigid with that

I do not condemn the 2021 coup de tat in Myanmar ,its none of my business

I am against the US still being involved in Syria and being involved in Yemen. Here, here, herehere  and here are some of my views that reflect that. The US are warpigs for still being involved in war with Syria and Yemen

Enough with these forever wars, US nation building, colonialist , policeman/policewoman of the world junk. It is the 2020s not the 1820s. The US being involved in Syria, Yemen , Somalia are really the US weilding their superpower status over those other countries in a national chauvinist way by trying to force them to be like the US. The US should not do such things. The US is not better or worse than those countries and to say otherwise is xenophobic and bigoted. See Fourth Political theory on similar points on this

I was and still am against the Syrian war for nearly the whole time (For like one second I fell into the trap briefly back then in me supporting the US Neocon intervention in Syria, due to Neocon manufactured fear of ISIS, but I came to my senses on that warmongering very quick). There was no reason to go to war with Syria. The US should never have went to war with Syria .Those bombings were neocon warmongering. 

It was another example of imperialism by the US who has been occupying the Middle East for decades in endless warmongering ,neocon wars to Americanize or Westernize countries after destroying their cultures and plundering their oil (when 90% of the time that oil is unneeded in the US) through barbaric senseless aggression.

Anyone who opposed Bashir Assad and supported war in Syria were unknowingly supporting terrorists like Jaysh al-Islam, HTS, Al Nusra and Al Qaeda in their bloody campaigns against the Syrian people and government. 88.7% of Syrians voted for Bashir Assad in 2014 (73.4% turnout) with observers from 30+ countries. Assad is Syria’s democratic leader. J Hinkle I would never have voted for Assad myself and I would have campaigned hard against him if I was a Syrian but like with other political leaders who are democratically elected whom I am against, I bite my tongue and accept the election results (maybe Republicans can learn a thing or two about accepting election results) 

I am glad both a popular front came together to condemn those strikes and war . I was glad when Donald Trump finally pulled us out of Syria when he did. 

I fully support Donald Trump withdrawing the US from Syria in 2019 and I applaud him for it. I fully support the 2019 troop withdrawal from Syria while still acknowledging that crypto warmonger neocon Bernie Sanders had valid concern about said withdrawal because the Republicans wanted it

Maybe he should have been impeached over going to war with Syria in the first place, but the past is the past.

I support the Syria Solidarity Movement, Hands off Syria and I echo their views, Russia’s views and the PSL’s on the war with Syria

Obviously Syria was no angel and their actions were horrible , but the US should have left them alone. Let the people in Syria deal with that. . 

A lot of those Syrian 'victims' were really terrorists i.e ISIS. It's not those victims fault. The US's warmongering in Iraq created ISIS. The situation in Syria was “Beirut on steroids,” . It was a reactionary, knee jerk move that allowed Russia to exploit us . The US should never get involved in a five sided argument. No more endless wars or American neocon nonsense

I was and still am against the Libya War (the one under former President Barack Obama). The Libyan war wasn’t even authorized by Congress. Barack Obama was and is an imperialist. Alt right trolls who called Obama a ‘Marxist’, are idiots. 

If Obama was truly a Marxist (instead of a Centrist, Social Liberal Keynesian greedy Capitalist that he is) he would have never done his imperialist acts since Marxism is Anti Imperialism

The Libyan war was warmongering western imperialism and was wrong. It was also wrong to assassinate or even overthrow Muhammad Gaddafi. Gaddafi never attacked the US. Gaddafi was meh as aleader. Who the fuck gave the US and NATO the right to decide what countries have what leaders. These idiots complain about Putin and Russia 'meddling' in our elections but these bonehead neocon warmongering imperialist scumbags remove democratically elected or popular leaders in other countries like in Libya (Omar Gaddafi), Ukraine (2014 Maidan coup), etc.  

I want the US, Barack Ubama, Hillary Clinton and NATO to apologize publically (or at least privately to me in person) for invading Libya and for going after Omar Gaddafi. Gaddafi was a flawed dude but he was a better leader for his country than Barack Obama was. I would take Gaddafi as my President over Barack 0bama all day every day

Invading Libya was just as bad as Russia invading Ukraine. Both instances were uneeeded and counterproductive at absolute zenith 'best'

Just because the US was right to kill OBL doesn't give them a right to kill someone like Gaddafi who never did anything bad to the US. Gaddafi created Third International theory. He was demonized by the west and the west is evil, corrupt and disgusting

The US has politicized, corrupt and abusive FBI, CIA agents , who go after innocent parents, pro lifers, and who go after whistleblowers . The US has a sham of justice system (see Alvin Bragg's stupid senseless indictment of that piece of shit fascist loser cunt Donald Trump), etc

There was no reason for the US to get involved with Libya, they literally repeated their Iraq invasion but with Libya.  See here for more. I'll add more links here in the future w.i.p

I was and still am against war with Iran. I support legislation, S. 759 which prohibits the use of funds for military operations in Iran without the prior approval of Congress. I am against the Iran nuclear deal for the same reasons Ted Lieu is against it

I was for the Iraq War until March 2003 (I was briefly something of a Neocon) then I turned against it for good and I am still against it.  It was obvious Americanized nation building, warmongering and blatant imperialism that used 9/11 as an excuse when in reality that senseless war kept 9/11 alive via that war. Nobody on either side should have died for that meaningless war 

I was and still am angry about how warhawk celebrities shamed and tried to cancel anti war celebrities

GWB made major strategic blunders with the Iraq War

I am also radically mixed to against on repealing the 2002 Iraq War resolution. The anti Iraq War drivel ,especially since the 2010s by Liberal 2.0ers is almost as bad as the Iraq War itself.  Some anti Iraq war people went too far in opposing the Iraq War. War is hell

In my opinion ,waiting patiently for the Iraq War to end and then getting politicians and voters in place to prevent such wars from occurring in the future was a much better path than protesting against the Iraq War and it still rings true today as many proto Liberal 2.0ers spoiled the Anti Iraq war movement. 

Preventing future Iraq Wars is better than criticizing a war that ended a decade ago. However, I can almost even bring myself to empathize with the view that the Iraq War was not a totally lost cause (ymmv). That is because I am a contrarian, because many Liberal 2.0s of today were against the Iraq War, and for a few other reasons that Max Boot would say today

But then I read this article by Jacobin and I am back to being as anti Iraq war now as I was in 2003. if not more so and I echo everything in that Jacobin article on the war. No more daddy war pigging out

Dick Cheney is the fascist who lied to get us into The Iraq War for oil, someone more destructive than even Donald Trump. Yet these stupid Democrats and Liberal 2.0ers now support him. 

They are traitors. Democrats are wrongly cheering on war, wrongly praising the Cheney family and supporting wrongly mass surveillance and censorship. And Democrats have the gaul to lie smear and defame real leftists/traditional liberals who are rightfully against war, censorsorship, and spying as 'right wing'.  Democrats are right wing. When Democrats ally with the Cheney family, Bushes and other warmongering, imperialist neocons, they are no longer 'liberal' and certainly not progressive (if they ever were)

See here for morethis for morethis for more. My post here expands on this 

Another bad thing about the Iraq War was getting rid of their Saddam. Saddam sort of protected Christians in Iraq. With him disposed, it allowed ISIS to target Christians a decade later

If there was a military draft for the Iraq War and I was drafted, I would have fought for the US in the Iraq War despite me being against it

I support the Iraq War troop surge by former President George W Bush in 2007. It was a smart strategy and helped turn the war around for us. 

Chris Kyle was a war hero and his movie was not offensive at all. It's only offensive to anti war people or people who are misled by ignorant things in the media about it. People have a right to be offended because Chris Kyle fought for their right to be offended by him and his movie. 

But the questionable patriotism is a bit over the top

Ideas for retroactive alternatives to the Iraq War

Idea 1) The US uses MOOTW (Military Operations other than War) in 2003 against Iraq instead of going to war with them

Idea 2) Instead of going to war with Iraq , the US rises up American domestic groups from within the US to be violent non-state actors for the US in Iraq and to carry out operations for the US in Iraq .

Basically these violent non-state actors of the US would do what former President George W Bush wanted to be done in Iraq independent of our military and without our military getting involved in the operations.  

This would be similar to how the Hezbollah in Lebanon and the LTTE in Sri Lanka were risen up by countries to be violent non-state actors for them despite Hezbollah and LTTE not being official military units of said countries

Idea 3) Instead of going to war with Iraq, the US pragmatically gives military aid to to the Kurds if and when the Kurds went to war against Iraq.

Idea 4) The US remains neutral in Iraqi affairs with the Kurds, Iran, Israel (well pro Palestine but way more Pro Israel; this is due to the holocaust causing the US to have a responsibility to Israel to have a special right to protect them etc )while at the same time, the US increases arms sells to any country who wants them (including Iraq), hoping that Iraq's enemies in the Middle East buy those weapons more than or instead of Iraq. Basically what the US did in the early part of World War I when they were neutral in that war. Basically like no fly zone the US tries to provoke Iraq into attacking them so the US has a justification for going to war with Iraq

Just like with World War I when the Germans attacked the US forcing the US to go to war with Germany, if and when Iraq attacked the US for selling weapons to the wrong country or faction (ie Western Middle East or the Kurds), then just like with World War I, the US would then go to war with Iraq, but as an associated ally of the anti Iraqi forces like the US was to the allies in World War I. 

So if the Iraq War was started like I wrote above and went down like that, the Iraq War from start to finish would have been seen as justified

Idea 5) Instead of going to Iraq, the US increases their troops and presence in Afghanistan, while closely monitoring the situations in Iraq

Idea 6) The Iraq War is used in some way to catch at least some of the people behind 9/11 (ie Al Qaeda),

Idea 7) The US creates something in Iraq which would have forced Saddam Hussein and Iraq to be an ally to the US like Saudi Arabia and its leaders were back then. This would also include getting Saddam Hussein to work with Iran to create a network from Iraq to Iran to catch and to stop Al Qaeda while preventing what would become ISIS (if they still formed without the Saddam Hussein being taken out and the war) and similar terrorist groups from forming in the first place.  

Idea 8) Instead of a war, the US wages a 'Cold War' against Iraq similar to the US's Cold War against the USSR.

Idea 9) The US sends people over to Iraq to do what they wanted there in a way that Ron Paul and other Libertarians would have approve of back then

The UN should have used peacekeepers against Iraq in the 1990s in place of sanctions. But those sanctions are defensible and non interventionist Liberal 2.0ers annoy me by opposing those sanctions

However sanctions were a very questionable move that may not have been effective to say the least (see Dick Cheney's comments on how sanctions never work though in his case he probably hates sanctions because sanctions prevent him from fully unleashing his imperialist warmonger wars at will)

Moreover if those sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s caused 9/11 I am really against those sanctions. Maybe corporate sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s would have been at least somewhat decent though. See this for more

The Gulf War was a justifiable war at least on the surface (which doesn't necessarily mean I support it). Yes it was typical Western warmongering but it was a complicated situation

But it was more justifiable than the Iraq War, Libyan War, Syria War etc   It was probably one of the least offensive wars in recent or modern times involving the US. That oil from the Gulf War helped me and my family and friends live comfortably in the 1990s and early 2000s. Not finishing the job in Baghdad in 1990 (or finding a different strategy or even objective in that situation) created the Iraq War mess 13 years later

At the very least , the Gulf War was like a bad parody of how the US plays policeman to the rest of the world deciding what foreign governments halfway across the world can and cannot do 

Good article on 9/11 here

I am against the way that Joe Biden handled Afghanistan .Biden botched the withdrawal of our troops in Afghanistan. But I could care less about something that has no effect on me like a botched pullout. 

I don’t want the US to ever use military action in Afghanistan or any country ever again unless the US is directly attacked by the Taliban or some other country and even then there would be a case to use UN peacekeepers instead of military action rebuttal.  

I don't want the US to overthrow the Taliban or to nation build in Afghanistan ever. I support a full US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

I do not support the Taliban and I don’t sympathize with their barbarism, but I am pleased to see Liberalism 2.0 and Globalism lose in Afghanistan. Afghanistan's humiliation will only have been worth it if it replaces its old paradigm with new thoughts (like adopting Left wing socioeconomic systems)

I expand on my Afghanistan views in these screenshots . Also I love this post and reactions to it 

I support the US supporting the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in their war against the Islamic State since the US doing so can redeem them from Joe Biden’s disastrous pullout and troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021

The Independent party did not steal the 2009 Afghanistan election from Abdullah Abdullah, since Russians and or Americans interfered in the 2004 Afghanistan election. 

As such, I don’t consider Hamid Karzai’s junta as valid so since in my eyes, Karzai was never President of Afghanistan, he couldn’t have stolen the 2009 Afghanistan election (since he was never President of Afghanistan in the first place in my view).  

I neutrally/morally impulsively supported the Afghanistan War. We should have pulled out of Afghanistan in 2011 (you know after they killed OBL?)

But I light heartily regret that I did.  Though maybe we should have never have went there at all (but it is hard to not see that it was justified). It was a textbook endless war with no clear objectives for victory

Instead why couldn’t the US have took out OBL like Chuck Norris’s character did in that movie. 

I am opposed to Neoconservatism and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, as both have inadvertently caused terrorist reprisals against Americans, such as the 9/11 attacks which that war was part of an ongoing cycle of such

In the 2000s, I was so bummed about the dehumanizing, Islamaphobic and reactionary persecution that Muslims got after 9/11 and about the Iraq War, I would have sympathized with (but obviously not agreed with) Krysten Sinema saying she doesn’t care if an American joined the Taliban (keep in mind Justin Trudeau has no problems welcoming back Canadians who fought for ISIS). 

But now I condemn her for those remarks since I came to my senses

I supported the Sunni Mujahideen in the 1980s (temporary - only supported them vs the Soviet Union during the Soviet-Afghan War) because I was a kid and blindly supported who the US supported

I was against the Swift Boat Veterans in their attacks on John Kerry in the 2000s but now I see John Kerry as Liberal 2.0 so I retroactively take back being against those Swift Boat attacks on him in the 2000s

I am apathetic nudged against the Vietnam War but I do know if I was around back then I would have been wary of supporting that war while probably turning against it once the 1970s arrived (though I am against some extreme anti war parts of the anti war movement like those treasonous kooky peacenik freaks who marched from Boston to the Pentagon in 1967 and I am against the hate that the veterans got from anti war people)  

So I am what I am about the Vietnam War but seeing all the extreme anti war sentiment makes me pro Vietnam War at times (even with me defending going to war with Vietnam rarely). Some extreme anti war protests and hatred of the troops in that war, along with draft deferments make me PO'd. 

I do think Jane Fonda was cool and sinister for her North Vietnam tank stunt (though I'd rather her be conservative and not done her traitor act in North Vietnam than her doing that traitor act in North Vietnam). She did apologize for it in 1988 so i forgive her.

The Vietcong were equally as bad as the USA in the Vietnam War

One of the major reasons I do not see the Vietnam War in a positive light and I am wary and critical of it is because it was a slippery slope war that began a slippery slope from the most justifiable war (WWII) to a war that was not justifiable at all (Korean War) but was still supported enough and still had some groupthink apologia attached to it (i.e 'Korean war is really finishing off the AXIS power Japanese') you couldn't speak out against it (but unlike WWII you got less blowback for doing so) When Vietnam War came after that, it was like 'ok now here is where I draw the line'

Sort of like 'I can accept the US being involved in WWII, I can spin the US being involved in Korea as rational or even move on from it and stop getting upset with it (i.e at least most of the Allies weren't involved in the Korean war, it lasted a few years only, no nukes were dropped on North Korea, the USSR thankfully supported North Korea which is the next best thing to them staying out of the Korean war etc) but the US being involved in Vietnam was something people like me refuse to extend the same courtesy we extended to WWII and even the Korean War to.  

Especially since the draft was brought back and the propaganda made this war as 'good vs evil' as WWII was framed as

Maybe if WW II and the Korean War hadn't proceeded the Vietnam War i would have been open hearted to at least be permanently alt neutral on that war instead of knowing nothing about it. It was technically an imperialist, warmongering, reactionary war but to each their own. 

I guess I believe that France should have had the role that the US had in the Vietnam War in the mid 1960s through the early mid 1970s. I believe that the US if they wanted to be less aggressive and more peaceful should have used these methods: https://www3.carleton.ca/csds/docs/occasional_papers/npsia-34.pdf  against Vietnam instead of sending in troops while the US should also have sent a few special force peace keepers (not military) into Vietnam to de esclate the war

I believe that Vietnam War could be seen by some people to have been at least somewhat justified (but not that I retroactively support it being waged). This is due to overlooked things.  

As with the Iraq War ,people don't realize how strong the pro war propaganda is in the US when wars like the Vietnam War and Iraq War break out. This leads people who wouldn't normally support those wars to falsely think being against said wars and supporting our troops in those wars are mutually exclusive (they are not)

One thing is the Vietnam War was fought to avoid another Korean War so by that definition , the Vietnam War wasn't as warmongering as the Korean War. By the US not going going full throttle on North Vietnam (which anti war people wanted to end the war quickly), it prevented a bigger war with China.  

The North Vietnamese were a hard ultra left government who killed hundreds of thousands of people, and the US may have needed to take them out for those reasons, and to that they needed to go to war with North Vietnam. 

It was a very winnable war for the US since North Vietnam wasn't as powerful an opponent as the MSM made them out to be.  The US had many vital interests there that were not reported so there was some legit reasons for that war too

Some people feel that former President JFK should never have helped overthrow the South Vietnam government in 1963, not only because to them  it showed he was a hypocrite by halting right wing coups but here enabling a left wing ,North Vietnamese coup. Overthrowing Diem weakened South Vietnam and made the US's eventual war there harder than it should have been.

Moreover, a few people say that domestic militant groups like Weather Underground, etc should have joined the US military and fought for us against North Vietnam, which would have given us more power to defeat them.

Many Vietnam soldiers were poor or working class and relied on each other instead of staying home and relying on the government to help them at a time when the tide of our country turned against them forcing them to fight 1 physical enemy (North Vietnamese) and what some call 1 mental enemy (anti war people at home). They fought with courage, and most of them did go to war despite the anti war ‘rhetoric’ in the US at the time

What if the US had gone full throttle on North Vietnam in the mid 1960s to end Vietnam War quickly without it leading to a war with China. If that would have happened as I wrote, there might have been no no need for anti war movements since the war would  have ended quickly. 

One good thing about the North Vietnamese is they weren't bigoted (since they were Left wing) and their policies on racial matters wasn't worse than the US (Muhammed Ali said the same thing)

I am against the nature of John Kerry’s opposition to the Vietnam War

I am disgusted with some of George Mcgovern’s proto Liberal 2.0 platforms and the drug , anti solider/military and commune nature of the 1960s counterculture along with minor critiques of that counterculture in other areas (like proto Liberal 2.0 actions by hippies) Though at least hippies had syncretic economic views which is based. I also like George McGovern being a populist and a Bernie type politician (but he was not as based as Bernie)

I don't believe that former President Ronald Reagan did enough to help Vietnam POWs/MIAs during his presidency and I support Ross Perot helping Vietnam POWs/MIAs in the 1970s and 1980s


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