Exh Africa

 Joe Biden should NEVER have removed Nigeria from the watchlist. Biden does not care about Christians dying. Shame on him . See this and this for more. I want Joe Biden to put Nigeria back on that watchlist 

I am against Joe Biden getting the US involved in Somalia. The US has no right to be in Somalia. What happens in Somalia is none of our business.  This is blatant imperialism, racism, Islamaphobia, colonialism and warmongering. The US has no right to be in Somalia.  Instead of taking care of us at home during inflation this piece of shit President invades Somalia . Anyone who supports Biden sending troops to Somalia is a racist, warmonger, imperialist, loser. 

You cannot be a leftist or Progressive and support the US sending troops to Somalia. Somalia is none of our damn business. The US should only focus on helping the US and maybe in some way in helping Israel and Ukraine (ways that meshes with my blogs)

This is the Military Industrial complex that former President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about.

Once again the US goes to countries they belong in to kill Muslims . The US continues to demonize Muslims as terrorists but since Biden is a racist now it is black Muslims in Somali

I can bring myself to spin the US being involved in Ukraine as justifiable but I absolutely would not do the same with the US being involved in Somalia. Shame on these US pigs. While the US being involved in Ukraine is not totally wrong the US being involved in Somalia is totally wrong in every way shape and form

See here , here, here, herehere for more. Also see here and here, herehere, here and here. Also see here and here. See here and here too See my Tweets on this here too

scruffington88 (CW) is a racist, Islamaphobic, warmongering imperialist from Dallas/Atlanta and he is brainwashed to support this evil war. This retard doesn't even know what a tankie is. To this turd anyone who doesn't support the US invading countries at will for no reason (like Somalia) is a 'tankie'. God hates CW

I am going to force congress and senate to pass a resolution to condemn the US's invasion of Somalia.

Not only am I a non interventionist now, but I was also a non interventionist (and Ronald Reagan supporter) as a kid in the 1980s when former President Ronald Reagan vetoed the UN economic sanctions against South Africa for apartheid . Reagan did that because he believed those sanctions were punitive, non constructive and also due to his ignorance of positive Marxism that rightfully was present in South Africa at the time. 

Remember, sanctions don't work most of the time if ever and that sanctions only hurt the people of those countries who are the oppressed (ie possibly the blacks in Apartheid South Africa) and should thus be used only in the extremist circumstances.  We want to build bridges not enflame situations.  

I guess it would have been pretty good if the US privately sent weapons to anti apartheid rebels the same way the US privately sent weapons to Iran during the Iran Contra affair (as an alternative) but back then that alternative to vetoing those UN economic sanctions never crossed my mind (since I was only as a kid)

Liberia was created as a haven for abused freed slaves and that is understandable. But that was technically American settler colonialism . Though some former slaves became elites in Liberia though


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