
Showing posts from April, 2023

Ethical prude

 From  here The Ethical Prude Before I end this essay, I would like to touch as promised on the figure of the Ethical Prude. If Easton and Hardy’s Ethical Slut is “a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice”, then the Ethical Prude lives her* life politically according to the radical feminist proposition that the thing called ‘sex’ under patriarchy is not nice. In ethics (ironically enough), we distinguish ourselves from sex moralism and in prudery, from compulsory sexuality. (* I say “her”, as I invite men who identify with this statement to describe themselves as pro-prude, or sex-negative feminist allies, rather than taking the label for themselves. Men may support the radical feminist movement but it remains an autonomous women’s movement; sex-negativity, likewise.) ‘Prude’ is another word I would like to see reclaimed, and one I am beginning to use for myself. Reclaimed, since it is already in use, as ‘loveisinfini

Bloggy navy https://fotrvtytfh



gender abolish rescue

I take a true left wing position on the Transgender issue.  I do not promote the gendered nomenclature practice because I do not want to bolster the oppressive inegalitarian gender construct. I want to abolish gender to end such oppression and spread egalitarianism Since some leftist, progressive and liberal trans rights activists promote the gendered nomenclature practice, which fulfills a conservative function in that it bolsters the oppressive, inegalitarian gender construct, such trans rights activists are indeed right-wing, regardless of whether they identify as such. Like all fauxgressives, they unwittingly advocate right-wing ideas under the false impression that they're actually progressive. Keep in mind that the term "right-wing" (which is synonymous with political conservatism) is ambiguous. Most broadly, conservatism seeks to maintain (or "conserve") the status quo, whatever it may be. Since the first class societies formed some 10,000 years ago and g

Psuedo/Synth left

 from  here  : "Firstly, the language of Left and Right is foreign to classical Marxism, which interpreted social contradictions in terms of objective class antagonisms, not with regard to the subjective differences of the political compass.  Secondly, Left and Right only emerged historically as the relative poles of bourgeois democracy, whose parliamentary terms only came into being and spread across the capitalist world to naturalize the bourgeois system of government.  Lastly, I emphasize how Marx’s theoretical originality manifested through a ruthless criticism of the left-wing politics of his time, namely, the various bourgeois and utopian schools of socialism and anarchism against which he sharpened his historical analysis of class society. Marxism, in my interpretation, gains its critical force by demystifying the Left’s habitual idealism, moralism, and utopianism, unhistorical tendencies marking the Left of Marx’s time and our own." BUT as its above-linked About page